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What's your config
Apr 14 2004 05:12pm

 - Student
Just wanted to know how everyone likes to bind their keys. I think I do mine in a fairly original way:

The goal of my config was to balance the workload of both my hands, so put your left hand on the keyboard as if you were going to type - with your index finger on the 'F' key. Most keyboards have a groove or something you can feel so you don't have to look at the keyboard to find the key. Your fingers rest on the A,S,D,F and your thumb naturally goes over the spacebar.

On my config, A is backwards, S is strafe-left, and D is strafe-right. F is alt-attack and SPACE is jump. V is walk, C is croutch, R is use, ect....all accessed by my index finger so I don't have to stop other movements to walk/crotch/etc - those movements are controlled by my other fingers.

The other hand of course is dedicated to the mouse. Mouse1 is attack (duh), Mouse2 is forward, Mouse3 (wheel) switches weapons (another duh), and Mouse4 changes saber style.

That way I can do everything I need to do in a fight without moving my hands to another part in the keyboard. So what do you guys do?

  Login and add your comment! Previous Comments >
Sep 20 2004 03:44pm

 - Student

mouse1= primary attack
mouse2= secondary attack
wheel= changing weapons.
err clicking the wheel= saber style change

Sep 19 2004 04:58am

 - Student

arrow keys to move foward and back and strafe left and right, turn with mouse, primary fire-mouse1,sec fire-mouse3, jump-mouse2, push-mouse 4,pull-mouse 5, crouch-right ctrl, grip-delete,lighnign-end,saber-keypad 1,challenge/accept challenge for duel-keypad 2, walk keypad 4, letters from q trough v-last hope emotes. that's about it. I know it's strange, but it just feels a bit more comfortable for me for some reason.
Signed by me :/

Sep 01 2004 04:34pm

 - Student

I use the numeric keypad!

Num Lock = Force Push
/ = Force Pull
* = Alt Fire (the / and * combo makes it easier to effectively pull-throw)
- = Force Seeing
+ = Force Drain/Healing (I exec different configs depending on what side I am playing)
ENTER = Force Lightning/Absorb
5 = Force Speed

8 = Move Back
4 = Strafe Left
6 = Strafe Right
7 = Jump
9 = Crouch
1/3 = "say" binds
0 = weapon 1
DEL = Use

Mouse1 = Primary Fire
Mouse2 = Forward
Mousewheel = Change Weapons
Currently mousewheel click does nothing... I'm thinking I'll make it duel_engage.

This comment was edited by Carve on Sep 01 2004 04:35pm.

Sep 01 2004 12:31pm

cHoSeN oNe
 - Retired
 cHoSeN oNe

Do you guys think I should continue with the client config creator? The only problem I will run into, is I will need to find a great resource that tells me the conflicts between the settings as well as what every setting impacts. Let me know!!!:cool:
Get busy living, or get busy dying.

Aug 27 2004 02:45am

 - Student

Fast Quit: J
Duel: K (now you all know why I randomly leave so often )

LoL brilliant ;)

# = /kill
[Enter} = Send chat message

Now you know why I randomly kill myself alot :P
fiZZe: its SIR Fizzy Fluffy :p

FiZZ[JAK]: that was what I call a counter

Ah, things you only ever expect to hear once :)

Aug 26 2004 08:08pm

 - The Tarped Avenger

Hmmm I use pretty much the standard Quake/HL config.

Run around in circles - W A S D :D
Crouch - Ctrl
Walk - Shift
Jump - Space

Saber - 1 (other number keys taken up by pointless binds :D)
Change Weapon - mouse wheel
Primary Fire - left mouse
Secondary Fire - right mouse
Saber Style - L

Force: this is where it gets interesting. All the force powers are bound to be conveniently reached with my left (movement) hand.
Push: R
Pull: T
Speed: X
See: N
Protect: Q
Absorb: B
Mind Trick: Z
Heal: C
Lightning: F
Grip: G
Drain: V
Rage: H
and \ is set to both Heal Other and Team Energize so it'll use whichever one I have. :D

Fast Quit: J
Duel: K (now you all know why I randomly leave so often :D)
FF Duel: F6 ^.^
/kill: '
Clear Console: /
Chat: Y
Team Chat: U
Target Chat: I
And a bunch of cheats bound to backspace and those ones to the left of it.
Saving the world, one kilobyte at a time.

