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Taking a break -doobie - May 31 06:19pm |
Just wanted to let everyone know, I'm taking a break from the Academy. I'm extremely tired of all the politics all the people who make threats because of other people, all the people who don't appreciate what we do and instead get caught up in petty little crap. And no, this isn't because of one isolated instance, it's been building up for a long time. Maybe my absence will help all of you doing these things to realize THIS IS A FREAKING GAME, AND A FREAKING WEBSITE FOR A GAME. WE'RE HERE TO LEARN AND HAVE FUN, NOT GET CAUGHT UP IN PETTY TITLES, RANKS, AND ARGUMENTS!!! I'll probably be back at some point, but until then, I'm spreading "leadership" around the remaining council members, and I have faith that they'll be able to keep things running smoothly. -update from a slightly less PO'd DJ ![]() Politics are unavoidable when you have a tiered management system like we have here (knights, trainers, council, staff). I know it's going to happen, but please try to keep that kind of stuff to a bare minimum. Remember we're all here to play games and have fun. ![]() Enjoy your break, boss. Go bowling alot! |
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Comments |
Rahn del Sol - Student ![]() |
There's politics because many people have an inherent need to feel superior to someone else. To all those people, I say: Go fork yourself. ![]() _______________ http://steamcommunity.com/id/citizen059 |
Vaughn - Student ![]() |
Wow Mr Doobie, you too? aie! well, take care, and do come visit. or come back. Soon... which ever comes first. you know that when you do there will be some people waiting. Wow, I seem to have lost my ability to speak english :S too much science studying ![]() _______________ When you become an actor, you become the person, and you dont act anymore. You just are. - Tyler HP, Taught by Mr G Simpson |
Darth Bamse - Student ![]() |
Have a good break, and do come back! _______________ Why use only one saber, when you can use two, and double the mayhem? This comment was edited by Darth Bamse on Jun 02 2004 10:50pm. |
Urded - Student |
have a good break!!! _______________ Mapper a la strange. Proud owner of SilkMonkey Award for Wishing He Had Menaxia's Best IRC Smile Award. A Penguin Jedi is Me! |
HiroYuki - Student ![]() |
Take care Chief![]() _______________ Proud Brother to Motrec & Monkaiman & Zeke Azakura & Lezlo Skywalker & CharmedOne my Wise Advisor Meklon M'ren Friend to Thom Skywalker, Ashyra, Kenny Jowol, Wicek , Saz ShadowSith & Katans & Nitram & Dark Angel M'ren Old Padawan and my wise Mentor JaikoD'Kana Quote: What is Strenght Without Speed
KkF FREAKFISH - Ex-Student ![]() |
Quote: doobie- Understood and noted. You deserve better, and we should certainly better appreciate what you've monumentally helped create. wow thats a lotta good stuff i aggreeBut, unfortunately, even in the best of circumstances the "politics monster" will rear its ugly head. I purposely stay out of the forums dedicated to the upper eschelon (although I have web rights to it as Staff...my recent inactivity not withstanding); hence, I have kept away from the politics, and (purposely) don't have full knowledge of what is going on. However, based on my past experience I don't doubt what you say is true. Example: a group I used to belong to saved cats and dogs from being put to sleep. What a nice little group! Trying to save animals from being killed! Fuzzy kitties...furry dogs...and the WORST bunch of political infighting and backstabbing that I have EVER experienced in my life. The yelling and screaming at the monthly meetings was intolerable, and I could only shake my head at how ridiculous it all was. I quit and never looked back. (I don't necessarily recommend this choice to you, however.) So...if it can happen to a bunch of people who loved cute little animals (but hated each other, apparently), it can certainly happen here at the JA. No matter HOW well you/we try to run it. Unfortunately. The only thing we can do is try to reduce it. How? As I have little knowledge of the problems, I have no current proposals for reform. But, I would be more than willing to participate in some sort of "working group" with the intention of examining the current state of the Academy, and propose ideas (if necessary) on improvement. Let me know what you think. -rh ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Tido - Student ![]() |
Take care bud, you deserve a break. We'll see ya when you get back. |
Ruuk Haviser - Retired ![]() |
doobie- Understood and noted. You deserve better, and we should certainly better appreciate what you've monumentally helped create. But, unfortunately, even in the best of circumstances the "politics monster" will rear its ugly head. I purposely stay out of the forums dedicated to the upper eschelon (although I have web rights to it as Staff...my recent inactivity not withstanding); hence, I have kept away from the politics, and (purposely) don't have full knowledge of what is going on. However, based on my past experience I don't doubt what you say is true. Example: a group I used to belong to saved cats and dogs from being put to sleep. What a nice little group! Trying to save animals from being killed! Fuzzy kitties...furry dogs...and the WORST bunch of political infighting and backstabbing that I have EVER experienced in my life. The yelling and screaming at the monthly meetings was intolerable, and I could only shake my head at how ridiculous it all was. I quit and never looked back. (I don't necessarily recommend this choice to you, however.) So...if it can happen to a bunch of people who loved cute little animals (but hated each other, apparently), it can certainly happen here at the JA. No matter HOW well you/we try to run it. Unfortunately. The only thing we can do is try to reduce it. How? As I have little knowledge of the problems, I have no current proposals for reform. But, I would be more than willing to participate in some sort of "working group" with the intention of examining the current state of the Academy, and propose ideas (if necessary) on improvement. Let me know what you think. -rh _______________ Back from the dead... |
