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JA Gossip
May 05 2003 04:12pm

Jacen Aratan
 - Student
Got some juicy news about JA members? Post them here! But it have to be related to a JA member. Or two.....

Just to annoy Luke and Chicka (mostly Luke) let's revive that rumor about those two on the servers, doing..... well, anyone remember the link? Then the rest can see for themself..... :D

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May 12 2003 01:55pm

Jacen Aratan
 - Student

Damn Rampage, can't argue with that...... j/k ;)

May 12 2003 01:47pm

 - Student

i heard that the girl with whatever thing is really jacen's mother

edit: jacen, j/k only, no meaning to hurt u.....much

This comment was edited by Rampage on May 12 2003 01:48pm.

May 12 2003 06:49am

Jacen Aratan
 - Student

Well, I think we can all agree that if anyone should know how that is, it must be Monthy... :P

May 12 2003 12:14am

 - Nugget

oh i also heard that jacen is a chick wiv a dick! oerrrrrrrr brings a new meaning to the saying go **** ... well u know the rest :P
If you add me to MSN, tell me who you are :P

Best Movie Character EVER!!

May 12 2003 12:12am

 - Nugget

i heard monty is good looking model :D and is loaded!!! with a great car and a helicopter!!! I BELIEVE THIS TO BE TRUE!
If you add me to MSN, tell me who you are :P

Best Movie Character EVER!!

May 11 2003 07:13pm

Jacen Aratan
 - Student

Damn cats revealed my secret! *meep*

May 11 2003 04:54pm

 - Student

i heard Jacen Aratan is really a mutated mouse!

May 11 2003 04:43pm

Jacen Aratan
 - Student

We have just received some news: Jacen Aratan is now the most generally hated person, of those still a member in the Academy.

May 09 2003 01:54am

Nemesis Nova
 - Student
 Nemesis Nova

erm.....ULIC where did you get thos infos?? youll get killed for that
*gets a piano cord out and strangles Ulic to death*

there ya go short and sweet

BTW Yes Belouves are genitically engeniereed ppl

*runs away giggling*
Stop with the stupid sigs would you?

Yea sure, why not, i'll stop asking myself things too...

May 09 2003 12:40am

Hector Thrawn
 - Ex-Student
 Hector Thrawn

oh, so thats what that is, and here i was thinking it was something else. also explains where it came from!

i heard that ulic lost his lightsaber, and then there was another one that said he never had one to begin with....

May 09 2003 12:16am

 - Ex-Student

I heard that if you play JK:Outcast on our servers, you'll get herpies!

May 08 2003 09:46pm

 - Student

i hear that there is a army being made:alliance:
no try only do or not do

This comment was edited by Por-ta on May 08 2003 09:47pm.

May 08 2003 03:19pm

Fizz of Belouve
 - Student
 Fizz of Belouve

thats some serious gossip ;)

I heard all the belouves are genetically engineered human, but they were stolen and luckily managed to escape. the word "belouve", however triggers a basic instinct to feed, mate, reproduce.... thats why there is so many of them....

and I heard DJ Sith himself was in a pub last night and didnt drink OldEnglish !! what a shame DJ ! ;)
One of the Belouve boys, founder of the mighty FiZZsters
Midbie council #20 - Fizz - #1933 - Jan '03 - Aug '04

"Renfield, you idiot!"

May 08 2003 03:10pm

Ulic Belouve
 - Student
 Ulic Belouve

I heard Chosen One is hiding Weapons of Mass Destruction.

And I heard that the Jedi Security Council isn't making any decisions about this. But there is a clear and imminent threat posed by such a dictator as Chosen.

I also hear that Nemesis Nova was putting together a grand army to oust this repressive regime, lead by Chosen One, and install a leadership that is a beacon for democracy.

And I merely voted Chosen into office because I heard Whispy was carrying his clone child. I just didn't want Chosen One Jr. (would that be Chosen Two?) to have a father with no job.

But maybe the child will hide in some forsaken desert, or desert planet, rise up someday, and lead an attack against some monstrous WMD of Chosen One's.