This comment was edited by tarpman on Aug 28 2004 03:02am.

Aug 24 2004 01:33am

 - Student

Bah different style keyboard ! It was a trick-question config! :P
fiZZe: its SIR Fizzy Fluffy :p

FiZZ[JAK]: that was what I call a counter

Ah, things you only ever expect to hear once :)

Aug 21 2004 05:26pm

 - Student

^^ AZERTY keyboard...I suppose its like having W for forward S for back and S/D for left/right....

This comment was edited by OpTiMe on Aug 21 2004 05:26pm.

Aug 19 2004 03:12pm

Bail Hope of Belouve
 - Student
 Bail Hope of Belouve

Okay, first of all, I use an ergonomical keyboard, it's slightly different from other keyboards, since it leaves place to really lay your hands in a good position with your wrists upon a special side at the bottom.

Second of all I am using an AZERTY-keyboard, not a QWERTY.

To move my finger to the back is pretty simple.
You see, the standard location for your fingers is (from left to right)
You put both thumbs on the Space bar.
That includes all your fingers, starting from the pinkie and ending with the pinkie.
It's how you type blindly.
You just move your ring finger up one button to go forward, and down again to go backward. Quite logical if you think about it.

Surely the backwards has to be behind the forwards

It is. I'm not sure if it's also like that on a QWERTY-keyboard, which you might be using?

And then the fact of using Shift to walk.
Quite easy as well. You move your pink to Shift, and every other finger slides one button
so you get:
Pink - shift
Ring finger - Q
Middle Finger - S (or Z, depends on the action atm)
Index finger - D

Quite easy.

How can you possibly move left and backward while walking with the shift key.

Very easy. Use what I said above (on an AZERTY-keyboard of course)

Any more questions?:P
Visit the Belouve Family Website!
I try to have fun with my friends and try to make a difference as best I can. What does making a difference mean? Well, it can be as simple as saying hello, answering a question that seems obvious or heck, just talking. -- Vladarion

Want to know Vladarion? Read the Article about his life here.

This comment was edited by Bail Hope of Belouve on Aug 19 2004 03:15pm.

Aug 19 2004 01:58pm

 - Student

Z - forwards
Q - Left
S - Backwards
D - Right
Space - Jump
Shift - walk
and random binding for the forces
I'm too lazy to figure something out

Ok for a start, how can you move your fingre forward to the S in order to go backwards ?

Surely the backwards has to be behind the forwards,

Do you hold your hand sort of wonky, i mean tilted about 45 degrees clockwise ?

I could understand it if you used ring for Q and index for D but pinky for Q etc. like you just said leaves you with a thumb and index finger free, both on the same side of your hand.

How can you possibly move left and backward while walking with the shift key. my thumb/index finger wont reach under my hand to the left shift or across to the right shift ,

Could u take a photo of U using this config bro? its really interesting to say the least :)
fiZZe: its SIR Fizzy Fluffy :p

FiZZ[JAK]: that was what I call a counter

Ah, things you only ever expect to hear once :)

Aug 19 2004 12:23pm

Bail Hope of Belouve
 - Student
 Bail Hope of Belouve

Z - forwards
Q - Left
S - Backwards
D - Right
Space - Jump
Shift - walk
and random binding for the forces
I'm too lazy to figure something out :P


I tried that config and... how can you hold all of those keys down? :P

I managed to hold three of them. :D

(By holding them down, I mean keeping my hands around the keys I use a lot such as movement)

Actually this one work great for me
I've been using it since the beginning, and I'm used to it.

