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Kal's Map Deserves Server Test
Sep 28 2024 07:12pm

Damon C. Belouve
 - Student
Damon C. Belouve
People like Kal's new map.

It is not perfect, but neither is the current JA map.

Kal is a humble guy and won't ask himself.

Kal spent lots of time on this map and had the JA in mind when creating it.

People are wondering how Kal's map would perform on a real server.

We should test Kal's Map on one of the JA Servers.

Many people feel as I do. (Come on! Post lots of comments to prove this!)

The End.


D.C. :cool:

**edit--I received no money to make this post, and even though I am the self declared agent of Kal, I truly believe I am only as biased as the next guy**

**website to download Kal's map:
please excuse the heartwarming music**

One of the original Belouves. Padawan to the Mighty Tido and brother to Dane and Delvin! Proud Member of the Killer D's AKA the 3 D's of Tidoness.

This post was edited by Damon C. Belouve on Feb 18 2003 02:49pm.

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Feb 25 2003 12:15pm

 - Ex-Student

Looks awesome, hope it gets a place in the Academy. :)

BTW, perhaps this could inspire some JA mappers to think about more than just one JA map? Hmm might be hard to manage... but still, fun! :D
Owner of the Gradius Telegraphman Award

Feb 23 2003 04:06pm

 - Student


Feb 22 2003 12:12am

 - Student

I'm gonna post a thread about it here in a minute.
Death is only the beginning.

Feb 21 2003 04:22pm

 - Student

Kal would you mind if I bot routed your map just for my own training?

Hey Trad here is a link that helped me a lot:
One of the Belouve boys

This comment was edited by ioshee on Feb 21 2003 04:27pm.

Feb 21 2003 03:45pm

Trad Redav
 - Student
 Trad Redav quiet... :mad:


if someone tells me how, i'll do bot-routing :D
Well then. Just so you know, just because I don't post often doesn't mean I don't lurk this place multiple times every day...

Feb 20 2003 03:27pm

 - Student

"other than the fact that it defies the laws of physics (an outside on the third floor???)
it's very good"

Lol it could be a roof garden... or the whole thing could be underground... think about it.
One of the Belouve boys

Feb 20 2003 03:21pm

Trad Redav
 - Student
 Trad Redav


i just tried it

other than the fact that it defies the laws of physics (an outside on the third floor???)
it's very good

oh, and it took me about 15 min. to get back up from the bottom of p&p

but that's just me lol

Well then. Just so you know, just because I don't post often doesn't mean I don't lurk this place multiple times every day...

Feb 20 2003 02:23pm

 - Retired

Very nice work!

One thing... Could you maybe make visible "railing" on the edges of the glass boxes? That way, everyone would know it was a solid wall. Minor gripe, but otherwise the map looks GOOD.

This comment was edited by NofrikinfuN on Feb 20 2003 02:45pm.

Feb 20 2003 02:04pm

 - Student

Awsome map Kalheka! Great layout, it makes getting around easy. Can't wait to see the next version:)
The only thing better than playing JA is making JA levels!

Shadow Faction- a new JKII competition community center. Check it out at

Feb 19 2003 08:38pm

 - Student

Ok, sorry I haven't had a chance to try it... until now.

To quote Tommy Boy: That... was... AWESOME!

1. I loved the elevator idea. You are going to think I'm a total dork but I just rode them up and down for awhile. They're so fast. weeeeee. Plus as you said stairs are no good for that long of a climb.

2. Totally logical that you would put a main "matrix" and then 4 mini "matrix" too. That seems to be the most popular room on DC's map.

3. I really liked the outside area. Less detail is good for fps when there are gonna be tons of guns blazing. Not that it's not detailed, just less than the courtyard on the JA map.

I can't think of anything wrong except that when you run on the steps behind the elevator the camera jerks a little. Most maps with stairs have this problem, but there is a little trick to work around it. If you put a "ramp" brush in the exact same spot as the stairs and then cover it entirely with system/clip the characters will actually stand on the invisible clip brush but it will still look like they are running on the stairs. Or I've seen people put one ramp on each step to make the transition smooth. Honestly it's not a big deal at all in your map because no one is going to spend all day running up and down on the steps hehe.

Great Work all around.
I give it 14 lightsabers out of a possible 14 lightsabers. Keep it up.

*edited for mistakes, sorry.
One of the Belouve boys

This comment was edited by ioshee on Feb 19 2003 09:07pm.

Feb 19 2003 05:10pm

 - Student


Ok. No Damon I'm not giving out 2nd Advent yet. I need to do some more work before I'm ready to let others see it.

Mablung your correct. I didn't do any bot routing for Advent. I need help with that, somebody who can help me figure out a fairly practical route for training. So I'm working on it.

Nemesis, I appreciate your candor, but I really hate when somebody posts like that. Your post is straightforward and honest, but offers not one iota of constructive criticism. You want a better map? Offer some suggestions on what's needed.

Not enough different rooms? The map has what it needs for saber dueling, movement training, trialing, weapons training, or just plain old goofing off. It also has the 4 rooms on matrix level, made for private practice away from the main group, by yourself, with a buddy or your master. Yes the matrix level rooms could use something more, like a glass platform for a master to observe his padawans training. I'm working on that. Plus I specifically left room for expansion and additional rooms.

