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JK2 owns JK3!!
Feb 12 2004 02:31pm

 - Student
That's right! It always has, and it always will! Who's with me?! :alliance:
In the navy and LOVING it! :D

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JK2 or JK3?

Smily rules is implied in every option. :)

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Jun 01 2004 07:39am

 - Ex-Student

Okay here's the deal:

I started playing JK2 again... JKA is all flashy and with cool moves, many things to do; it's a great game that needs great patching :P :D JK2 is more simple, and to the point ;) JK2 is WAY better than JKA in SP. In MP: both are great; JKA is cool and with all the nice gfx, but JK2 is simply a better way of spending your time IMO :)

And no, I don't think JKA dueling requires less technique than JK2 dueling. See, in order to avoid the spammed moves (either by staff, dual or even standard saber users), you have to develop your own defense system... Nothing can be achieved w/o technique; at least not for long.
Your friends of today, are your enemies of tomorrow.

May 30 2004 12:59am

Plo Koon
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 Plo Koon

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May 30 2004 12:23am

 - Student

jk2 fighting demands more skill . In ja you can just spamm certain attack and get annoying and win duels.


jk3 has more stuff to do.The spawning, new vehicles , swoop bike races etc.
So i think jk3 is better ( Yes i have played jk2 lot so dont plz start saying : bah u never played jk2 etc)
hmmmm cant wait for jk4 :P:P
'** I hated going to weddings. All the grandmas would poke me saying "You're next". They stopped that when I started doing it to them at funerals.**'
'**On going to war over religion: "You're basically killing each other to see who's got the better imaginary friend.**"
'**I Dont Lie! I Just Bend And Illustrate The Truth A Little**' - By me when talking to a friend.

This comment was edited by VirusD on May 30 2004 12:23am.

May 29 2004 08:00pm

 - Student

no way jk2 owns jk3,jk2 is thi best game!!
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

May 28 2004 06:52am

Blitzer S'Mena
 - Ex-Student
 Blitzer S'Mena

no way jk3 owns jk2,jk3 is thi best game!!:D
It's better to die on your feet, rather than live on your knees.

May 25 2004 11:08pm

Plo Koon
 - Student
 Plo Koon

JK2 owns Jk3 in SP......AND IN MP! :cool:
Free Tibet!
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May 25 2004 06:30am

 - Ex-Student

Damn right JK2 owns JKA any time in SP... But I like JKA better in MP, probably due to the mods... And yeah I agree with Fizz, JKA needs serious patching.
Your friends of today, are your enemies of tomorrow.

May 25 2004 12:30am

Fizz of Belouve
 - Student
 Fizz of Belouve

aw I have to agree with rikard here.

although JK3 really really needs patching.

the more moves are a good addition, as well as the mana-cost for special moves.
One of the Belouve boys, founder of the mighty FiZZsters
Midbie council #20 - Fizz - #1933 - Jan '03 - Aug '04

"Renfield, you idiot!"

May 24 2004 01:35pm

Eclipse DKana
 - Student
 Eclipse DKana

Lies Rikard!

May 23 2004 02:41pm

Jawa Rikard Falk
 - Ex-Student
 Jawa Rikard Falk

well jk2 owns jk3 in sp:cool:. jk3 ownZ jk2 in mp;).
bye all i had a great time here i will never forget it i really gonna miss u all

May 10 2004 09:41am

Plo Koon
 - Student
 Plo Koon

t0t4l 0w/V4g3!
Free Tibet!
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Apr 25 2004 12:32pm

 - Ex-Student


JK3 is good, but JK2 is better.
Fizz: Omg, one of aratans paddies :P

Bro to: Jacen Aratan, D@RtHM@UL, Sednox And Bail *w00t* :D !

Darkwood: There is no luck in JK2, only when Jacen wins a duel :D

Apr 23 2004 04:12pm

Seth C. Belouve
 - Student
 Seth C. Belouve

I love Borlaths comment about JK3 merely being an expensive expansion pack, It would have been ground breaking if it had been the way he described it, being able to take classes and utilizing and perfecting certain aspects of the force, there would be very few two jedi the same, it would be insane...and beautiful. The big thing for me is, I have on my desktop backround one made for JK:JA, and it reads acrossed it (note I downloaded this from LucasArts webpage) "You Will Not Leave these Halls as you Entered them!".....IT WOULD HELP IF WE HAD BEEN IN THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE lol:D

As for the stances I mentioned before, I train in a form of Tai Chi that utilizes the Katana and I could name at least three more stances that would be perfect with a lightsaber. If only LucasArts could read this...*sigh*

Look unto me for I possess the blue flag!! It is more beautiful then I ever imagined! You will now worship me as if I were a god! *smack, dies* I regret nothing, I lived as few men dared dream!!
Red Guy from Red Vs. Blue Series

This comment was edited by Seth C. Belouve on Apr 23 2004 04:14pm.

Apr 22 2004 05:16pm

 - Student

One Day, it will all end.

Apr 19 2004 08:20pm

 - Student


Apr 18 2004 10:46am

 - Ex-Student

for JK4 what I suggest is not adding the duel or double sabers, but simply more elegant stances for the single saber

Here here! More stances would be the thing.
I especialy dont like double saber for some reason. :mad:
Down with Staff and Double, and up with Standardsaber with lotsof stances! :D
.: Perry aka Whatever :..: Da smart guy - from time to time :.

This comment was edited by Perry on Apr 18 2004 02:36pm.