You put your ring finger on the Z, your pinkie on the Q, your middle finger on the D and you can use it
I usually use the buttons around it for Force.
Visit the Belouve Family Website!
I try to have fun with my friends and try to make a difference as best I can. What does making a difference mean? Well, it can be as simple as saying hello, answering a question that seems obvious or heck, just talking. -- Vladarion

Want to know Vladarion? Read the Article about his life here.

Aug 19 2004 12:00pm

 - Jedi Master

Oh, I must add something to my config:

<-- Left Rotate
--> Right Rotate
| Up

| Down


Aug 19 2004 11:50am

 - Jedi Master

Z - forwards
Q - Left
S - Backwards
D - Right
Space - Jump
Shift - walk
and random binding for the forces
I'm too lazy to figure something out :P


I tried that config and... how can you hold all of those keys down? :P

I managed to hold three of them. :D

(By holding them down, I mean keeping my hands around the keys I use a lot such as movement)

This comment was edited by Setementor on Aug 19 2004 11:57am.

Aug 19 2004 02:55am

 - Student

Z - forwards
Q - Left
S - Backwards
D - Right
Space - Jump
Shift - walk
and random binding for the forces
I'm too lazy to figure something out :P

LOL wtf is this man? You're going to hurt your pinkie :D:P

Aug 19 2004 02:54am

 - Student

E = forward
D = backward
S = left
F = right
mouse1 = attack
mouse2 = jump
mouse 3 = alt jump
mwheelup = stance change
mwheeldown = challenge
space = crouch
shift = walk

T = push
CapsLock = pull
Tab = speed
C = Force See
Z = drain
X = rage
V = lightning
B = Grip


Alt & 1 = saber
G = next weapon
A = previous weapon

J = taunt
n = screenshot silent
Y = chat
U = private chat

I got this config from....some early JK2 guide/readme type thing -*&#9788;THINK&#9788;*- ChosenOne wrote...I know it had something to do with the JA mod.

Aug 19 2004 01:56am

 - =^.^=

pointless binds:
1) bogone (TM)
2) i blame society...
3) may the lag be with you something something
4) die hippie?

Aug 19 2004 01:01am

{RH} ReaperXIII
 - Student
 {RH} ReaperXIII

D = forward
C = backward
S = strafe left
F = strafe right
space = jump
shift = duck
z, mouse4 = switch style
x = use
mouse 5 = use item
q & w = cycle weapons
u = chat
y = team chat
j = priv chat
all other keys are either bound to force powers or are pointless binds
Master of the almighty BOGONE! (tm)

No one can stop me now, unless you stand right in front of me.

Aug 18 2004 05:32pm

Bail Hope of Belouve
 - Student
 Bail Hope of Belouve

because of the forces, or...?
Visit the Belouve Family Website!
I try to have fun with my friends and try to make a difference as best I can. What does making a difference mean? Well, it can be as simple as saying hello, answering a question that seems obvious or heck, just talking. -- Vladarion

Want to know Vladarion? Read the Article about his life here.

Aug 18 2004 05:13pm

 - Student

Bail that is the most screwed up config I've ever seen... :eek:

Aug 18 2004 02:46pm

Bail Hope of Belouve
 - Student
 Bail Hope of Belouve

Z - forwards
Q - Left
S - Backwards
D - Right
Space - Jump
Shift - walk
and random binding for the forces
I'm too lazy to figure something out :P
Visit the Belouve Family Website!
I try to have fun with my friends and try to make a difference as best I can. What does making a difference mean? Well, it can be as simple as saying hello, answering a question that seems obvious or heck, just talking. -- Vladarion

Want to know Vladarion? Read the Article about his life here.

