3 Word Story Game. JOIN IN (Credit: Lian, Ris) | |
Mic Den Octela - Student ![]() |
This should be good ![]() Oh... dear... god! Thanks to Ris my good friend, the 3 word thread has been updated! Heres the complete story: Once upon a time there was a guy called Billy Bob Joe, and he was a bit gay. So he went to kiss Aratan but Aratan didn't like it much, so he slapped the guy who made out with him because he is bored like Axion. He is just spamming so his posts would be smart like a flabbery, flopping Jacen Aratan doll. So this guy went to the department store in an old, rusty red light district, where he bought a cookie jar. He then ate the cookies which have been poisoned by Bail Hope. So the postman lets one rip and got out and smelt his extraordinarily long and hard keyboard which always wanted to become floppy and loose just like Gradius at sport, and Scythus at ordering food for the 5000 men. He then went for a large peanut butter and jelly xAnAtOs, which was sweating quite profusely, and smelled like a piece of ugly tuna fish. Xan thinks that this is very potato filled and Ford Prefect would love it because he is really, really, really, really Mr. Potato Head, because he has a big plastic eye from a pirate, whos name is Jolly Roger III. He was somewhat incapable of smelling his ass and because his neck was red, he was sunburnt. The next day, he went out skating around Katan's backyard, where he fell on his head breaking both his twine carbine powered ears and nostrils, and got locked in Aratan's basement. Aratan played with Jolly Roger II with lubricants and a blow up banana that has extra appeal because it was empty, like Setementor's head. The next day, after Katan's nap, he found some great big orange hamsters, with fudge filled inside. Then he ate them. He then went to the hore. Then he went to SleepyAxion's house to take his bananaphone to the netherlands to call the Pope and ask for advice about masturbation techniques. He said bend over and shout "praise the beer!" "OH MY GOD," said Mike as he tumbled down Mt everest in Anna Nicole Smith's crazy pink underwear, when Jason Donovan watched anxiously at the steel anvil to wonder if he should be milking a cow on that day as opposed to milking his cat. An aston martin painted in lime-green with alloy wheels that were so lubricated with vaseline that made Ron Jeremy look like a sheep with a huge neck and also knee caps for putting in people's dinner. Moridin decided to have a piece of toast. Tea - mashrooms - colors are very magical and pretty-ful, so he started freaking out and ripping off all his nipples which bled so he put salt on them which hurt alot and the nipples were lying on a ham sandwich which was eaten by a super cow of war! named George Bush. So Moridin went to John Kerry and said 'YOU CRAZY ASSED MOTHER FU.... hi Aron went to the alley for some really big, cold, piece of steak. As he now went to the chinese fortune teller, Sum Yung Guy, to get his sex on yo. When he arrived he smelled a excrutiating stench coming from a jedi with the name of Jacen Aratan! Deoderant did nothing for him because he stinks alot of fried potatos smothered in butter and old pepsi so mike decided to whip out a fresh Coke and drink it after sleeping for twenty pesos, he took a walk to the bar to have a gin and tonic but he tripped over a sleeping piece of cheese which destroyed Flash and sent him twirling into the never-ending spires of the north pole where he froze in the middle of a lake on top of a very big boat which had those big pointy things which always stood on tater-tots with tomato sauce. He woke up not even awake but came across a really big pillow. So, he smacked random people till they all fell asleep together. Then danced like a really drunk Army of marauding McDonalds employees wearing nothing but skin! This was impossible until they found a large collection of giant rubber which was shoved into a toilet and flushed by my idea stealer. Soon, Jacen Aratan quietly rubbed his pet fish named Barney Gumble, who belched and died. Meanwhile, whilst drinking whiskey and coke he grabbed himself and felt his very furry little wookie who was furry and little and wearing ladies eyeliner and mascara, then decided to put some ladies stockings and panties on his head and ran screaming, into a smelly big tub of lard that stood 50 feet high! Which crashed down on his car, so then he humped his car and enjoyed it, until the police came by and arrested him. They put him in a hot sweaty shower. After that, he got his wang on. They arrested him for stuffing a chicken with bio-genetically advanced raiding mutant monkehs, but then decided to put Mic in something that smelled lots like George