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Greatest villain
Jul 31 2003 04:45pm

 - Student
I constantly get into arguments about this on home server, so I want to put the issue to rest. Who is your all-time favorite SW villain?
|"Evacuate? In our moment of Triumph? I think you overestimate their chances."|"hurray broccoli!" -Tarpman| |Godson to Carve|Ward of Flamori|Brother to Gunrow|

Greatest villain?

vote results

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Aug 08 2003 06:11pm

 - Ex-Student

Well... Tarkin was overconfident that the death star could not be destroyed and paid the price for it. Thats not brave it's stupid. Vader got out in his TIE advanced and took out half the rebels. (maybe not half, but a bunch of 'em anyway).
Tarkins okay (weak and stupid as he was) but Vader could kill him with not so much as a gesture.
I rest my case.:P
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32 bit extensions and a graphical shell for a 16 bit patch to an 8 bit
operating system originally coded for a 4 bit microprocessor, written
by a 2 bit company, that can't stand 1 bit of competition.

This comment was edited by Crunchy on Aug 08 2003 06:11pm.

Aug 07 2003 04:19am

 - Student

Lol tarkin sucked.

Aug 06 2003 11:33pm

 - Student

I think palpatine is the greatest villian because he made clones of himself incase he was ever killed, then he could come back and continue his destruction with the Death Star!!! :)
-ShadowSith: CTF/gunner specialist.

Aug 06 2003 03:03pm

Plo Koon
 - Student
 Plo Koon

Darth Vader the biggest baddest and BEST villian of all time
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This comment was edited by Plo Koon on Aug 06 2003 03:03pm.

Aug 04 2003 08:29pm

 - Student

You're right, Jacen...go, bask in the glory of being the first person to correct me :D

@windu: I'm talking really CLASSIC villains ;)
|"Evacuate? In our moment of Triumph? I think you overestimate their chances."|"hurray broccoli!" -Tarpman| |Godson to Carve|Ward of Flamori|Brother to Gunrow|

Aug 03 2003 04:57pm

 - Ex-Student

My favorite Bad dude: Darth Maul...
You should add him to the poll, youd get big results...
"I am... the KILLA!!!"

Aug 03 2003 04:50pm

Rei D'Kana
 - Ex-Student

The one with the bad breath (beeing Vader :) )

Aug 02 2003 10:01am

 - Student

Erm, would you kill someone who was the only guy able to control and commander the Death Star at that time? :D
Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force will free me.
-The Code of The Sith

Aug 02 2003 08:18am

Jacen Aratan
 - Student

*goes back to plotting his conquest of the fridge*

Aug 02 2003 12:39am

 - Student

Jacen is soooooo smart.;)

Aug 01 2003 08:04pm

Jacen Aratan
 - Student

LucasArts? LucasArts makes computer games, you're thinking of LucasFilm.... :P

Aug 01 2003 08:02pm

 - Student

But Tarkin is so POWERFUL! (not in the force sense, I admit) He was one of only four men -the others being Palpy, Obi-Wan, and Watto-who ever got to boss Vader around (although the latter did not do so in his final form). He is incredibly ruthless. After all, he blew up Alderaan during a routine prisoner interrogation. It's scary to think what this guy would've done with the force. I was disappointed in Lucasarts for killing him after about 2 hours-he had SO much potential!
|"Evacuate? In our moment of Triumph? I think you overestimate their chances."|"hurray broccoli!" -Tarpman| |Godson to Carve|Ward of Flamori|Brother to Gunrow|

Aug 01 2003 05:43pm

 - Student

Vader, he's really evil. Palpy is runner-up and very close, but Vader is the greatest. And I mean Vader from ANH, not the Vader afterwords. He got mushy, when he started to hunt Luke. Palpy was always doing everything for himself, but never moved a single finger, Maul, Dooku and Vader did it all. Besides, everybody knows Vaders breathing and his voice, it gives him the number one place in coolness factor (atleast in my book). Come on, he exterminated almost all the Jedi, alone. Remember, that they were his brothers or such, well it was a knighthood after all. Why did they hid his kids? Because he would make them killer machines, like himself. He was no manipulator, but look what he did to Leia in ANH (interrogation).