Aug 18 2004 02:11pm

 - Jedi Master

W - Forwards
A - Left
D - Right
S - Backwards
- - Kill (:D)
Space - Jump
Return - Use
X - Force Next
F - Force Use
C - Crouch
T - Team Say
1 - Saber / Melee
F1 - Push
F2 - Pull
F3 - Speed
Mouse1 - Attack
Mouse2 - Alt. Attack
, - Taunt
. - Taunt
# - I change this bind every now and then.
5 - Say Good Fight!
7 - Say lol

Thats about it! :D

This comment was edited by Setementor on Aug 18 2004 02:12pm.

Aug 18 2004 12:28pm

Jedi Padawan
 - Ex-Student

I normaly always use the arrow keys next to the numpad as I need something simple to get around, because I am used to playing consoles so much.

Any keys closest to them such as the numpad are used for my forc e powers.

Aug 15 2004 11:13am

 - Student

Resists configs pwn.
I've started using a similar config setup now myself.


Aug 14 2004 12:59pm

 - Student

Oh, sorry to spam, but Ill also add graphics settings, it may help some people:


********************** disaster jk3 config // standart_settings *********************

|** game and view Settings **|

seta "cg_thirdperson" "1"
seta "cg_drawFPS" "1"
seta "cg_drawFriend" "1"
seta "cg_drawGun" "1"
seta "cg_autoswitch" "0"
seta "cg_forceModel" "0"
seta "cg_fov" "100"
seta "cg_hudFiles" "1"
seta "cg_dismember" "0"
seta "cg_drawTimer" "1"
seta "cg_lagometer" "1"
seta "cg_drawIcons" "0"
seta "cg_noTaunt" "1"
seta "cg_drawTeamOverlay" "1"
seta "cg_drawEnemyInfo" "1"
seta "cg_drawRadar" "1"
seta "cg_drawRewards" "1"
seta "cg_drawScores" "1"
seta "cg_drawStatus" "1"
seta "cg_currentSelectedPlayer" "0"
seta "cg_draw3dIcons" "1"
seta "cg_teamChatTime" "4200"
seta "cg_teamChatsOnly" "0"
seta "cg_scorePlums" "1"
seta "com_blood" "0"
seta "cl_run" "1"
seta "cg_bobPitch" "0"
seta "cg_bobRoll" "0"
seta "cg_bobUp" "0"
seta "cg_runPitch" "0"
seta "cg_runRoll" "0"

|** force and weapon Settings **|

seta "cg_noProjectileTrail" "1"
seta "cg_aurashell" "0"
seta "cg_repeaterorb" "0"
seta "cg_jumpsounds" "0"
seta "cg_oldpainsound" "1"
seta "cg_footstep" "0"
seta "cg_sabertrail" "0"
seta "cg_speedtrail" "0"
seta "cg_sabercontact" "0"
seta "cg_rendertotexturefx" "0"

|** effects settings **|

seta "cg_gibs" "0"
seta "cg_shadows" "0"
seta "cg_simpleItems" "1"
seta "cg_marks" "0"
seta "cg_deferPlayers" "0"
seta "cg_errorDecay" "100"
seta "com_ignoreOtherTasks" "1"
seta "cm_playerCurveClip" "1"

|** mouse settings **|

seta "cl_mouseAccel" "0.32"
seta "sensitivity" "1.7"
seta "m_filter" "1"
seta "m_forward" "0.25"
seta "m_pitch" "0.022000"
seta "m_side" "0.25"
seta "m_yaw" "0.022"
seta "in_mouse" "-1"

|** Crosshair settings **|

seta "cg_crosshairHealth" "0"
seta "cg_crosshairSize" "25"
seta "cg_drawCrosshair" "11"
seta "cg_drawCrosshairNames" "1"
seta "cg_dynamicCrosshair" "0"
seta "cg_dynamicCrosshairPrecision" "0"