But that's all I heard.
Jedi do not fight for peace. That's only a slogan, and is as misleading as slogans always are. Jedi fight for civilization, because only civilization creates peace.

May 07 2003 04:41pm

Jedi Deity
 - Ex-Student
 Jedi Deity

When i was one the home server i was using force seeing an i saw two people were having lightsaber sex they used mind trick so i couldn't see them before, but they were in a dark corner in one of the dueling rooms, it was very disturbing and it hurt me mentally. I knew people love the game but i didn't know that they love it this much!! If you were in the academy on tuesday about 7 then you may have seen it.....they could be anywhere someone stop this now because if it gets out of hand Jedi's might get....r..ra..raped

*Jedi Deity runs away with hands waving wildy in the air.*

if you're in a fair fight, you didn't plan it properly

This comment was edited by Jedi Deity on May 07 2003 04:41pm.

May 07 2003 02:14pm

Nemesis Nova
 - Student
 Nemesis Nova

I heard that we had some one with mental problems here
*looks at DJ*

and one with 3 arms and no p.

*looks at massadoobie*
Stop with the stupid sigs would you?

Yea sure, why not, i'll stop asking myself things too...

May 07 2003 02:06pm

Jacen Aratan
 - Student

I have heard that Jacen have a serious deathwish.... :D

May 07 2003 02:00pm

 - Student


'...its better to light a candle, than cursing the dark,...' -> 0_<

May 07 2003 12:15pm

 - Student

/me falls off my chair laughing

I heard tell that Dreadlord has NO life other than his computer...and that he sometimes refers to himself in the third person.

This comment was edited by Dreadlord on May 07 2003 12:16pm.

May 07 2003 12:00pm

Luke Skywalker
 - Student
 Luke Skywalker

Jacen....7 days ;). Hope you didn't watch the Ring :P
:alliance:Luke Skywalker:alliance:

May 07 2003 07:26am

Jacen Aratan
 - Student

Hooray, massacre for everyone!

Btw, congratulations to Chicka for becoming a JAT, now the happy couple is both JAT's.... :D

J/k, please don't kill me, it's not my fault I'm this [insert appropiate word]. Show mercy!

HA! I fooled you! So long suckers! :P

*Steals the Millenium Falcon and sets course for the Unkown Regions*


May 07 2003 06:04am

Hector Thrawn
 - Ex-Student
 Hector Thrawn

dang it vaughn, why did you say that? now we have to kill you... and everyone that saw your post, and their family, and their country, oh what the earth, we're evil right? lets just kill everything!!! :empire:

May 07 2003 05:40am

 - Student

i dont know where, but i heard that Ulic and Hector dont infact live near eachother... they just pretend to. But, infact, they are long lost twins, sent to earth by the demon himself..
erm; random alert
When you become an actor, you become the person, and you dont act anymore. You just are.
- Tyler HP, Taught by Mr G Simpson

May 07 2003 04:46am

Ulic Belouve
 - Student
 Ulic Belouve

I heard Acey covers up a dark secret with his strange cat pics...

He has yet to accept that he IS a cat. A genetic experiment gone wrong.

And I heard that one of Hector Thrawn's multiple personalities was an Ewok. I remember him pulling those stunts.
Jedi do not fight for peace. That's only a slogan, and is as misleading as slogans always are. Jedi fight for civilization, because only civilization creates peace.

May 07 2003 03:50am

Acey Spadey
 - Student
 Acey Spadey

I know someone who made Ulic crap his pants..

<---------- that person
.Lag Bro to Xanatos. Adopted Twin to Bubu. Big-Brother to SmilyKrazy ---- JATSRAD Guru, JASE Member, JA SP Mod Staff ---- The Order of the Stick -- Big thanks to Mango for my avatar -- Quote:
Sometimes you've got to specifically go out of your way to get into trouble. It's called fun.
(Random hella old quote) <Fizz of Belouve> .. in sovjet russia, cereals spit at YOU!
whats the point of growing up, if your not allowed to act childish!
Padawan - Henkes

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