Bush's feet! Consequently, Mic turned a nasty shade or ambient pink with bright yellow dots of disease, anyway, he then went on a rampage in the forests of Endor. The Ewoks were smoking crack pipes which led to sex sex sex and then more sex. Horribly, the sex went wrong so he killed sexless midgets. Then Aratan turned up and got his sex on yo 3 strippers with extra cheese and miffin pies but no fries. So, he ate all the webcams and swallowed a bird. But it didn't clear his hunger un like Shreddies. He went for a walk in the sewers but Jedi easting monster grabbed his lightsaber and then grabbed some tic-tacs and shaked them at a big scary SPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON GUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARD, which shot down planes and he liked it because it m000000'ed, plus it went down hills. Additionally, the smelly SPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARD's mother had a fork and knife that was very sharp with a jagged donut that looked like you could eait it without using a laser and without breathing. This was possible by a living Ysalimari called Brian. OH MY GOD! This has got out of hand, 3 word games... And now back, with a flamthrower, to the story. A talking antelope told them to go on a quest to find the Holy Grail. Which turned out to be a big beer mug with spikey edges and chromed lid! The big beer mug was about to burst into flames when suddenly, it burst into flames and engulfs Bail into many peices, but that doesn't burst into flames because how can "bursting into flames" cause tooth decay? Aratan finds cavaties in sponges that smell like stupid used cat boxes! Meanwhile at the 'Left Nostril Bar', a scheme was being planned by one man and his third nipple to capture Queen Woodlum the lll from Jacens bed of evil doing. Meanwhile in Looneyville Jacen posted in a place where cheese was popular, in a country (This is making no sense --CuZzA's random comment) were a cow had a calf that ate smileys and had big and hairy nipples. Anyways, sometimes he would be a (This game rules ![]() Suddenly, a HUGE bottle of whiskey spontaneously combusted near a farting frog which, coincidentily, died. How very tragic, so then the thing that was dead went to (What the hell happened here? oh well) It started when one tragic day 4 Aratan pwners decided to eat 4 Katan pwners for dinner. However, they couldn't because a GIANT BUMBLEEEEEEE came and pwned Axion in the arm with a piece of chocolate cake that was rotten, but he didn't want to eat it cos it smelled like potato-peel. After much debate, Axion decided to pwn the bee that stung him just like Jaikos razor bearded imps. But the bee decided to attack Buzz, while making orange juice from a cut down tea and eating undignified toilet degradables made of cheese, that when swallowed would explode like a nitro-acidic bomb but, never to fear, he had a coconut in his ear. Thats why the evil sheep liked playful television announcers compressed into tin styled Victorian bricks but the RED filed catapults didn't, they were broken, so he decided to make a mess and kill everyone so then butter overtook the world with a pair of trousers which didn't seem to fit just yet. Because his butt was so tiny yet so huge it could fit in smiley heaven and just then the vaccuumcleaner came and ripped off the ceiling from the floor. Aratan, wearing his pink lingerie, was able to painfully extract the bullets from his round ended with wire clippers. This was not your average haircut when you are as happy as the smily's on the lovely SmilyKrazy's big fat kitten. The only problem was that his holy cow from the planet of MOO MOO MOO!! thought about going to the psychotherapist? When he got to the fridge THERE WAS NO Sumerian goat cheese. In utter astonishment, his rusty spoon said to him, Got milk homie? he then replied, not now you. His day started with taking a 2-foot pill of ectasy, then he fell over a big mighty tree stump. Jelly-babies had the worst cheesy foot smell a dog could smell our arses with. Anyway despite this massive loss was not massive because of a double-decker red bus which looked similar to a red ape named John Bo Jim that decided it's best to change his underwear into little pink panties that he put in his nose. The panties smelled like... like... like... fat ladies underarms who have been drinking all day and boozing all night, while doing a long walk to Jamaica through a small gap that contained some p3n15 eating Aratan's fluffy dice. At neck breaking speed it took a leak on Aratan's Budweiser. Katan jumped off a cliff while peeing on the bush below while Sfire was chattin on boys in cellars that smelled like fish guts, but anyway we