The Jedi Academy. THE Place for Jedi training.
The Academy

Hector Thrawn Henry "Hector Thrawn" Ambelang
the guy in the corner clothed only in a loin cloth hunched over a PC hissing: "my preciousssssss"

This user is no longer with the Academy

Location:  see description: otherwise under the North Mountains of Homework
Occupation:  the space that would be better suited as air
Interests:  swords, kendo, swords, vidogames, swords, cats, swords, anime...
AIM Screenname:  HectorTrwn
Last Comment:  Forums: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Comments Made:  499

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May 07 2003 05:43am

 - Student

Hector, so your saying, you haven't had a kendo lesson?!
AHAHA ive had three... ^_^
sorry for laughing. I know the basic strikes (head, side, arm, and stab...well, i make it up)
some of the blocks, and i can even tie my own headthingy!

and i look cool with my shinai (only...nvm)
ive had 1 lesson in iaido (Ulic knows it). So... well, you get the picture... im working there
When you become an actor, you become the person, and you dont act anymore. You just are.
- Tyler HP, Taught by Mr G Simpson

May 04 2003 07:33am

Hector Thrawn
 - Ex-Student
 Hector Thrawn

ok first, yes that is me.

2nd yes that is blood on the end of my sword, the picture was taken after i massacred and entire town (i still dont know how the photographer got away...argh)...j/k that part was accidental, the red light behind me reflected off of one of the poles and a mirror in the back of the studio which projected it onto my blade completely accidentally, thats one of the reasons i like the pic.

3rd. i dont know the stance at all, as a matter of fact, i was never in that stance (not the way you see it) when i scanned it it got turned around and i forgot to fix it. moreover, i only choose that stance because it would look good, not because i actually know how to use it (i have other pictures with other stances). as for the actual art of sword fighting: alas, i have not had proper training. however, i do know a bit, my older brother was president of the UW-madison kendo club and he first introduced me to the idea. i also learned abit from Ulic Belouve (who attends the academy). i was planning on taking a class in it this year, but due to time restraints and schedual problems i was forced to drop it:(.

on the other hand, thanks for noticing.

oh, and in case anyone is wonder why i post answers on my profile.... i want to look important! (or maybe its so i only have to rite one long post instead of two shorter ones....)

May 04 2003 03:07am

 - Ex-Student

:empire:Hi, I like your pick I am a Kendo assistant/teacher in a Kendo school in Buffalo Ny and i was wondering if you knew what style of swordsman ship that pickture portrays because it looks like form 2 okinawa(yet alot of styles do :)) just wonderin :). Stay Cool. Oh and kickass sword that guy has (is that U?) i really like it, it looks similar to one that one of my students has:D:empire:
The dark side of the force offers Unimaginable power.
The dark side is Stronger than the Light; the weak deserve their fate...

This comment was edited by IRON-MAIDEN on May 04 2003 03:08am.

May 03 2003 07:34pm

 - Ex-Student

Hey sweet pic and is that you? And hold on a sec, is that blood I see on the end of that blade? Who have you been stabbing.

Apr 05 2003 10:32pm

Hector Thrawn
 - Ex-Student
 Hector Thrawn

ahh... the music of death:empire:

Apr 04 2003 08:15am

Ulic Belouve
 - Student
 Ulic Belouve

Found some nice Raven Shield mp3s. They have most of the mp3s from those games, including Ghost Recon and the other Rainbow Six games.

Link is here:
Jedi do not fight for peace. That's only a slogan, and is as misleading as slogans always are. Jedi fight for civilization, because only civilization creates peace.

Mar 31 2003 05:15am

 - Student

welcome back

When you become an actor, you become the person, and you dont act anymore. You just are.
- Tyler HP, Taught by Mr G Simpson

Mar 25 2003 08:18am

Hector Thrawn
 - Ex-Student
 Hector Thrawn

ah... spamming my own profile, life is good. now for new about me!

anyway, im back from spring break and finally got my JK2 disk back from my friend. normally it would make sense to be really irritated since i lent it to him mid december and i finally got it back late march, but hey, it allowed me to start talking in the forums so it was an even trade off i think.

furthermore, i am now really rusty at this game, i think i won 2 maybe 3 duels today and i am pretty sure that my opponents were blindfolded and playing with their toes to see if they could beat me. oh well, never was that good any way.:)

Mar 02 2003 03:26pm

Hector Thrawn
 - Ex-Student
 Hector Thrawn

i dont think i have nay witty responses to that... must be all those hits to to the head thet argh gettng 2 mie
(twithces vilolently)

oh well...

