The Jedi Academy. THE Place for Jedi training.
The Academy

(SKX) Dark Blade Daniel "(SKX) Dark Blade" B
Ex-Jedi Master

Location:  GA
Occupation:  student
AIM Screenname:  DannyMiller3
Padawan of:  MOTREC
Padawans  Trad Redav
Shang Chi
Karlin Duke
Last Comment:  News: !!! - Attention All Students and Faculty - !!!
Comments Made:  1390

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Jul 17 2011 08:35pm

 - Student

I wish I were in Vegas with yall!
Katan's Music Bruver :D

History will be kind to me, for I intend to write it. - Winston Churchill

Dec 22 2009 10:41pm

 - Student

Yo What up!? We seeing Holmes on Saturday Holmes?!
Katan's Music Bruver :D

History will be kind to me, for I intend to write it. - Winston Churchill

May 16 2009 03:04am

 - Student

rawr, i r the afterbirthz

Feb 22 2009 07:11pm

 - Jedi Council


Jun 24 2008 10:50pm

 - Student

Are you still kicking around here? I randomly dropped by today.
|"Evacuate? In our moment of Triumph? I think you overestimate their chances."|"hurray broccoli!" -Tarpman| |Godson to Carve|Ward of Flamori|Brother to Gunrow|

May 25 2008 04:55am

 - Student

db, DETENTION! now be around more and say stuff to me.

May 12 2008 05:56am

 - Student

not bad not bad:D
i broke my arm about 6 weeks ago and i just got the cast off friday so i'm even happier.:D
and i'm just trying to find some players that i used to play with to hop on to the servers with. So far i found like one person lol
but if you still have it on let me know and we can play a little.
how are things with you??
other then that things are doing well almost done with school:D

talk to you later bro

May The Force Be With You

Apr 16 2008 06:59am

 - Student

u around bro??
May The Force Be With You

Dec 25 2007 04:31pm

 - Staff

Happy Life Day! :)

How's John Hopkins DB?
"Do or do not, there is no try"
Jedi Master Yoda
Dual Saberist

Dec 21 2007 10:56pm

 - Nugget

4100 comment for you !! I LOVE YOU! STILL ..
If you add me to MSN, tell me who you are :P

Best Movie Character EVER!!

Aug 09 2007 04:48pm

 - Nugget

Of course i do! :D
If you add me to MSN, tell me who you are :P

Best Movie Character EVER!!

Jul 10 2007 10:37pm

 - Nugget

If you add me to MSN, tell me who you are :P

Best Movie Character EVER!!

Jul 10 2007 04:11pm

 - Student

like hi.

Jul 08 2007 03:09am

Luke Skywalker
 - Student
 Luke Skywalker

DEEBEE! Get on AIM sometime.

Hey I was trying to set up a server for JKA on one of my computers. (So I can torture anyone who comes on with gravity cmds, you rectum.) I don't suppose you could help me with that, could you? I get it set up, but people can't see it.
:alliance:Luke Skywalker:alliance:

Jun 24 2007 04:25am

 - Student

who's that behind you?

Honor those better than you would yourself.

Jun 14 2007 01:59am

JK13 /// jaws.
 - Student
 JK13 /// jaws.

Sorry mate, i saw your ims but usually by the time you had already signed off. I Have been buisy working most of this week so far, try contacting me in the evening
It's a false hologram, it IS artificial...

Jun 13 2007 12:30am

 - Student

S I guess were not playing in the first round then?:confused:

Honor those better than you would yourself.

Jun 11 2007 08:55pm

JK13 /// jaws.
 - Student
 JK13 /// jaws.

they seem to have changed the bracket, It looks as though you and I are pitted in the first round match. My profile has my contact info.
It's a false hologram, it IS artificial...

Jun 11 2007 01:20am

 - Student

How about 6:00 PST on Tuesday?
We have to get a referee too right?
Can you think of anyone that would maybe score the match in my favor?
j/k :D

Honor those better than you would yourself.

Jun 10 2007 07:01am

 - Student

Hey cool I don't have aim but I guess we could work it out through here eh?
Maybe this tuesday 11:00a.m. pacific time?
Just throwin it out there.
Have a better time?:)
Honor those better than you would yourself.

Jun 06 2007 03:54pm

Luke Skywalker
 - Student
 Luke Skywalker

Hahah, I'm still on Renegade's server in JKA. You need to stop your ass by! :P

I see you signed up for the JK2 tournament. Best of luck, and TRY to remember your stuff. :P It just might help.
:alliance:Luke Skywalker:alliance:

Jun 03 2007 02:15am

 - Academy Pimp


hi2u :cool:
Come on now, every Generation X boy wanted to be Luke Skywalker. Is it because he was a whiney farm boy from some backwater hack planet? No, it's because he was a FREAKING JEDI. He could block lasers with his lightsaber. He could levitate droids & rocks & crap with his mind. Come on, he choked two pig dudes with just a simple gesture. He cut off Darth Vader's hand and kicked him down a flight of stairs. He got his @$$ zapped by lightning from the geezer Emperor, stood up and said "s'at all you got b!tc#??"

Apr 05 2007 01:05am

 - Student

Hey hey, DB! Sorry I've been falling behind on my weekly "you rule" posts. Just got a bit inactive in the JA I guess. :eek:

Anyway, to make it up, I give you this:

:cool::cool::cool: Y O U * R U L E :cool::cool::cool:
:cool::cool::cool: Y O U * R U L E :cool::cool::cool::D
:cool::cool::cool: Y O U * R U L E :cool::cool::cool:
In the navy and LOVING it! :D

Recipient of comment no. 1000 and heart-warming words from Ataris! :)

This comment was edited by Thomasooo on Apr 05 2007 02:51am.

Mar 17 2007 07:40am

 - Student

hey man whats been up? how are you doing?
i've seen you come on to msn and then never talk:P
hope things are well.
talk to you later man

May The Force Be With You

Mar 05 2007 06:45am

 - Student

i'm good! i'm old and i have a mustache!

how about you!?!

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