|** grafix and display settings **|

seta "r_finish" "1"
seta "r_swapInterval" "0"
seta "r_displayrefresh" "125"
seta "com_maxfps" "125"
seta "r_primitives" "0"
seta "r_facePlaneCull" "1"
seta "r_gamma" "2"
seta "r_markcount" "0"
seta "r_textureMode" "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST"
seta "r_dynamiclight" "0"
seta "r_drawSun" "0"
seta "r_fastsky" "1"
seta "r_ignoreGLErrors" "1"
seta "r_flares" "0"
seta "r_lodbias" "3"
seta "r_lodCurveError" "250"
seta "r_subdivisions" "80"
seta "r_vertexLight" "1"
seta "r_simpleMipMaps" "1"
seta "r_customheight" "1024"
seta "r_customwidth" "1600"
seta "r_fullscreen" "1"
seta "r_mode" "3"
seta "r_ignorehwgamma" "0"
seta "r_overBrightBits" "0"
seta "r_depthbits" "8"
seta "r_stencilbits" "8"
seta "r_stereo" "0"
seta "r_colorbits" "8"
seta "r_texturebitslm" "0"
seta "r_texturebits" "8"
seta "r_detailtextures" "0"
seta "r_picmip" "3"
seta "r_DynamicGlow" "0"
seta "r_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic" "0"
seta "r_ext_texture_env_add" "1"
seta "r_ext_compiled_vertex_array" "1"
seta "r_ext_multitexture" "1"
seta "r_ext_gamma_control" "1"
seta "r_ext_preferred_tc_method" "0"
seta "r_ext_compress_lightmaps" "1"
seta "r_ext_compress_textures" "1"
seta "r_allowExtensions" "1"
seta "com_hunkMegs" "256"
seta "com_zonemegs" "64"
seta "com_soundmegs" "64"
seta "r_videosync" "0"

|** Audio settings **|

seta "s_UseOpenAL" "0"
seta "s_allowDynamicMusic" "0"
seta "s_khz" "22"
seta "s_language" "english"
seta "s_mixPreStep" "0.05"
seta "s_mixahead" "0.2"
seta "s_mp3overhead" "31756"
seta "s_musicvolume" "0"
seta "s_separation" "0.5"
seta "s_soundpoolmegs" "64"
seta "s_volume" "0.05"
seta "s_volumeVoice" "0.1"

|** netspeed and lan settings **|

seta g_syncronousclients "0"
seta cg_smoothClients "1"
seta cg_predictItems "1"
seta cl_timeNudge "-20"
seta cl_maxPackets "58"
seta cl_packetdup "1"
seta cl_maxPing "200"
seta cl_noDelta "0"
seta cl_allowDownload "0"
seta net_forceNonLocal "0"
seta net_noUdp "0"
seta net_socksPort "1080"
seta net_noIpx "1"
seta snaps "40"
seta rate "15000"
seta pmove_fixed "0"


|** end settings **|

^^^ These settings usually give me a steady rate of 125 fps.

Now for if you want uber cool graphics:


********************** disaster jk3 config // high_settings *************************

|** game and view Settings **|

seta "cg_thirdperson" "0"
seta "cg_drawFPS" "1"
seta "cg_drawFriend" "1"
seta "cg_drawGun" "1"
seta "cg_autoswitch" "0"
seta "cg_forceModel" "0"
seta "cg_fov" "100"
seta "cg_hudFiles" "1"
seta "cg_dismember" "0"
seta "cg_drawTimer" "1"
seta "cg_lagometer" "1"
seta "cg_drawIcons" "0"
seta "cg_noTaunt" "1"
seta "cg_drawTeamOverlay" "1"
seta "cg_drawEnemyInfo" "1"
seta "cg_drawRadar" "1"
seta "cg_drawRewards" "1"
seta "cg_drawScores" "1"
seta "cg_drawStatus" "1"
seta "cg_currentSelectedPlayer" "0"
seta "cg_draw3dIcons" "1"
seta "cg_teamChatTime" "4200"
seta "cg_teamChatsOnly" "0"
seta "cg_scorePlums" "1"
seta "com_blood" "0"
seta "cl_run" "1"
seta "cg_bobPitch" "0"
seta "cg_bobRoll" "0"
seta "cg_bobUp" "0"
seta "cg_runPitch" "0"
seta "cg_runRoll" "0"

