The Jedi Academy. THE Place for Jedi training.
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Yes, it's sappy.
Nov 14 2010 05:45pm

 - Student
It may take a while, but eventually everyone to whom this applies will see it.
This was a very important place to Senor_Hat and I, growing up. We're 20 and 22 now, respectively, and we still think about the great times we had back the the days of The Academy. The countless weekends spent on TS, the servers and IRC will never be forgotten.
DJ, Doobs, you provided a sense of community that a lot of us (at least Hat and I) needed at the time, and I think it's about time you knew how important this place was (and still is) to a lot of people.
Eventually, the site may be gone, but the people to whom it mattered won't forget it.

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Dec 28 2010 04:57pm

 - Student

Well, I am horrendously old, 41, but my favorite gaming experience was Jedi Academy. I was in a couple clans, and of course part of this group, and truly miss it. So much so, that I just bought the game again.

The people, especially around here, were simply phenomenal.

We'll see if I can even remember how to play a PC game...darn you to heck xbox360!!

Dec 23 2010 01:11pm

 - Student

Everything I needed to learn in life, I learned from the JA.

Nov 24 2010 09:47am

 - Student

what no WHOOOSH! garos? I'm with everyone else, i agree with ya. We will always be a huge ass family. And I'm the brother who wears the padded helmet.

Nov 24 2010 05:52am

DJ Sith
 - Jedi Council
 DJ Sith

My car is made of Nerf.

Nov 16 2010 08:36am

 - Cosplay Nerd

Damn Garos way to make me feel old :P

Have to agree with everything said here though, the people I've met because of the JA have definitely influenced my life and broadened my view of the world. We can stop playing the games, but the friendships still go on.
A wizard did it.

Nov 14 2010 07:35pm

 - Jedi Master

Won't be gone for a long, long time, don't worry. :P

And hey Garos, long time no see. :)

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