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The Last and Final Word 2 ......
Oct 10 2003 08:02am

Rei D'Kana
 - ex-Student
Cuz our nice admins closed the thread we reopen it here :D. and PLEASE admins, if you want to take place in it. Please do not use permanents or what so ever. We have a similar post running in LoW and it has like over 1000 replies now (I think been a while since I checked) So plz plz plz plz plz plz pretty plz, no admin abuse :)

My WORD! :)

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Jan 12 2004 11:49am

Lackeh- Retired
 - Student
 Lackeh- Retired

mine now
A champion is someone who keeps getting up; even when they can't.
Founder Of the Jedi Academy Adlut Support Group.
Padawan of Katan. Brother to MOTREC, DarkDragon, (SKX)DarkBlade, Jacen Aratan, Achilles, Kool_Aide, EvilSquirrel, and Katan's Padawans.

Jan 12 2004 11:10am

Lord Jaws
 - Student
 Lord Jaws

One night, I was lying in my bed, looking up at the stars and I said to myself: "Where the h*** is my ceiling?!

Jan 12 2004 01:37am

Lackeh- Retired
 - Student
 Lackeh- Retired

/me creates a wall that tarp runs into knocking himself unconcious, then takes the word.

I'm a wizard in my spare time.
A champion is someone who keeps getting up; even when they can't.
Founder Of the Jedi Academy Adlut Support Group.
Padawan of Katan. Brother to MOTREC, DarkDragon, (SKX)DarkBlade, Jacen Aratan, Achilles, Kool_Aide, EvilSquirrel, and Katan's Padawans.

Jan 12 2004 01:28am

 - The Tarped Avenger

/me throws a gigantic trout at Lackey, steals it, activates force speed (yes, i'm a tech wh*re), and RUNS RUNS RUNS!!

Quod erat demonstrandum, MINE! :D
Saving the world, one kilobyte at a time.

This comment was edited by tarpman on Jan 12 2004 01:29am.

Jan 11 2004 10:57pm

Lackeh- Retired
 - Student
 Lackeh- Retired

A champion is someone who keeps getting up; even when they can't.
Founder Of the Jedi Academy Adlut Support Group.
Padawan of Katan. Brother to MOTREC, DarkDragon, (SKX)DarkBlade, Jacen Aratan, Achilles, Kool_Aide, EvilSquirrel, and Katan's Padawans.

Jan 11 2004 09:07pm

Lord Jaws
 - Student
 Lord Jaws

knocks down Wolfwood with a bat. MiNe again.
One night, I was lying in my bed, looking up at the stars and I said to myself: "Where the h*** is my ceiling?!

Jan 11 2004 06:29pm

 - Student

*Tackles enialis just before reaching the 'far away' and steals word*

~ Honor is a fool's prize. Glory is of no use to the dead ~

Jan 11 2004 06:07pm

Enialis K'tarr
 - Student
 Enialis K'tarr

*Steals the word, and run a long, long way, to a galaxy far far away....
Enialis K'tarr

<Do not give in to your anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering and suffering leads to the dark side> Yoda-
Brother in arms to Shadow Hunter, Name brother to Nitrous

Jan 11 2004 12:46pm

Lord Jaws
 - Student
 Lord Jaws

ey you dropped the word, ow well
One night, I was lying in my bed, looking up at the stars and I said to myself: "Where the h*** is my ceiling?!

Jan 11 2004 12:32pm

 - Student

*trips lackey and takes the word and runs* MINE! :P
Axion - Yeah.

Jan 11 2004 11:37am

Lackeh- Retired
 - Student
 Lackeh- Retired

/me watches as lancer flys into a woodchipper and takes the word as it falls from his hand.
A champion is someone who keeps getting up; even when they can't.
Founder Of the Jedi Academy Adlut Support Group.
Padawan of Katan. Brother to MOTREC, DarkDragon, (SKX)DarkBlade, Jacen Aratan, Achilles, Kool_Aide, EvilSquirrel, and Katan's Padawans.

Jan 10 2004 11:46pm

 - Student

*Starts flying on the firebolt* wooooohoooo now it's mine.:)

Jan 10 2004 11:23pm

 - Student

Discovers not so sneaky Lord Jaws...hah! busted!

My word!:P

This comment was edited by Rosie on Jan 10 2004 11:23pm.

Jan 10 2004 10:11pm

Lord Jaws
 - Student
 Lord Jaws

Me sneeky takes the word.
One night, I was lying in my bed, looking up at the stars and I said to myself: "Where the h*** is my ceiling?!

Jan 10 2004 04:04pm

 - Student

/me looks around..
/me holds a gun up to thomas
/me takes the word


This comment was edited by Xavier on Jan 10 2004 04:05pm.

Jan 10 2004 04:04pm

 - Student

Myyyyyy word! :D
In the navy and LOVING it! :D

Recipient of comment no. 1000 and heart-warming words from Ataris! :)

Jan 10 2004 03:09pm

 - Student

it is?, look again :)
~ Honor is a fool's prize. Glory is of no use to the dead ~

Jan 10 2004 01:46pm

 - Student


um...wait, i lost it...NOOO

*grabs it*

- Even if Carlsberg made "w*nkers", Christiano Ronaldo would still be the biggest "w*nker" in the world

Jan 10 2004 01:42pm

Lord Jaws
 - Student
 Lord Jaws

One night, I was lying in my bed, looking up at the stars and I said to myself: "Where the h*** is my ceiling?!

Jan 10 2004 12:39pm

Lackeh- Retired
 - Student
 Lackeh- Retired


sprays you in the eyes with mace, takes word

A champion is someone who keeps getting up; even when they can't.
Founder Of the Jedi Academy Adlut Support Group.
Padawan of Katan. Brother to MOTREC, DarkDragon, (SKX)DarkBlade, Jacen Aratan, Achilles, Kool_Aide, EvilSquirrel, and Katan's Padawans.

Jan 10 2004 11:43am

Bail Hope of Belouve
 - Student
 Bail Hope of Belouve

while you did that to CuZza, I pickpocket you
the word is now MINE :D:P
Visit the Belouve Family Website!
I try to have fun with my friends and try to make a difference as best I can. What does making a difference mean? Well, it can be as simple as saying hello, answering a question that seems obvious or heck, just talking. -- Vladarion

Want to know Vladarion? Read the Article about his life here.

Jan 10 2004 11:40am

Lackeh- Retired
 - Student
 Lackeh- Retired

/me pulls cuzza's shirt over his head and gut checks him. My word.
A champion is someone who keeps getting up; even when they can't.
Founder Of the Jedi Academy Adlut Support Group.
Padawan of Katan. Brother to MOTREC, DarkDragon, (SKX)DarkBlade, Jacen Aratan, Achilles, Kool_Aide, EvilSquirrel, and Katan's Padawans.

Jan 10 2004 10:06am

 - Student

/me comes out of somewhere and takes the word

- Even if Carlsberg made "w*nkers", Christiano Ronaldo would still be the biggest "w*nker" in the world

Jan 10 2004 07:32am

Lackeh- Retired
 - Student
 Lackeh- Retired

/me comes out of nowhere and takes the word.
A champion is someone who keeps getting up; even when they can't.
Founder Of the Jedi Academy Adlut Support Group.
Padawan of Katan. Brother to MOTREC, DarkDragon, (SKX)DarkBlade, Jacen Aratan, Achilles, Kool_Aide, EvilSquirrel, and Katan's Padawans.

Jan 09 2004 07:48pm

 - Student

*COUGH* mine
Axion - Yeah.

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