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Saber colour
Jan 03 2025 07:55pm

 - Student
what colour is your saber in the game and why?

mine is red. I use it because I like being neutral, and I use light force powers. Kinda even each other out:)
Second-in-command of the mighty FiZZsters

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Mar 22 2003 03:27am

Plo Koon
 - Student
 Plo Koon


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Mar 14 2003 04:10pm

Lord Jaws
 - Student
 Lord Jaws

The colour of my saber changes with the person I play and the mood I am in, so it can reflect my personality, in a sort of way I think. some colours just fit with a specific player, and some don't.
One night, I was lying in my bed, looking up at the stars and I said to myself: "Where the h*** is my ceiling?!

Mar 14 2003 03:36pm

Jake Kainite
 - Student
 Jake Kainite

Can't beleive you just said that. Havn't you seen AOTC at least ?
Apprenctice of Jedi Master Ascari (deceased)
Descended from a line of great Jedi
Will argue any point of view from any side :D

Mar 14 2003 03:26pm

Luke Skywalker
 - Student
 Luke Skywalker

Hmm, doesn't Mace Windu have a blue lightsaber?
Ki Adi Mundi is the one who uses purple.
:alliance:Luke Skywalker:alliance:

This comment was edited by Luke Skywalker on Mar 14 2003 03:27pm.

Mar 14 2003 09:27am

 - Student

True, true.

btw, I like yellow too. It has the best glow.
Jedi Academy Holocron

Why should our government send our soldiers to foreign soil to protect freedom of speech, when our freedom of speech is being taking away everyday by the same government.

Mar 14 2003 03:48am

Jake Kainite
 - Student
 Jake Kainite

And ? Dooku didn't murder anyone, he jsut hurt people and was in charge of people who killed other people, if that makes sense :D

My little thing on saber colours isn't an all encompasing guide, and I'm sure you could find lots of continuity mistakes. Still it kinda makes sense as is the most accurate thing for anyone looking for saber colour meanings.
Apprenctice of Jedi Master Ascari (deceased)
Descended from a line of great Jedi
Will argue any point of view from any side :D

Mar 13 2003 07:35pm

 - Student

Purple/Violet - The color of seeing through illusion is purple. Truth in the face of lies, truth in the face of other truth. Those who specialize in this discipline can see through illusions and dispel them, or simply cause select others to see what is really there.

Mace is one of the only people to use a purple saber.

"Dooku is incapable of murder...he was once a Jedi."

Hmm? :P
Jedi Academy Holocron

Why should our government send our soldiers to foreign soil to protect freedom of speech, when our freedom of speech is being taking away everyday by the same government.

Mar 13 2003 01:45pm

Luke Skywalker
 - Student
 Luke Skywalker

Mainly because it looks great and it's obviously Luke's saber color from ROTJ. Whenever I'm using a different model like Jedi or Jedi Trainer, I use blue and when I use dark powers and a dark model, I'm of :)
:alliance:Luke Skywalker:alliance:

Mar 12 2003 07:00am

Fizz of Belouve
 - Student
 Fizz of Belouve

yellow rite now.

I just try to have a saber color thats different from all the others ;)

I am the one who _Has_ to swim against the stream all the time eheheh
One of the Belouve boys, founder of the mighty FiZZsters
Midbie council #20 - Fizz - #1933 - Jan '03 - Aug '04

"Renfield, you idiot!"

Mar 12 2003 03:32am

Jake Kainite
 - Student
 Jake Kainite

I laways use same skin same saber colour.

That being the hidden jedi skin (my little way of being unique although more people know it than I'd like)and yellow saber. I've always used yellow saber, even since JK1 came out (that was a real mans game !!!)and whichever jedi looking human skin I could find. I'm not racist against the alien jedi skins, they just don't suit my character. All the non jedi skins I think are an insult and a disgrace (not really but they are bit annoying and shouldn't be there, just my RPG'ing point of view)

If you scroll down on this post you should see my previous one about all the saber colour meanings. This isn't a difinitive guide and isn't set in stone but I think it fits quite well and sort of makes sense.
Apprenctice of Jedi Master Ascari (deceased)
Descended from a line of great Jedi
Will argue any point of view from any side :D

Mar 11 2003 09:25pm

 - Student

It depends on the model.

I use red, blue, and green the most.
Jedi Academy Holocron

Why should our government send our soldiers to foreign soil to protect freedom of speech, when our freedom of speech is being taking away everyday by the same government.