shall get acne from multiple VIAGRA CREAM OINTMENTS! In my pants storm, earth, and fire is what that seemed to be but inside pants. So Santa came and ate some with his arse that was full of brown sticky Tootsie Rolls. So everybody went to get a handfull of Milkyways from TESCO, but they ALL SUCK MAJORLY!!! Bras, panties, fingernails are his favorite food on dark bread with cheese without the yellow beer that smells like cat wee. Large orange cars out the bum tastes like rum that has been inside a bum. The bum has bumcheese of poopy outdated crispy pies. I'm at school bum fluff blue sticky black poo... Yeah. Aratan decided to go home and eat pencils INDUSTRIAL SIZED CHAINSAW! Bubu danced on tabletops, painted Boba Fett Fainted all over the INDUSTRIAL SIZED PERFORMING MONKEYS wearing tutus, whilst petting his snake Daytrancer. DJ jumped off a cliff into a pie so that Doobie fell over in a puddle of gooey, yucky, tasteless jam, which has furry with fungi from old salami covered in salmenela that was soggy. Mike started licking at an icecream with buttholes inside which were filled with nice creamy ice ice baby wet wipes. They went, "lol noob!" and ran off wif my bumcheese. SEX SEX SEX happens tomorrow, therefore everybody gets free from his chains that were covered with paint. Mike licked the paint full of lead and other nasty things that made Mike pick up his lick-o-riser and teh crazeh catz! shot up his very fine Ferarri so full of fluffy dice, that smelled like um, yo mama! Then he played Raider got 666! hipopotoma got mad chewy pamphlets grass in his pants so he bought several mini-popes in his pants that started licking his own toe with a gardening fork. ANYWAY! He then ran up a silver-plated steel ball and Super Spikes! He got horny because he saw this 3 Word (me want you) Story Game, so three words he wrote, were rather oddly put together. "Saddap you FREAK!" Star_Fox said, while Menaxia was winning at absolutely nothing! So therefore she wrote an essay on Jawa Harassment which she then published to the Hell Committee of Oompa-Loompas armed with human waste and Jawa-Harassment books that were sexy and green. Meanwhile old, lumpy, molded new life; but it went terribly well. That meant his balls were sent to Taiwan for reconstitued processing into some sort of catfood, which by the way, is very supa-dupa-delicious for lonely, confused crazy fat catz who want to play with their wind-up mice. Anyway, the new robot Santa Clause went home because he forgot his Cinnamon Toast Crunch! and his vibrator that didn't work which was most disturbing, that's why everything happened except what he wanted to. If you believe this story so long and weird and strange, then Gradius will come and jump off into Orion's big and very red monstrosity of a adjustible leather chair which he stoe from Queen Elizabeth. Gradius cried out and grabbed his big, hairy, dirty and often used toenail clippers. Then he took Orion's chair and poked Quesi in his quite embarassingly small hand. Quesi screamed with extreme pleasure and he was violently taken from his usual position and dropped into a hole of in which there was strawberry lollipops which he slurped with great delight and a loud bang goes off because he let his little duck eat some more chocolate pudding. This obviously resulted in a lot of his duck's bones shirt, shoes, sandwich and pet monkeys are very curiously tied together with the one-armed man-eating, sailor-intruiging sandwiches, which were very distasteful. Later, he went to release himself of giant blood-sucking happy goose mating parasite infected... parasites which belonged to Aratan, who then had an argument with them because they had stolen his edible panties. This made him angry as a gummy bear in a turbo-charged microwave tupperware case which made the gummy bear turn moldy and furry. But pretty awesomely Aratan decided to burn his bookshelf because it had a psychotic rage directed at the bad-smelling Rodians which attempted to rub his nipples with Vics Vapo-rub. This was impossible because of diabolical Ewoks named Aratan who wanted to eat fish sticks so smothered in some KY jelly that smelled like rotten tomato soup. He whipped out pink leather pants that looked like pink leather pants that caught fire because he stood too near to the hot toaster. He stopped, dropped, and picked his nose. This was thought of highly by anyone who really liked chocolate cake. The fire decided to go out the pink pants and the green shirt which had a Security Device Enclosed. Suddenly a llama really decided to spit into the wind mainly because of its tiny brain. This made Aratan extremely turned on so he whacked off - a booger with his sword of sausage biscuits