Apr 16 2004 11:14pm

 - Student

I think that, JK2 doesnt Own jk3, though, JK3 doesnt seems to have that Jedi Knight feeling, its just like its all just walls of plastic. Too many moves are done for you Y'know, Its not like the old days on jk2, where it took skills of your own to make such attacks. Jk3 is fun, but it will never get the JK feeling, and it never will. :)

Apr 16 2004 08:57pm

 - Student

*hugs Rosered and dances around his DVD-box containing the prized JK2 CD* :D

Apr 16 2004 11:02am

 - Student

I'm With ya!!

Apr 16 2004 10:54am

Jake Kainite
 - Student
 Jake Kainite

Apprenctice of Jedi Master Ascari (deceased)
Descended from a line of great Jedi
Will argue any point of view from any side :D

Apr 16 2004 06:55am

Jacen Aratan
 - Student

JK2 ffa class here.

Apr 14 2004 08:00pm

 - Student

For me, JO SP was about equal with JA SP overall. But JO MP is much better than JA MP.

Therefore, JO is a better game IMHO.

Apr 14 2004 02:07pm

Borlath Mon
 - Ex-Student
 Borlath Mon

See, that's what let me down. I'm not saying the puzzles were difficult in JO, but there were, I feel, too many of them. That whole level where you ended up rescuing Lando was a pain. After I went through it it the completely wrong way, I needed a walkthrough of it, because I'd messed up the level totally, and couldn't get anywhere.

As for saving the Academy, rather than being in it...I just didn't like it. I'd like to see the next one be more immersive, and actually be able to move around and take lessons.

Apr 14 2004 03:57am

 - Student

JO had too many puzzles? I thought the game was easy man. They at least made you think a bit. Jedi Academy, on the other hand, its puzzles weren't even puzzles, just simple tasks to complete without much difficulty. Besides, i found the lack of puzzles in Jedi Academy to be boring; the game was way too easy.

As for the game being called Jedi Academy, i understand your expectation of the game being called that, however, the reason it was called that was because you were saving the academy, rather than staying at it.

Brother to Luke Skywalker and (SKX) Dark Blade :alliance:
Lag Brother to Acey Spadey :empire:
Jools is my best friend. :D
<Henkes> nebody feeling like abusing me with a lightsaber?|+Smilykrazy grabs Gradius, beats the living CRAP out of him, then throws him into a huge vat of ACID

This comment was edited by xAnAtOs on Apr 17 2004 02:53am.

Apr 11 2004 12:43pm

Borlath Mon
 - Ex-Student
 Borlath Mon

In Fox, we all waited for JA to come out with eagerness. I was the first person to download the demo, I had a friend whose brother was on the beta to send me a copy [no, I wasn't the source of the leaks. :)] And I enjoyed it, up to a point. I wouldn't say, however, that JA was a sequel in it's own right, as it added nothing truly groundbreaking to the series. Yeah, you could use the two new types of sabres, but you didn't really -earn- the right to use them. You progressed to Vaders Castle, and afterwards, you could suddenly utilise the new sabres. That, to me, just seemed a bit odd. The graphics, whilst being better (and I must say, I enjoy the ragdoll physics) don't make the game any better, just prettier. The fact that you could customise your own character was good, but there were limited choices in how you looked.

Now, call me crazy, but it seems to me that the average player for a game like this would be a male. However, when I reviewed the game for Fox Wing, this is what I realised:

Human male:
Three heads, seven torsos, four trousers

Human female:
Three heads, six torsos, four trousers/skirts

Keldor male:
Three heads, six torsos, four trousers

Rodian Male:
Three heads, six torsos, four trousers

Twi'Lek Female:
Eight heads, six torsos, four trousers/skirts

Zabrak Female:
Three heads, six torsos, four trousers/skirts

Did you spot the odd one out, there? The Human male has one more upper body choice than the others, but the Twi'Lek female has eight different styles of head...AND, whereas the different colour options you can choose for the others only affects part of their clothing, on the Twi'Lek, it chooses their skin tone. Now, granted, with the Twi'Lek, the choices are whether the Lekku are up or down, but it still gives far more choice. Now, I'm not a mathematical genius - in fact, I struggle to not count on my fingers at the best of times. However, LucasArts boasted over 2000 combinations. Now, with the colour scheme changes and lightsabre hilt/colour changes, that might just be possible. But we live in a world where WWE fans can, in the Raw! and Smackdown! games, create a Wrestler who looks just like them...don't we Star Wars fans merit the same kind of treatment?

Likewise with the Lightsabres. "Build your own lightsabre!" was what we were promised on the box. We didn't really -build- anything, we just chose a hilt and a colour. Unless you're a good skinner, and actually create your own hilt pk3, there's no real point to boasting it. You barely see the sabre anyway. The ability to choose your own colour was nice, and I appreciated being able to go through the SP with a purple blade, but it didn't really add anything to the game.

Now, JO, I feel, had too many puzzles. This detracted from what it should have been, which was a game about being a Jedi. Naturally, the fact you don't get your Lightsabre and Force Powers until nearly halfway through the game also contributed to this...but I'm glad that JA adjusted this. A lightsabre from the start, and a lack of puzzles meant it was better. Sure, use your brain, but not too much - it's not a simulation, it's an action game!

I was also disappointed to learn that, although the game was called Jedi Academy, you spent very little playable time at the Academy. Personally, I would have preferred being able to walk around, like we did in JO, being able to converse with students, take lessons (which would let us unlock different skills and powers) which could then be utilised and perfected within the game. Instead, we had one Academy based lesson before being sent out into the Galaxy.

Bottom line: Jedi Academy was good. But it was little more than a costly expansion pack.

This comment was edited by Borlath Mon on Apr 11 2004 12:44pm.

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