Feb 27 2003 09:52pm

 - Student

Note: Massacre is good for one team, but bad for the massacreED, if you catch my drift
When you become an actor, you become the person, and you dont act anymore. You just are.
- Tyler HP, Taught by Mr G Simpson

Feb 27 2003 05:16pm

 - Student

no, im not. Im just saying, that by killing billions of people, its a masacre.
When you become an actor, you become the person, and you dont act anymore. You just are.
- Tyler HP, Taught by Mr G Simpson

Feb 26 2003 08:05pm

 - Student

1 000 000 000 is 0\/\//\/4G3 :P
no seriously, 1 000 000 000 is a massacre
When you become an actor, you become the person, and you dont act anymore. You just are.
- Tyler HP, Taught by Mr G Simpson

Feb 26 2003 06:26pm

 - Ex-Student

Umm... thanks, but I just found the pic by searching and searching. Then after finding a bunch of pics I liked I narrowed them down to this one finally. Then I edited the eyes. Sorry for the dissapointment. lol.
A man asked me for a dollar, and I asked him what its for. He said "I have seen them". I said "ok its yours".

Feb 18 2003 01:52pm

Hector Thrawn
 - Ex-Student
 Hector Thrawn

yeah thats the one. but if 1000000 is a victory than what is 1000000000?

Feb 17 2003 09:48pm

 - Student

What were you goign to have to remember? my comment on 1 death accedent, 7 tradgey, 1000 statistic, 1000 000 victory?
Ill also yhave to remember that
When you become an actor, you become the person, and you dont act anymore. You just are.
- Tyler HP, Taught by Mr G Simpson

Feb 11 2003 03:55pm

 - Ex-Student

I acually got the picture off of an IMESH member. Thanks for asking. I'm sure he got it off the internet or something though. Oh well I've got to get over to Tattoine now. A bounty is due shortly.

Feb 10 2003 07:40pm

 - Hubbub

lol thanks hector i'll try ;)
make install -not war

Feb 06 2003 03:20pm

 - Student
 Mune actually liked that? Well, it didn't turn out like I thought it would, so now the old one's back. I'm gonna constantly edit it though, till it looks decent, add arms, make it actual size, etc. So, I'm sticking with this pic for a while longer:cool:
Until next time,
Captain Barkeep.

Feb 03 2003 06:06pm

 - Student

Hector... so, Ulic and you, dont reffer to your real names, or your game names, but by Hi and Hey. Who is Hi, and who is Hey?

(bad joke)
When you become an actor, you become the person, and you dont act anymore. You just are.
- Tyler HP, Taught by Mr G Simpson

Feb 02 2003 03:17pm

 - Student

While I'm on the subject of Chrono Cross, are you gonna check out the English Radical Dreamers ROM at when it's done? The original sequel to CT if ya didn't know:P. Text Based RPG. Another thing from CC I missed was time travel. Wasn't a huge fan of the dimension warping... Hope Chrono "Break" will be the best yet. Oh, and you're right, ffinsider did have some good points on the timeline. MTFBWY
Captain Barkeep.

Feb 02 2003 01:36am

Hector Thrawn
 - Ex-Student
 Hector Thrawn

thats a good question. actually becasue we work for a super-secret covert governmental assult force [TSSCGAF] we dont actually know each other and if we do we use fake names.


actually now that i think about it we usally dont address each other by name becasue a simple "hey", "hi", etc. seems to work just as well because we both have such pathetic RLs that the only people we could actually be talking to is each other.

::edit:: actually now that i think about it it goes more like this: i have no RL so it is obvious who i am talking too and my huge ego always assumes that when it is not obvious who is being talked to it must be me (hey i am the center of the world right?):D

This comment was edited by Hector Thrawn on Feb 02 2003 01:39am.

Feb 01 2003 11:25pm

 - Student

Hector, just wondering. You know Ulic pretty well. Im wondering, if when you two see eachother, do you call eachother by your REAL first names, or by Ulic and Hector?
When you become an actor, you become the person, and you dont act anymore. You just are.
- Tyler HP, Taught by Mr G Simpson

Feb 01 2003 01:33am

 - Student

Swords...swords are great... got a Samurai 3000 katana off of eBay recently. Nice things, they are. Chrono Trigger is a great game, isn't it? Cross was sort of a disappointment, if I may say so. Good game, just not worthy of being a Chrono Trigger sequel. Waiting for "Break" or whatever it will be called. Agh, the light! I must flee.
Captain Barkeep.

Feb 01 2003 12:30am

Hector Thrawn
 - Ex-Student
 Hector Thrawn

i should be getting my JK2 disk back the around feb 21.... then its time for some payback...
not really payback, since i can never remmeber the people who beat me (too many of them).

Jan 28 2003 02:57am

 - Hubbub

thank you hector! :)

but something does not make sense... how can i inspire the lazy ones if i am one myself? :D
make install -not war

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