Mar 11 2003 05:45pm

 - Student

My saber is never the same. I pick color based on the model or skin i use. I use different skins ALOT. Say if am a wookiee i use orange and if i am a tusken raider i use blue. These colors i think look cool with these models.

Mar 10 2003 03:44pm

 - Ex-Student

I use a green saber with ethier Darth Sid, or Shadow Trooper, I'm thinking about making my own skin when I get un-lazy :P but for now I use mostly Darth Sid and green saber, or on pubs where ppl don't have the sid skin I use trooper.. it looks badass when its green and black coming @ u, and when u use some badass saber skills, act like you're untouchable(and prove it if needed) it just looks stupit-cool.. or wicked, or evil.. ethier way its hot, but I advise you not to copy me, there have been like 4 of us Sids in game with same color saber, it was ethier confusing or we swapped heated comments :P

This comment was edited by GrEmLiN on Mar 10 2003 03:45pm.

Feb 28 2003 03:37pm

 - Retired

Yellow, mainly because it looks nice with the blue ep1 Obi skin, although I am in the process of getting my own custom skin together as we speak.
I'm crazy, not stupid.

Feb 28 2003 01:13pm

 - Ex-Student

BLUe !

Feb 22 2003 08:48pm

Plo Koon
 - Student
 Plo Koon

Blue, "is the darkSide stronger?"-Luke Skywalker, "No,the DarkSide is never stronger"-Yoda
Free Tibet!
Click this link,and learn
Here too

Feb 21 2003 01:17am

A'Sharad Hett
 - Student
 A'Sharad Hett

Viking in training.

Ray: Good evening... as a duly appointed representative of the city, county and state of New York, I order you to cease any and all supernatural activity and return forthwith to your place or origin, or to the nearest convenient parallel dimension.
Venkman: That oughta do it. Thanks very much, Ray.

Feb 18 2003 07:29am

A'Sharad Hett
 - Student
 A'Sharad Hett

Orange: A'Sharad does not dally in the Dark Side!

However, more often than not these days, Red!
I don't know about you, but both Sharad's and A'Sharad's lightsabers look red to me in the Dark Horse material.
And it looks kewl!

I ain't color blind.

Am I?

Viking in training.

Ray: Good evening... as a duly appointed representative of the city, county and state of New York, I order you to cease any and all supernatural activity and return forthwith to your place or origin, or to the nearest convenient parallel dimension.
Venkman: That oughta do it. Thanks very much, Ray.

Feb 18 2003 01:36am

 - Ex-Student

Orange, because it was the colour Plo Koon had in Jedi Power Battles. Ever since that game was released, he's been like a Jedi Apollo to me. He's just bad, mmkay.

spirit's searing pain
battlefield of broken glass
fallen speak to me --Charon

Feb 16 2003 03:04pm

Preadator Kallata'n
 - Student
 Preadator Kallata'n

I use orange, to represent the balance between the Light Side and the Dark Side, and my place and purpose in that balance.

I do use green at times, but only if I'm in a state of heavy training for one reason or another.
««¤¤¤{{PREÅÐÅT¤R ka¦¦ata'n}}¤¤¤»»

Founder of RSPCT (The Royal Society of the Prevention of Cruelty to Toasters)

Feb 15 2003 10:14pm

TiTo (inactive)
 - Student
 TiTo (inactive)

I always use Orange saber color... And then the green Episode1 Obi-Wan model, or on NL, the Kia-Mundi or whatever it's called... :D
Jedi Academy Student
Not back yet... I'll come one day, I hope...
The madman formerly (and still) known as Tito!
Coming to take back my title as "Most insane 'person' in the JA"
It's the bizzi, wizza, jizzi, Wizzil, Bizon, wizzay, Wizzat, fizzil ¶°TiTo°¶ - All work and no play makes Tito burn the bacon!:) - Officially cured from spamming!!!

Feb 15 2003 08:59am

Lord Exar Kun
 - Student
 Lord Exar Kun

um, what kind of reaction is that? if you don't like the topic, you can just as well not post here. You should work on your attitude I'm afraid. No need to upset people.
-Retired april the 19th 2004

Feb 15 2003 08:13am

 - Ex-Student

omfg what a useless topic. ppl must be really bored to bother with this. I know I am.


Feb 09 2003 07:27am

 - Student

Erm well mine depends on what model i use, i pick the colour according to which model i use. So my changes with my skin.
~Arca Jeth~

Feb 09 2003 05:52am

 - Student

I like to use Orange. Not sure why. I also use the Wookie skin most of the time. But only coz i can't find an ewok. If anyone knows of an ewok skin please tell me.

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