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JK2 Mapping
Feb 18 2025 04:25pm

Preadator Kallata'n
 - Student
Preadator Kallata'n
There are a few people around here that wanna try out mapping or wateva, but can't always get through the tutorials. People that already map mite get stuck with something too. You could get forwarded to Dom, but he's never got the time to reply to that kinda mail for sum reason...

So, here looks like a nice place to set up for a community mapping discussion :) Better go grab those tent poles...
««¤¤¤{{PREÅÐÅT¤R ka¦¦ata'n}}¤¤¤»»

Founder of RSPCT (The Royal Society of the Prevention of Cruelty to Toasters)

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Jan 04 2003 11:29pm

 - Ex-Student

I can answer questions as well! :D
RIP Vlad

Jan 04 2003 10:24am

 - Student

kalheka, there is a sky for yavin, but i don't think its in the yavin textures. It doesn't give off light though. I think its sky/yavin.

Aeth, a person is actually a small bit taller than 64 units physically, but the game treats the size in most cases as 64 units. For instance, with force jump 3 you can "jump 8 times your height" or something like that. The actual jump height is 8 times 64 units.

I did an experiment, and I found that the lowest ou can make a ceiling without messing up the camera is 88 units off the ground.
The only thing better than playing JA is making JA levels!

Shadow Faction- a new JKII competition community center. Check it out at

Jan 02 2003 12:34pm

Aeth S'kray
 - Retired
 Aeth S'kray

i started playing wich rich diesels tutorial too... then i made a small testmap, thought i did a medium room and a HUGE room. what came out? atiny tiny room, you almost could not stand in, and a medium room like matrix. in another map i placed 8 stormtroopers close to each other (the sides of their icons in radiant touched) and entered the map. what happened? i saw only 2... but they respawned each 4 times. lol

i finally figured out that a player's height is about 64 units... am i right? and if you ever do a map and want to share it with another mapper-to-be, jus mail me the .map file ^_^
Aeth S'kray *June 2002 +September 2003

Jan 02 2003 12:10pm

 - Student

ok, thanks guys. Is there one for Yavin? Sorry to have to ask, but many times the program shows the names of stuff overlapping so much that I can't read it. Also, I did find out the exact size of a player model in the game by messing a little.
Death is only the beginning.

Jan 02 2003 10:16am

 - Student

Sorry I told you slightly wrong. Corran is right on the money. You do hit "s" not "n" while a single surface is selected to see where the texture is coming from. If it is a surface from the sky textures it should read something like "sky/bespin". Just type in "bespin/sky" and it will automatically look in the bespin texture set at the texture called sky. Likewise you could type in "bespin/floor" or any other known name of a texture without even loading the textures first and it will find it.
One of the Belouve boys

This comment was edited by ioshee on Jan 02 2003 10:17am.

Dec 31 2002 08:42am

 - Student

Kalheka, if you cant find SKY in the BESPIN textures, try going to the sky textures, then using the sky called "bright_light". Its a Bespin sky that emits a bright light.

Or, if you select the face of a brush, then hit s to open up the surface editor thingy (cant remember what its called) and type in "bespin/sky" then the surface you selected should be covered with bespin/sky, and the texture should be in the texure window with the others.

Also, you can get a scale of how big kyle (or any other player model) is in comparison to your map simply by putting in an info_player_start or an info_deathmatch. The size of those entities is only a tiny bit shorter than a player, and takes up about the same floor space.

The only thing better than playing JA is making JA levels!

Shadow Faction- a new JKII competition community center. Check it out at

This comment was edited by Kytor on Dec 31 2002 08:55am.

Dec 31 2002 06:16am

 - Student

Ok, I went looking that way, and for some reason I can't find a sky texture when I load that way. I have to load the sky textures in order to use one. I don't get it. :mad:
Death is only the beginning.

Dec 28 2002 08:30am

 - Student

Hey kewl, thanks for the advice ioshee :D I will give that a try
Death is only the beginning.

Dec 27 2002 10:01pm

 - Student

I did the same thing the first time I tried using the Bespin sky Kalheka. I found out that the problem was that I was using the texture called "Bespin" under the "sky" textures. The one that has light is one called "sky" under the "Bespin" textures. Confusing isn't it? Just load the "Bespin" textures and then look for one called "sky" so that when you look at the properties for the texture (by hitting the "N" key while you have it selected) it should say "Bespin/sky" at the top. I got so frustrated I finally made a map with about eight rooms connected by hallways. Each room just has a bridge and then one sky texture on all six sides. That way I can preview and compare eight different skies all at once.
One of the Belouve boys

Dec 26 2002 02:01pm

 - Student

So what do I need to do in order to get them to work? My first map is a test map, it uses the bespin sky, but it has no ambient light. I'm sure I did something wrong, but have no idea what.

Also, is there something I can put into the map that will give me some idea of how big the map is in relation to the characters? I mean something that gives me a better idea of the size of a map.
Death is only the beginning.

This comment was edited by Kalheka on Dec 26 2002 06:57pm.

Dec 25 2002 07:17pm

Preadator Kallata'n
 - Student
 Preadator Kallata'n

some of the sky shaders (such as yavin and bespin) emmit light. the light being emmited isn't 100% certain tho, and only works with some of the shaders (daytime shaders usually)
««¤¤¤{{PREÅÐÅT¤R ka¦¦ata'n}}¤¤¤»»

Founder of RSPCT (The Royal Society of the Prevention of Cruelty to Toasters)

Dec 25 2002 03:52am

 - Student

I don't think there was a lot of mappers for Team Fortress either, a very popular game. I could be wrong though.