of green gerbils which had huge pink leather pants to sleep in. The next millenium will promise you a 53.32034030295233567321315235642 inch jelly baby which will expand rapidly until it goes KABOOM! And then your socks will float away down slipstream space channel until it will rupture and explode. Blinding a passing termite, who had no Core Rulebook for universal domination but a.k.a. D&D, which is complicated because of the lack of ammunition, for the gun suddenly makes sense that it has. "Eww!!" she said. "Why is the chamber empty, it does not make me giggle like parkour is cool. Then everything exploded and the Jawas watched me and whacked off hard with help from Mike the King of anal SPAM." This resulted in all sorts of crazy she-it. Flaming nipples of justice arose from the talking dill dough that was over-flowing with the buttered cheese tomato rat from hell. This thread won't sink into obscurity and the nipple thread will never be erected to lick itself completely, or is it a sentinent piece of outrageous masturbation gone horribly wrong? To be continued in the high mountains of Snowdonia. The mountain is very high, but not as high as the mountaintop or the moon. He crept silently to his spacecraft and lost his milk jug and digestive biscuits. They lit their sabers and fought over the biscuit crumbs until they got very extremely homophobic and started to dress in women's thongs and started to run around like flapping, flopping flippers, he then realized that the alien that had no name, so they named it Billy Bob Joe, and he was a bit gay. He had no male genitals and no eyes. Also, to his idiotically unfathomable dumbness, it could not be the reason why he had not realized that he was gay. "Sorry, money does lemon curry ladies?" Aratan asked, while he kissed a bantha. "Would you like some uber Protection Against Evil? Personally, I like Purple Pansie Pants and black thongs, which are tight," he said. "Sad, this thong itches." Suddenly, everyone turned to stare at the ugly monkey who was pointing at his butt. Those huge mountains of butt hair were uber happy because they humped a giant llama who loved egg! A chicken liver appeared and ate Optime. Optime yelled, "avenge ye wild fool, cuz I'm a silly who likes to eat penis!!!" Suddenly, he denied this pink hat, and quickly added, "NOES!111 My banana's pink!" and then realized he sat on a dancing cat. His weight broke the semi-automatic Penis Erectornator. Then Cuzza used it but it didn't work as well as the hard rubber doom-like chicken torpedo launcher. "Only one thousand?" asked the demented Optime, whose last nipple circumcision was severely accidental, considering Menaxia's pink hair was to blame! This was entirely Lianiotte and he wondered, "who is HE?" Lianiotte's evil glare turned Vasper to scream out loud and he killed a dark Jedi because he was a super strong Jedi! He stabbed some random guy in the back and the guy ROFL and LMAO'ed and died peacefully. Then I turned around to find socks in my dog's bottom because he had diharrea bouncing into the toilet pot because it was necessary to write 3 words about anal SPAM (which is very common among these topics. Also, he prefers the other ones feeling sick.) A dog ran and bit Gradius in the neck and he screamed like a monkey in heat, then a chipmunk came and pulled a face at Carda, and then Gradius bled out. Talion ran at a nuclear reactor that blew up for some reason and destroyed the last of his testicles. This was funny for Raziel and for Bandon but made Blademaster extremely turned on. Regardless, many have not been tickled by a rabbit, so Bandon struck his lightsaber up and hacked it into little pieces of shrimp, that were purple like Aratan's face. Then the shrimp got up and slaughtered Bandon and ate his cake. Then a dog peed on Blademaster's small left foot resulting in his extremely powerful orgasm. Having recovered, he ![]() ![]() ![]() "What the crap!" were his only words when he saw his reflection in the mirror when his head hit a giant rock formation with dog poo all over the place. So, he rubbed the crap all over his faceand poked the catapult button on and flung himself and never went to Pluto during the flight, which was very naaaaughtyyyyy. He randomly exploded a Blackjack firecracker which was illegally modified to accomodate your baby's daddy with genital herpes. Talion then killed a back-alley cat, Buzz (a fly), swatted down like Ris when he fell ontop of himself. He awoke with a giant and a money bag full of giant fluff, which was very giant. The last dog... wtf?... One day, a giant dog barked at me and bit me what in the hell does that mean? So he bit an old repoculator, so it blew into a million smiley faces, which bounced on a nuclear or nuculer bomb so it would fix spelling for the spelling in which the great dragon Smaug was spelling, was the word 'SMMEEEEEEEE' but then its big feathery helmet turned into gold, which splattered his nipples, which were green. Lian decided to visit her friend, the allmighty Grad..the laming monkey! Lianiotte realise that...she ruins threads as much as the luck in the revenge of........ "Stop Bumping This" Lians Killer Comments!!! and silver bells pooped his pants. Then he realized he stunk bad! Anyways, getting back who likes pie? with spaghetti bolognaise and CHEEZ! Mostly from taco bell, The insidiouly ugly...gigantically tiny blimp shot up aron's astonishingly broken pelvis, which then shattered...into a million tiny pieces og glass and ash. Then aron imploded! and virtue laughed and along came talio who sabered Eica, who then...spalltered into a'million, and noob who did't like cookies or his mother or Gradius, but moving on to the Hipopotimus that asked "did....the mandalore pwn?" "yes he did" He was pwnt by wicek aka the super jawa! "wrong..aka the...Talions mini me" who was stamped on by the almighty Raz! so talion cried cuz Wicek owned his big ego, then Talion planeted a bomb to Wicek but failed miserably cuz Zarith railed against Wiceks hypocrisies and taht was just pure mental. Sete slept in and missed the train he was already regretting it because he was dancing like a noob on fire, witha passion for blowing up stars with a big star crushing device made from pickles grown in washington adopted by Chewbacca and his pimp han friggin solo, who then lived for 15 years. Untill one say a stormtrooper got eaten alive by a giant penis! This came as a shock for the stupid thing which was unsure of his damn dam he built with his little blue hand which pwned us all forever and ever and then something strange happened in DarthMaukl's garden shed, which could't be set fire too the and and ate the nonesense. Confusion is a state of not knowing dances he knew so he put the capital liechtenstein in a small hilarity blender of mass armageddon and noble steeds of hippy love, with a flavour of mint sauce and something that rhymes with that noob, but then he sudenly felt something enter his orifice. Omfg It's a furry mindrith that can fly! and he said omg you messed up my due! and what that you destroyed the spam you swine! Then the building toppled over gracefully but devastatingly enough onto a small box that had a large sombrero made out of nachos, cheese and crusty dry knees and gradius' eyebrows with minty "hi-hos" full of cheer and backdoor beer. Singing merrily in high pitched voices grossly outta tune with unrhyming stu a criminally insane macho mach man and somethin new like a lightsaber ate my grandma! Then spat out and killed a ugly rodian names sazabi teh dwarf. After this chaos a weired looking human called....PICKLE! A giant cat with a christmas hat and stockings dancing on the head of Virtue because Virtue's head smelled like cheese although fragrant cheese just like candles and incense, the christmas cat danced the grim fandango for he loved this dance and went on loving his little pet Lord Piccolo who ate some cheese of unsurprassed spleandour with the furbies and then CC pulled out his enormously large PC which overheated and caused a massive explosion of jam! All over the wall, sticking a nine inch nail through the stomach of a rancor. It rawred in agony, as a bolt of lightening pelted towards it hurled by buzz and his evil pink fluffy kitten equipped with razor, trent razor! Who was a super smooth with minty lube that he liked far too much than was natural. The evil hippos ver closely resembled a pink flying narrow potato head with crazy hair and he said "omg! how do you do those....funcky alfonzo dances with garlic bread he shouted "woot!" and jumped on a moving train and missed it! but landed on Phobos, of Mars then he realised he is dumb so ignoured him and learned grammar from the dude...called Mr Mistopoles. After this eventful teaching, they went to wounderland with absolutelu nothing but killer christmas tree's which needed balls and baseball bats. What about piggy tails? they are snazzy but not really...they were incredibally SEXEH! WITH CHIVES! untill they will melt away with THE CHIVES alongside...a mixture of pork spam and an incredibally orange looking lump of bantha fodder, then you wisk three women straight into a large bowl containing sugar and spices. Finally you did the cha-cha then he decided to re-arrange the meeting with his sexy secretary and his secretaries PENIS! kinda went wobbly falling into soup which tasted cheesey. Moving swiftly on with wings of a monkey which