SaberWeildinKow - Student ![]() |
I hear ya (as much as I can comprehend) and apologize for anything that I may have ever involved myself with to undermine the good intentions of the academy. /salute /bow |
Ulic Belouve - Student |
My deepest apologies to you and any other of the higher-ups, as I know I have caused issues on a large scale at times (I seem to recall a nasty one about a year ago this time). So I've added to it, and don't tell me that I'm wrong. But I apologize freely without any true prompting. Do take care and come back renewed, I have some "Academy Business" I would like to discuss with you (but only you, 'cuz your da bomb. Maybe DJ Sith too, but, yeah.) _______________ Jedi do not fight for peace. That's only a slogan, and is as misleading as slogans always are. Jedi fight for civilization, because only civilization creates peace. |
D@RtHM@UL - Student ![]() |
Enjoy your time away from this place Doobie, you deserve it ![]() |
Wolfwood - Student ![]() |
Have fun Boss, we''ll keep this place running for you ![]() _______________ ~ Honor is a fool's prize. Glory is of no use to the dead ~ |
Daidalus[JAP] Fisto - Student ![]() |
hey, doobie! i whish you good recreation fo everything. it maight be sounds strange frome someone who swiched the light on, but now i have an idea how you are feeling.![]() Thx to everyone who loves the academy. ![]() greetings, daid _______________ Founder of the Fisto Family -|- Member of the mighty FiZZsters!! -|- Owner of the second Bail prize for "BAIL RULES!!" -|- I'll never forget you Jaina! -|- Owner of the one and only autograph of Smily -|- SMILY RULES ![]() Sir Daidalus Fisto. Official Historian of Nippledom and server to Menaxia, Queen of Nippledom Quote: fiZZe: "gdamubububugmgmgububugrrrrrdsa?"
FaDed - Student |
don't count on it. i'm still here for a bit. ![]() |
Orion - Retired ![]() |
OH and on a lighter note!! w00t!!! MY SHINS GET A REST FROM BEING KICKED!!!!!! w00t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ![]() _______________ When a Man lies he murder's some part of the world. These are the pale deaths which men misscall there lives. All this I cannot bear to witness any longer. Cannot the kingdom of salvation take me home? -Cliff Burton Owner of Smily's 1900th comment | <Lady_Catherine> i love your sexy white socks! | (Lady_Catherine) i adore u! | (Lady_Catherine) onion (Lady_Catherine) i lub u |
pr0!d'kana - Ex-Student ![]() |
i think alot of people arepointing fingers at the JAC's for not distributing power fairly enough..but its not that easy you know? im not saying that their saints either..every1 has their flaws ![]() This comment was edited by pr0!d'kana on Jun 01 2004 06:44am. |
doobie - Jedi Council ![]() |
apology accepted and returned DM... my reaction was too harsh and uncalled for. Anyway, see you guys when I see ya _______________ -Academy Leader/Dictator/Defeater of DJ Sith and JACen Solo in the JAK+ Tournament -I do think it (the JA) will help convert dozens, maybe hundreds, to the dork nation... --me |
pr0!d'kana - Ex-Student ![]() |
yawp i agree. i think most ppl are getting caught up in issues that are really insignificant at this point. it really is JUST a game. my opinion isnt of much value cause im not really active, but im pretty sick of all the politics and demand for power This comment was edited by pr0!d'kana on Jun 01 2004 06:31am. |
DaRtH-MoBiLiTy - Student ![]() |
Dually noted, massadoobie. And I only have one more comment to, "Clear Up" what you have made my post into. Everyone needs a break, granted. You probably deserve one more than anyone as many of us have posted in this thread. If you had merely made a post saying, "Hey, I just finished school. I am a little tired and need a break", That would have been entirely understandable. The Error that I feel you have made was creating the sense of urgency and blaming your leave on "US, your JA". Describing how the politics is too much and you can't handle it anymore right now. Like your guilting us like a mother fed up with her kid's rebellion. "I'm extremely tired of all the politics all the people who make threats because of other people, all the people who don't appreciate what we do and instead get caught up in petty little crap." Perhaps you should follow your own advise. Sounds like your the one focusing on all the "Petty Little Crap". Forgeting all the good that is here and "appreciate what we do". See what I'm saying? Anyways, take your leave....LIVE IT UP, CONGRATS ON SCHOOL, bro. We will all undoubtedly be here when you get back. And, I will apologize for the harshness I started out with man, it just blew my mind. -DM- _______________ One Day, it will all end. |
AngelD'Kana - Ex-Student ![]() |
I think we are all responsible a little for this vacation, there is no denying it is well deserved, take your break and when you come back we will work hard to make this a tolerable environment for you once again doobie ![]() _______________ SMILY RULES ALL AND SHE CANT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT Quote: Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live. - Mark Twain <Jedi_Prodigy> BOOOO angel! SEE SMILY? JP EVEN THINKS IM RIGHT ![]() ![]() |