|** force and weapon Settings **|

seta "cg_noProjectileTrail" "1"
seta "cg_aurashell" "1"
seta "cg_repeaterorb" "0"
seta "cg_jumpsounds" "0"
seta "cg_oldpainsound" "1"
seta "cg_footstep" "0"
seta "cg_sabertrail" "1"
seta "cg_speedtrail" "1"
seta "cg_sabercontact" "0"
seta "cg_rendertotexturefx" "1"

|** effects settings **|

seta "cg_gibs" "0"
seta "cg_shadows" "1"
seta "cg_simpleItems" "0"
seta "cg_marks" "0"
seta "cg_deferPlayers" "0"
seta "cg_errorDecay" "100"
seta "com_ignoreOtherTasks" "1"
seta "cm_playerCurveClip" "1"

|** mouse settings **|

seta "cl_mouseAccel" "0.32"
seta "sensitivity" "1.5"
seta "m_filter" "1"
seta "m_forward" "0.25"
seta "m_pitch" "0.022000"
seta "m_side" "0.25"
seta "m_yaw" "0.022"
seta "in_mouse" "-1"

|** Crosshair settings **|

seta "cg_crosshairHealth" "0"
seta "cg_crosshairSize" "25"
seta "cg_drawCrosshair" "11"
seta "cg_drawCrosshairNames" "1"
seta "cg_dynamicCrosshair" "0"
seta "cg_dynamicCrosshairPrecision" "0"

|** grafix and display settings **|

seta "r_finish" "0"
seta "r_swapInterval" "1"
seta "r_displayrefresh" "125"
seta "com_maxfps" "125"
seta "r_primitives" "0"
seta "r_facePlaneCull" "1"
seta "r_gamma" "1.8"
seta "r_markcount" "0"
seta "r_textureMode" "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST"
seta "r_dynamiclight" "1"
seta "r_drawSun" "1"
seta "r_fastsky" "0"
seta "r_ignoreGLErrors" "1"
seta "r_flares" "1"
seta "r_lodbias" "1"
seta "r_lodCurveError" "250"
seta "r_subdivisions" "2"
seta "r_vertexLight" "0"
seta "r_simpleMipMaps" "0"
seta "r_customheight" "1024"
seta "r_customwidth" "1600"
seta "r_fullscreen" "1"
seta "r_mode" "6"
seta "r_ignorehwgamma" "0"
seta "r_overBrightBits" "0"
seta "r_depthbits" "32"
seta "r_stencilbits" "32"
seta "r_stereo" "0"
seta "r_colorbits" "32"
seta "r_texturebitslm" "0"
seta "r_texturebits" "32"
seta "r_detailtextures" "32"
seta "r_picmip" "0"
seta "r_DynamicGlow" "1"
seta "r_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic" "4"
seta "r_ext_texture_env_add" "1"
seta "r_ext_compiled_vertex_array" "1"
seta "r_ext_multitexture" "1"
seta "r_ext_gamma_control" "1"
seta "r_ext_preferred_tc_method" "1"
seta "r_ext_compress_lightmaps" "1"
seta "r_ext_compress_textures" "1"
seta "r_allowExtensions" "1"
seta "com_hunkMegs" "256"
seta "com_zonemegs" "64"
seta "com_soundmegs" "64"