flapped uselessly in a cushd tin eating a big old stinky banana while riding on Virtue's horse that could do uber triple backflips! Then Jarhok grabbed his mighty saber and he sliced apart the mighty loaf of bread which Virtue spawned, Mushroom shoup which then he realised wasnt soup but actually coco beans which tasted like Belgian chocolate. He cried then while leaning on lardman, he went to eat pie with DJSITH's cat. The cat was fast, agile and had extremally sharp claws designed to slash the rocky out of Piccolo and Jarhok. Then a giant boulder are a man who wear purple with a smell nothing to fear but the ebil wabbit! who rides tonight with two feeeeeet that are stuck in pie jam wit lots og purple ghosts who try to eat a lightsaber and commited a suidide by eating a cake made by evil assasin monkeys who tried to whip out their dangerous monkey katanas! In another story the assasin monkeys named Ni'Ran Jowol and Crazy Wicek spawned a taun taun of almighty doom and impending CHASO and soing something to annoy Sazabi and then suddenly Piccolo appeard with a huge battle-axe of sundering fortitude and axe mastery fighting alongside R2D3. He won that Darth Vader appeared and ate a bowl of cornflakes which had milky milk in it while having a droid doing his evil bidding for something on ebay in fact that is not what it seems it is really pirate assasin monkeys merely reading books and eating cheese along with sticky Bungle, Zippy and George. Aston Martin which is as good as the old DB5 but not as hot as a TVR Sagaris which was smeared in Cuzza's face with oil and petrol. Then it set the assasin monkeys dogs off leash to attack ataris's RIDICULOUSLY MASSIVE HAIRY red eye and the idiot Jenwan stuffed the usual monkey shaped apple with mint sauce. Then a small dwarf dropped scone on the enormous round ring of tablet brick potato that ate the shoe of almighty yellow liquid of strange purple doom too many colours doorknob ankle cold. So what about a enormous turnip that grew inside my friends sphincter, it was Virtue's sphincter which led to a horrible disease ridden monkey tattooed across his pasty pert bottom. Virtue exploded messily getting his name completly soaked in Rufy's custard. Jarhok then ate Virtue's cookies which were actually not his but were actually Dash's knobbly wobbly kneecaps. A dude came into his house attacking his bogroll with pancakes of dragon poop! then came around sally with an overweight tranny. He/She said "suck my keyboard of almighty kobolds!" "GOM!" said the evil piggy while he tried to pile on the rhubarb tart. The smart little smg tart maker, AKA Prince Charles are some smg and whipped out a rusty spoon and a rusty old microphone with Robbie Williams attached llama llama duck. Look over there! a strange man Vader had dumpall over his dads pants but he still is the supreme dad3h! not really, 4nyw4y...the slightly iluminous japanese tentacle monster then moved on to eat pancakes! A swift turd jumped out of a large tree in boiling rice which slowly sizzled onto the deck that made him queazy, but happy and then he engaged in oral contact! "oh gosh...thats good" Then Krazzed got confused so he fell down a well, he whipped out his long gun waved it proudly at bail and jumped three feet pen and ink, into that large hightly scidic yoghurt with alkali flavourings and some random fluffy horned bits, that are pointy Krazzed dissolved instantly A cat said "Somebody else post!" and they did, but only one time because Pink are a cucumber which unfortunately tasted like rubber tires and tough cupboards. However there was several open piccolo's eyes. Then the girlon moriartis D.P jumped out a flaming mutant hippo of teleclopsy. Moriati said "OUCH! eat my bum" Dance, dance revolution Dance Dance b00gey!....crazy students say. The plugulug then makes no sense. Then Wicek's mom and Wicek's dad began to engage in watching television and eating whales. The whale tasted like fruity nuts and cocoa pebbles. Aiddat ate them with herbed cheese _______________ -Padawan of Virtue -Brother of Menaxia, *|irael, Krynn Adept, Majno, Ris Win Juljul, DaMi3N, Beowulf, Dash Starlight, Carrock and Yuken Zalak Bartender at Munes bar. Sir Mic of Nippledom! Proudly beating Wang, since '07. (Crackdown) This post was edited by Mic Den Octela on Jul 17 2006 12:30am. |
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Aiddat - Student ![]() |