The elevator system as it is makes the most sense. If i put in stairways the framerates would have gone into the toilet for one. For two, stairways would take much longer to navigate. The only thing I can do to make it any easier is to make signs for the elevators. I guess I must now do that.

The layout of the map is designed to alleviate some of the framerate problems that people have. I tried a 1 level floor plan and found that the framerates suffered because of it (among other reasons)

Can't train on it? Take some of the classes. The rooms are good for several things. The only thing Advent is missing for training is bot routing for lone dueling, which I am working on adding. If that is all you think a map is good for then you are seriously missing out.

Insaniac: somebody here was working on dummies for the JA. The last I knew, they ran into the problem that the dummy wouldn't stay neutral. Once the dummy got hit, it went nuts. I'd certainly like to see a practice dummy also.
Death is only the beginning.

This comment was edited by Kalheka on Feb 19 2003 05:35pm.

Feb 19 2003 03:10pm

 - Student

eeeeeek!!! kal's a hippie :P

Feb 19 2003 01:35pm

 - Student

That dummy idea sounds awesome Insaniac, but I think it would require a total mod and not just a map change.
One of the Belouve boys

Feb 19 2003 12:08pm

 - Ex-Student

I post my Support for it, I LOVE the pit and Platform room, it would be AWESOME to duel in that room, I already use it to jump practise jumping and close quarters combo and manuevering practise I REALLLY WANT to see the second version, so i put my full support behind this project!

EDIT: The only thing i would like to see added to the map are some Dummies that take up a room, and PM somone (prefferably the one who did it :D) the damage done to them so you can practise your saber skills...
Midbie Council Member #13
Padawan of SilkMonkey
Stuntman extraordinaire

This comment was edited by Insaniac[JAP] on Feb 19 2003 12:11pm.

Feb 19 2003 12:02pm

 - Retired

I Love this map for the plain and simple reason that it IS possible to observe a gun fight without getting your head blown off. ;):cool:
I'm crazy, not stupid.

Feb 19 2003 11:43am

 - Ex-Student

this map is great it has more rooms and has everything we need and instead of 50fps on ja map i get 80-90fps =) this map is great

Feb 19 2003 11:05am

Nemesis Nova
 - Student
 Nemesis Nova

I'm sorry to tell you this Kal but your effort were's not that i don't appreciate it but the map is
1.There not enough different rooms (you could have made almost 15 different rooms with your map)

2.Too complicated to navigate(the elevators thingy is really complicated (NO IM NOT STUPID :D)

3.Your map is purposeless cuz we can't really train in it

But keep on the good work im sure Advent v2 will be much better

Stop with the stupid sigs would you?

Yea sure, why not, i'll stop asking myself things too...

Feb 19 2003 10:04am

Mablung Calanor
 - Ex-Student
 Mablung Calanor

i just tried version 1...



bot support?
Mablung Calanor... still accepting beta testers for the skin!

Feb 19 2003 09:15am

Damon C. Belouve
 - Student
 Damon C. Belouve

Folks, you are going to think I'm lying. But I previewed Advent 2 (Kal's newest version) last night and looks and runs even sweeter.

Kal is the man. Stay tuned. Kal may decide to release Advent 2 to us the people any time.

If you want, Kal, you can give them the website link (not the ftp site) for my site for them to download. But I'll leave that up to you.

As your self-declared agent I suggest you leave them in suspense a little longer.


D.C. :cool:

**Edit: boy this is getting good**
One of the original Belouves. Padawan to the Mighty Tido and brother to Dane and Delvin! Proud Member of the Killer D's AKA the 3 D's of Tidoness.

This comment was edited by Damon C. Belouve on Feb 19 2003 09:18am.

Feb 19 2003 07:47am

 - Ex-Student

This is a good map, I also thinks it deserves a test.

Feb 19 2003 06:51am

 - Student

Wow, very nice. I like it I like it :D
-=Brother to Nightcrawler and JediKnight13=-

"I've been told my style is crasy and visually confusing."~Mikel Rider

Feb 19 2003 04:10am

 - Student

Looks good and plays well. I'm all for it. With three servers it'd be nice to mix it up a bit.

Feb 19 2003 03:37am

Iceman - away-
 - Student

I agree give the map a shot!

Feb 19 2003 02:21am

 - Hubbub

you have my support! i've been saying that for like... ever! :D
make install -not war

Feb 19 2003 01:47am

 - Distributor of Cold Ones

The map plays just as fast as version 3. However, I'm intrigued by the design and I think it's a great map. It deserves a server test spot for sure.
|-HK-47 -SilkMonkey: You are receiving a warning for being_too_sexy. If you do not stop, action will be taken against you.|| (11:13:43) � Virtue dances for Silk ||Smiling owner of Smilykrazy's 6000th comment =) ||Odan Wei's Proud Big Brother|| Janus is my official TaruTaru Cuddly Animal Type Person. ||(@Virtue) Or you could just be a man and set fire to your won't fall asleep for days after me.||Thomas Skywalker er for sexy for sitt eget beste!!!!| Not changing sig until the JA loosens up. (Started: Aug 31, 2005)

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