Ok new one for me: Diesel's tutorial mentions sky lighting. I can't figure out what he's talking about. Somebody wanna try to explain it to me?
Death is only the beginning.

Dec 22 2002 09:28pm

 - Student

I find the LucasArts extraordinarily helpful, except that the search function has been disabled by the forum moderator. I've never been able to get an answer as to why this is, and it isn't in their Frequently Asked Questions either, although I'm sure it's a question people ask frequently.

Anyway, I'm still working on my first ever map, mainly because it's very time-consuming, but I've become fairly handly with Radiant and with ICARUS scripting (an absolute _must_ to learn if one wants to make cool SP maps).

Not to sound gloomy or anything, but one of the things that makes me worried that JK2 is dying is how few people post to any of the mapping forums.

Okay, I'll stop rambling now, but I reserve the right to start again.

Edit: I forgot to post the link to the LucasArts mapping forums:

My signature is only one line. You're welcome.

This comment was edited by JavaGuy on Dec 22 2002 09:29pm.

Dec 21 2002 10:24am

 - Student

I found in a thread at the jk2 forum that somebody else had that problem. Apparently there are 2 of them and 1 don't work. I picked the one that don't work.

Now I have a new problem that's got me going. I put in the info_player_start entity, but for some reason the game can't find it. I've had it happen on 2 of my tute maps, and can't figure out why.

The first map it happened on, I tried to put the spawn point on a platform above the floor, never did get it to work. Moved it to the floor and now it works.

The second one is my first attempt at water, I'm pretty sure the spawn point is properly placed, but the game can't find it. I wonder, is it because of the design having a hole designed into the floor for a well?
Death is only the beginning.

Dec 21 2002 09:54am

Preadator Kallata'n
 - Student
 Preadator Kallata'n

erm...lack of HDD space? i aint come across this 1 bfor...
««¤¤¤{{PREÅÐÅT¤R ka¦¦ata'n}}¤¤¤»»

Founder of RSPCT (The Royal Society of the Prevention of Cruelty to Toasters)

Dec 19 2002 07:07pm

 - Student

Thanks Dark Blade, and thanks Preadator :)

I figured out that my problem was forgetting to hold down ctrl, I was just hitting k, which comes up with the colors menu. LOL I figured out how to color lights easily enough anyhow.

Ok, new one, I tried to put the shield charger into the game, and radiant couldn't load it for some reason, so it didn't show up in the map when I compiled. I'm not sure why. Any guesses?
Death is only the beginning.

This comment was edited by Kalheka on Dec 19 2002 11:29pm.

Dec 19 2002 01:48pm

Preadator Kallata'n
 - Student
 Preadator Kallata'n

- place light (rite click>light)
- go rite click>info>info_null
- (with everything deselected) select the light, then the info_null and hit Ctrl+K

one spotlight :) probably needs a bit of tweaking to get it lookin jus how u want tho...
««¤¤¤{{PREÅÐÅT¤R ka¦¦ata'n}}¤¤¤»»

Founder of RSPCT (The Royal Society of the Prevention of Cruelty to Toasters)

Dec 19 2002 11:03am

(SKX) Dark Blade
 - Student
 (SKX) Dark Blade

A good guy to ask is Shadriss at the Mapping forum at
What is the difference between love and Herpes? Herpes lasts forever.
(CDC joke)
Padawans: Trad Redav, Darth Jello, Tallepyon, Shang Chi, Dopp, Karlin Duke, AuroN, Koushka, Damon, and Katan
Brother to Xanatos

Dec 19 2002 07:23am

 - Student

Ok, trying out Rich's tutes now, can't seem to make a spotlight, somebody help?
Death is only the beginning.

Dec 18 2002 09:20pm

 - Ex-Student

I'm become kind of a mapping's why I hadn't been in game much lately; too busy learning Radiant. I found this site to be REALLY helpful.

Dec 18 2002 07:46pm

Ulic Qel-Dromo
 - Ex-Student

I was doing decent with mapping and JK2 Radiant up untill the part where it crashes everytime I try to load an Item from the game (as oppossed to creating it).

Dec 18 2002 07:45pm

 - Student

I can map, check out Imperial Reactor duel map from yeah its not the best that i could of done but i was sick of working on it
Brady Brothers: Orion-Greg, Furi0us-Peter, Me-Bobby. Long lost cousin to Flash. Midbie Council #007. Ex-JAK.

Dec 18 2002 04:23pm

Preadator Kallata'n
 - Student
 Preadator Kallata'n

so ask them here then :P :)
««¤¤¤{{PREÅÐÅT¤R ka¦¦ata'n}}¤¤¤»»

Founder of RSPCT (The Royal Society of the Prevention of Cruelty to Toasters)

Dec 18 2002 04:08pm

 - Student

Only problem i have with forum surfing for stuff like that is you can end up either searching for a long time, or askinq redundant questions that irritate people.
Death is only the beginning.

Dec 18 2002 02:05pm

DJ Sith
 - Jedi Council
 DJ Sith

I have no clue how to map, but the folks at the jk2 mapping forums at may be able to help.
My car is made of Nerf.

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