baseball bats. What _______________ -Aiddat, the Gran with the green blades. "You have a right to be angry, but believe me when I say you don't want to feed that emotion." - Kyle Katarn {Owner of Liso Jowol's 550th comment, Conchris Chaotic's 80th, 150th and 350th comments, Pink Floyd's 200th comment Tyrant's 695th comment, D@RTHM@UL's 10600th comment}, accidentally tricked Pink Floyd into giving me his 1700th comment, I also have Alexander D'Kana's 1950th comment, Mindrith Pride's 1850th comment and I used the same accidental trick on Lewis's 100th comment, and I have Aiddat's 1992nd comment (birthyear), and #Elmo's 450th comment. Unsuccessfully tried to prove Senor Hat's theory wrong. Click for screenshots. Padawan of R2-D2. |
Kenwan Obiobi - Student |
needed balls and |
Alex Dkana - Staff ![]() |
killer christmas tree _______________ To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield | Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken | Rhaiko D'kana - SWTOR EU Guild Co-Founder | Is it what the teacher, teaches? Or what the student learns? A Dkana |
Kenwan Obiobi - Student |
absolutely nothing but... |
Alex Dkana - Staff ![]() |
to wonderland with _______________ To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield | Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken | Rhaiko D'kana - SWTOR EU Guild Co-Founder | Is it what the teacher, teaches? Or what the student learns? A Dkana |
Kenwan Obiobi - Student |
teaching, they went This comment was edited by Kenwan Obiobi on Dec 29 2005 04:03pm. |
Ris Win Juljul - Padawan ![]() |
After this eventful _______________ -Padawan of Virtue -Brother of Menaxia, *|irael, Krynn Adept, Majno, Mic Den Octela, DaMi3N, Beowulf, Dash Starlight, Carrock and Yuken Zalak -Proud owner to Mics 100th and 777th comment's, Lady C's 700th Comment and Emm's 100th Comment ^^ -A Proud Knight of Nippledom |
Kenwan Obiobi - Student |
called Mr Mistopoles |
Mic Den Octela - Student ![]() |
from the dude.. _______________ -Padawan of Virtue -Brother of Menaxia, *|irael, Krynn Adept, Majno, Ris Win Juljul, DaMi3N, Beowulf, Dash Starlight, Carrock and Yuken Zalak Bartender at Munes bar. Sir Mic of Nippledom! Proudly beating Wang, since '07. (Crackdown) This comment was edited by Mic Den Octela on Dec 29 2005 03:45pm. |
Wicek - Nugget |
and learned grammar |
Kenwan Obiobi - Student |
so ignored him |
Vision - Jedi Knight ![]() |
he is dumb |
Wicek - Nugget |
then he realised |
darkskye - Student ![]() |
Phobos, of Mars _______________ "Out the cat5, through the router, down the T1, over the leased line, off the bridge, past the firewall... nothing but 'Net." Chevron 1 is lit up Proud donator of the forum's 99000th comment ![]() |
Alex Dkana - Staff ![]() |
but landed on _______________ To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield | Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken | Rhaiko D'kana - SWTOR EU Guild Co-Founder | Is it what the teacher, teaches? Or what the student learns? A Dkana |
darkskye - Student ![]() |
and missed it! _______________ "Out the cat5, through the router, down the T1, over the leased line, off the bridge, past the firewall... nothing but 'Net." Chevron 1 is lit up Proud donator of the forum's 99000th comment ![]() |
Alex Dkana - Staff ![]() |
a moving train _______________ To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield | Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken | Rhaiko D'kana - SWTOR EU Guild Co-Founder | Is it what the teacher, teaches? Or what the student learns? A Dkana |
Vision - Jedi Knight ![]() |
and jumped on |
Mindrith Pride - Student ![]() |
he shouted "woot!" _______________ [proud owner of talions 200th, 700th,1111th coment AND 1400th , DJK's 3001th coment! , saz's 400th coment! liso's 800th coment! Kitmitsu Aratan's 1200th comment! Cau's 100th comeent, Alexander's (aka CC) 210th, 888th and 2200th comments! Moriarti's 800th comment , Piccolo's 2000th comment! lirael's 505th comment , Quom Farlance's 120th comment, Alexander's 1800th comment , Eica's 1400th comment , Wicek's 3200th comment lady C's 999th comment, Echuu's 1100th comment, Takaru's 325th and 400th comment, Redeye's 200th comment picc's 3600th comment, Ostith's 50th comment, Elmo's 555th comment] |
Kenwan Obiobi - Student |
with garlic bread |
Wicek - Nugget |
funky alfonzo dance |
darkskye - Student ![]() |
you do those _______________ "Out the cat5, through the router, down the T1, over the leased line, off the bridge, past the firewall... nothing but 'Net." Chevron 1 is lit up Proud donator of the forum's 99000th comment ![]() |
Vision - Jedi Knight ![]() |
omg how do |
Wicek - Nugget |
and he said |
Alex Dkana - Staff ![]() |
with crazy hair _______________ To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield | Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken | Rhaiko D'kana - SWTOR EU Guild Co-Founder | Is it what the teacher, teaches? Or what the student learns? A Dkana |
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