|** Audio settings **|

seta "s_UseOpenAL" "0"
seta "s_allowDynamicMusic" "0"
seta "s_khz" "22"
seta "s_language" "english"
seta "s_mixPreStep" "0.05"
seta "s_mixahead" "0.2"
seta "s_mp3overhead" "31756"
seta "s_musicvolume" "0"
seta "s_separation" "0.5"
seta "s_soundpoolmegs" "64"
seta "s_volume" "0.05"
seta "s_volumeVoice" "0.1"

|** netspeed and lan settings **|

seta g_syncronousclients "0"
seta cg_smoothClients "1"
seta cg_predictItems "1"
seta cl_timeNudge "-20"
seta cl_maxPackets "58"
seta cl_packetdup "1"
seta cl_maxPing "200"
seta cl_noDelta "0"
seta cl_allowDownload "0"
seta net_forceNonLocal "0"
seta net_noUdp "0"
seta net_socksPort "1080"
seta net_noIpx "1"
seta snaps "40"
seta rate "15000"
seta pmove_fixed "0"


|** end settings **|


Aug 14 2004 12:55pm

 - Student

My config = Resist's config changed to my liking ^_^

Here is some of it


*********************************** binds by disaster<---NO NOT DISASTER...MEEE OPTIME!!!********************************

unbind all


//movement binds
bind UPARROW "+forward"
bind DEL "+moveleft"
bind DOWNARROW "+back"
bind PGDN "+moveright"
bind ENTER "+moveup"
bind SHIFT "+movedown"

//action binds
bind MOUSE1 "+attack"
bind MOUSE2 "+altattack"
bind < "force_healother ;wait 5;force_forcepowerother ;wait 4 ;kill ; echo ^7[ ^4>^5> Kill^4ed ^5Your^4self ^5an^4d ^5heA^4led ^5TeAm^1-^4MateS ^7]"

//weapon binds
bind MWHEELDOWN "weapprev"
bind MWHEELUP "weapnext"

//view binds
bind P "cg_thirdperson !; echo ^7[ ^4>^5> vie^4w ^5swit^4ched ^7]-"

//item binds
bind B "+button2"

//mixed binds
bind TAB "+scores"
unbind shift

//demo and screenshot binds
bind I "screenshot ; echo ^7[ ^4>^5> scr^4een^5shot ^4tak^5en ^7]"
bind O "cg_draw2d 0; wait; wait; wait; screenshot; toggle cg_draw2d ; echo ^7[ ^4>^5> scr^4een^5shot ^4tak^5en ^7]"

//message binds and console
bind T "messagemode2"
bind Y "messagemode"

/Flag Binds
bind F4 "say ^0¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬"
bind F5 "say ^7¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬"
bind F6 "say ^1¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬"

//rcon Binds
**end binds**



********************** force change and binds by disaster <---not disaster..optime :)****************************

**force binds**

//force binds
bind PGUP "force_healother ;wait 5;force_forcepowerother ; echo ^7[ ^4>^5> Heal^4ed ^5/ forc^4ed ^7]"
bind INS "force_absorb ;wait 5;+force_drain ; echo ^7[ ^4>^5> ab^4orb ^5acti^4vated ^5/ drain^4ed ^7]"
bind Capslock "force_mindtrick ; echo ^7[ ^4>^5> mi^4nd^5tr^4!^5ck ^5acti^4vated ^7]"
bind KP_LEFTARROW "force_speed ; echo ^7[ ^4>^5> sp^4eed ^5acti^4vated ^7]"
bind HOME "force_protect ;echo ^7[ ^4>^5> pro^4tect ^5acti^4vated ^7]"
bind KP_INS "force_throw ;echo ^7[ ^4>^5> pu^4shed ^7]"
bind KP_END "force_pull ;echo ^7[ ^4>^5> pu^4lled ^7]"


**light force standart**

bind F1 "vstr light1"

set light1 "set forcepowers 7-1-033332000333000130; forcechanged; echo ^7[ ^4>^5> now ^4Light ^5Force ^7];bind F1 vstr light1"