Yeah, I am a Vader fan. ^_^

I vote Jacen the most evil person in the JA universe :D
Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force will free me.
-The Code of The Sith

This comment was edited by Demon on Aug 01 2003 05:43pm.

Aug 01 2003 10:23am

Flamori Athena
 - Student
 Flamori Athena

Well Jacen, you are the One Who Sucks For A Fourteen Year Old, even Palpatine can't do better than that! :P
«±» 21st on the Midbie Council, Profile ID: 2027 «±»
True wisdom is the knowledge that you know nothing.

Aug 01 2003 10:20am

Jacen Aratan
 - Student

This is very flattering. ^_^

Aug 01 2003 10:13am

Flamori Athena
 - Student
 Flamori Athena

I vote for Jacen!
«±» 21st on the Midbie Council, Profile ID: 2027 «±»
True wisdom is the knowledge that you know nothing.

Aug 01 2003 08:24am

 - Ex-Student

lol Jacey... i'm still here... i got a couple of hours...

ya mean Flash's comment? lol... yeah... i still need some proof of ur villainess ;)

hehe... anyway, voted for Palpy as well... He IS the greatest villain ever. And a sly villain he is :cool:
Your friends of today, are your enemies of tomorrow.

Jul 31 2003 09:37pm

Jacen Aratan
 - Student


Thanks, mate. Too bad cmad went on vacation, he'd love to see this comment.... :D

Jul 31 2003 09:35pm

 - Student

I voted for Jacen.:)

Jul 31 2003 09:17pm

Jacen Aratan
 - Student

I voted for Palpy... just look at him... he plays his little political games and fools the whole Republic.

Yeah, Vader is cool with his intimidation-factor, but remember, even Vader fear the Emperor. Just one little word from that raspy voice of his and a planet can be destroyed.

PS: Sauron pwns them all! :P

This comment was edited by Jacen Aratan on Jul 31 2003 09:17pm.

Jul 31 2003 08:41pm

 - Student

Oh hell yeah, don't get me wrong; Fett is the shiznit. But I think there are several factors to a badguy... of course, there's the coolness factor. Maybe.. just MAYBE I'll admit Fett beats Vader on that one. But there's also the practicality factor: their ability to be evil and cause terror on a whim. Stemming from that somewhat, the evil factor. And of course, the sheer intimidation factor. Personally, I think Vader wins on those last three counts. Sure Fett is kinda evil but.. Vader kills his own people. He has a Super Star Destroyer, for cryin' out loud, that helps him cause terror -just a tad-. And intimidation? Christ, look at the guy.

Jul 31 2003 07:52pm

 - Student

lol, true true. I agree it's close between the two, but I still think the fact that Boba can do what he does without even using the force is amazing enough. If he ever was to wield the darkside, darkness may befall us all. (Grip or persuasion would be a great way to collect bounties :)
I must not fear . Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear . I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.
Gom gom gom gom gom!

Jul 31 2003 07:19pm

 - Student

To answer that question I would say... a guy who can kill you from across an entire imperial task force fleet with nothing more than a thought and a gesture.

[edit: plus he got schooled by a blind pilot]

This comment was edited by Carve on Jul 31 2003 07:19pm.

Jul 31 2003 06:00pm

 - Student

I'd say Boba because he's got all the intimidation of Vader but his intimidation isn't force based. What's more scary then a guy who could take on Jedi and put up a good fight without using the force?
I must not fear . Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear . I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.
Gom gom gom gom gom!

Jul 31 2003 05:15pm

 - Student

Tarkin was an awesome villain I admit. He could totally have done a spinoff lol
But I'm going to have to go with Vader. I'm convinced he's the best villain in -any- movie, actually. He's intimidating, he's omnipresent and omnipotent, he's got it where it counts in mind, body, and moolah..

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