Orion - Retired ![]() |
If anyone in the JA deserves a break, vacation, its doobie and DJ, these two have been going at it here for a hell of a long time. Two years of work with out a vacation? Most would go insane and go on a rampage or something ![]() You and DJ busted ur ass to get the JA going and thriving and you deserve a vacation doobie ![]() you rule ![]() and i quote the footer of every page on this site Quote: Questions? Comments? Snide Remarks? Email one of us. _______________ When a Man lies he murder's some part of the world. These are the pale deaths which men misscall there lives. All this I cannot bear to witness any longer. Cannot the kingdom of salvation take me home? -Cliff Burton Owner of Smily's 1900th comment | <Lady_Catherine> i love your sexy white socks! | (Lady_Catherine) i adore u! | (Lady_Catherine) onion (Lady_Catherine) i lub u This comment was edited by Orion on Jun 01 2004 03:59am. |
doobie - Jedi Council ![]() |
DM, I'll say one last thing. If you think this place is going down hill so bad, then either do something positive or leave. Your negativity just brings us down. I'm not leaving, just taking a break. A break... vacation... sabbatical... whatever you want to call it. If i were leaving, and truly didn't care what happened to this place, I would've left a long time ago _______________ -Academy Leader/Dictator/Defeater of DJ Sith and JACen Solo in the JAK+ Tournament -I do think it (the JA) will help convert dozens, maybe hundreds, to the dork nation... --me |
Bandit - Student ![]() |
First, let me say that I wouldn't take Doobie's job (or any JAC, JAT or JAK) without someone paying me. Why put up with the headache for something you receive precious little recognition for? Yes, this is a game and a website for a game. That doesn't mean it is unimportant, it means that the events here should be put in PERSPECTIVE. The focus should be on FUN and learning (to enhance the fun of those playing). The political power plays being made by some simply astound me. Perhaps it's because I'm old and work for a living and look to this as recreation and not a source of self-esteem or personal validation. I mean, damn, I'm looking for less stress in my life outside of work, not more. I admire the fact that Doobie volunteers his time to help run this site for the benefit of those that want to play a game and have fun. Why he wants the hassle is beyond me. To call him a coward for wanting to take a break from the game is simply a failure to understand the situation. Doobie has nothing to fear. He controls the JA and makes the decisions, so everyone can talk until they're blue in the face and it won't matter. He's simply decided he doesn't care to read anymore of the posts that show a total disregard for his efforts. Nothing worse than working for free for a bunch of ingrates. Personally, I'd tell everyone to go jump off a bridge. Guess that's why I don't have my own JA website. ![]() _______________ Part-Time Player (Weekend Warrior). Recipient of the prestigious "Longest-Post-Ever Award" (bestowed on me by Flash on March 23rd, 2004) This comment was edited by Bandit on Jun 01 2004 06:08am. |
DaRtH-MoBiLiTy - Student ![]() |
Whatever man. VIDEO GAME And I mean no disrespect to any JAC's or to You for that matter. Just calling it like I see it. This place has been going down hill for a while now. I feel this is the Nail in the coffin. Get with the program man. You love and care for this place so much? Then change it. Dont like seeing your, "Friends" squabble? Then tell them to do or die. How can you LEAVING make people focus on something Positive, rofl... It really does not matter what I do and do not know about how hard and rough you have it. What I do know is, this place is turning into shit and you walking away right now is not gonna help it. -DM- _______________ One Day, it will all end. This comment was edited by DaRtH-MoBiLiTy on Jun 01 2004 03:02am. |
doobie - Jedi Council ![]() |
DM, you post was extremely unnecessary in tis approach. I"m not "turning tail", i'm simply taking what I believe is a well deserved break to get away from the politics. And to be honest, I try not to pay attention to it as much as possible, but I'm simply trying to get away from HEARING about it. It hurts to hear people I like and respect lowering themselves to petty squabbling, and at this point the only thing I feel I can do is to get away from it all and maybe force people to focus on something more positive. People don't realize what it's like for someone in my position to deal with everything i have to deal with, and maybe you should think about that before making such a accusatory post. I don't think your post does anything beyond try to indirectly cut down the other JACs... no matter what your intention was by calling me out like this, it has turned into a negative. I don't really know where this animosity and anger came from, but it's extremely disrespectful and rude and really unnecessary. Try spending the last 2 years of your life watching something that you love turn into something that people just sit there and f***ing turn into a reason to bitch and moan instead of appreciating the positives. Next time, try and think about what you're saying and realize that you might not know everything like you obviously think you do before making a post that serves simply to make me realize how correct my decision to take some time off truly is. _______________ -Academy Leader/Dictator/Defeater of DJ Sith and JACen Solo in the JAK+ Tournament -I do think it (the JA) will help convert dozens, maybe hundreds, to the dork nation... --me This comment was edited by doobie on Jun 01 2004 02:47am. |
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