**dark force standart**
bind F2 "vstr dark1"

set dark1 "set forcepowers 7-2-033330303000302130; forcechanged; echo ^7[ ^4>^5> now ^4Dark ^5Force ^7];bind F2 vstr dark1"

** end forces **


*************************** quick toggle by disaster*********************************

// Weapon Switchscript for Jedi-Knight 3 by [pG]Knecht (modified by »ghost!)

bind [ "vstr exp_weap;set near_fight vstr near1;set rail_change vstr rail1;echo ^7[ ^4>^5> D!st^4ance ^4Fig^5ht^1 ^7]"

bind ] "vstr near_fight;set exp_weap vstr exp1;set rail_change vstr rail1;echo ^7[ ^4>^5> Ne^4ar ^4Fig^5ht^1 ^7]"

//Heavy Weapons ( Golan and Rocket )
set exp_weap "vstr exp1"; set exp1 "set exp_weap vstr exp2;weapon 6;weapon 9;set lastweap weapon 9"; set exp2 "set exp_weap vstr exp1;weapon 9;weapon 6;set lastweap weapon 9"; bind 2 "vstr exp_weap;set near_fight vstr near1;set rail_change vstr rail1;echo ^7[ ^4>^5> D!st^4ance ^4Fig^5ht^1 ^7]";

//Near Fight ( Repeater and Blaster )
set near_fight "vstr near1"; set near1 "set near_fight vstr near2;weapon 8;weapon 2;set lastweap weapon 8"; set near2 "set near_fight vstr near1;weapon 2;weapon 8;set lastweap weapon 8"; bind 3 "vstr near_fight;set exp_weap vstr exp1;set rail_change vstr rail1;echo ^7[ ^4>^5> Ne^4ar ^4Fig^5ht^1 ^7]"

** Semi Heavy Weapons // imp and rockets **

bind # "weapon 6;echo ^7[ ^4>^5> re^4peat^5er ^5equi^4pped ^7]"

** meel // Saber and Blaster **

bind 1 "weapon 1;echo ^7[ ^4>^5> sa^4ber ^5equi^4pped ^7]"

bind 2 "weapon 2;echo ^7[ ^4>^5> bla^4ster ^5equi^4pped ^7]"

bind MWHEELDOWN "weapprev"
bind MWHEELUP "weapnext"

** end weapons**

To give a little insight to the amount of scripts:


********************** disaster jk3 config // autoexec ******************************

exec cfg/aimtrain.cfg
exec cfg/bindings.cfg
exec cfg/forces.cfg
exec cfg/personal/nicknames.cfg
exec cfg/recordingdemos.cfg
exec cfg/details/standartdetails.cfg
exec cfg/personal/skins.cfg
exec cfg/talk.cfg
exec cfg/weapons.cfg
exec cfg/180.cfg

bind F8 "vstr aim"
bind F9 "exec cfg/details/standartdetails.cfg"
bind F10 "exec cfg/details/highdetails.cfg"
bind F12 "exec cfg/demoscript/demoview.cfg"
bind F7 "devmap jump2"

// team energize

set tescript "vstr te1"
set te1 "exec cfg/te_on.cfg; wait 5; echo ^7[ ^4>^5> Team^4Energize ^5Script is ^4ON^1! ^7]; set tescript vstr te0"
set te0 "exec cgf/te_off.cfg; wait 5; echo ^7[ ^4>^5> Team^4Energize ^5Script is ^4OFF^1! ^7]; set tescript vstr te1"
bind "F11" "vstr tescript"


bind G "exec cfg/insta.cfg; echo ^7[ ^4>^5> ^4Zoom^5Script ^4oN^1! ^7]""
bind H "bind MOUSE2 +altattack; cg_fov 100; cg_drawgun 1; sensitivity 1.6; cg_drawcrosshair 11; cg_crosshairsize 25; echo ^7[ ^4>^5> ^4Zoom^5Script ^4oFF^1! ^7]"


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