The Jedi Academy. THE Place for Jedi training.
The Academy

cHoSeN oNe Michael "cHoSeN oNe" Nohai
JA Programmer, Script0r, and overall good guy.

Location:  Westchester, New York
Occupation:  Software Engineer
Interests:  Programming, Gaming, and Sports
Last Comment:  Forums: Star Wars: Battlefront
Comments Made:  2505

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May 01 2013 02:53pm

 - Student

Hey, thanks for re-releasing the source for JAE :)

JAE was my go to mod for years and I always ran it on my non-competive servers. Thanks for your contributions to the JKA community.

This comment was edited by cHoSeN oNe on Jul 17 2015 03:51pm.

Sep 25 2005 03:45am

 - The Tarped Avenger


I wish to declare cHoSeN-oNe the COOLEST programmer this side of the Academy, the most MYSTERIOUS ex-JAC of them all, and a DAMN NICE GUY too! :D

Three cheers for c1!

Hip Hip! HURRAY!
Hip Hip! HURRAY!
Hip Hip! HURRAY!

/me passes cHoSeN-oNe a well-deserved beer. :D
Saving the world, one kilobyte at a time.

This comment was edited by DJ Sith on Sep 25 2005 03:47am.

Jul 05 2005 12:52pm

Acey Spadey
 - Student
 Acey Spadey

yo yo no ho ho
.Lag Bro to Xanatos. Adopted Twin to Bubu. Big-Brother to SmilyKrazy ---- JATSRAD Guru, JASE Member, JA SP Mod Staff ---- The Order of the Stick -- Big thanks to Mango for my avatar -- Quote:
Sometimes you've got to specifically go out of your way to get into trouble. It's called fun.
(Random hella old quote) <Fizz of Belouve> .. in sovjet russia, cereals spit at YOU!
whats the point of growing up, if your not allowed to act childish!
Padawan - Henkes

Jul 04 2005 01:59am

JAcen LW Solo
 - Retired
 JAcen LW Solo

"Though I walk through the shadow of the valley of death, I shall fear no evil .For I am the baddest mofo in the valley"

Jul 03 2005 04:09pm

 - Student

Nice! :eek: I won't fail you. :P
In the navy and LOVING it! :D

Recipient of comment no. 1000 and heart-warming words from Ataris! :)

Jun 28 2005 06:11pm

 - Student

Sweeeeeeeeeeeeet! :D Can I be a jedi general? :P
In the navy and LOVING it! :D

Recipient of comment no. 1000 and heart-warming words from Ataris! :)

Jun 25 2005 07:46pm

 - Student

I suggest you start out by making an army. :P
In the navy and LOVING it! :D

Recipient of comment no. 1000 and heart-warming words from Ataris! :)

Jun 24 2005 07:44pm

 - Student

/me gives you a bunch of emergency powers.

There ya go, pal. :)
In the navy and LOVING it! :D

Recipient of comment no. 1000 and heart-warming words from Ataris! :)

Jun 24 2005 08:04am

 - Student

you too!:P
"You can't get Windows on a Mac because the drivers are not compatible." --- Some dude from the Geek Squad
"So if you have quad-core, you have four times the RAM, right?" --- Some guy at Best Buy

Jun 22 2005 12:06am

 - Student

WHERE ARE YOU?@!??!?!?!
One Day, it will all end.

Jun 16 2005 06:24am

 - The Tarped Avenger


Saving the world, one kilobyte at a time.

Jun 06 2005 12:26am

 - Student

Hard to belive u retired!!!

Jun 03 2005 01:01am

Attius Kaar
 - Student
 Attius Kaar


First off i love your work. Second i was wondering... Me and a friend are thinking about editing the current JA map and have some good exicting things going in it like a cool collusium type arena and stuff. Its basic additions to teh current map and remodling of 2 rooms, pit and bar. I wanted to let you know and was wondering if it would be possible to make this the new offical map maby. I know it probably wont happen but its worth a shot. Its promasing but its still in basic form. Ill talk to you again when its close to done maby.

Thanks for your time,
Walker Adams (Anakin Skywalker)

May 27 2005 02:59am

Luke Skywalker
 - Student
 Luke Skywalker

Hey, all good :) Was nice to talk to you again regardless! Hope you're able to get that fixed.
:alliance:Luke Skywalker:alliance:

May 20 2005 07:20am

 - Retired

Whats the website you wanted me to check out? I think you told Jeff but I dont know it. :D
RIP MOM 06/29/58-07/31/08 Married to Koyi Donita 4/30/11

May 20 2005 06:20am

 - Retired

GOMGOM!!! EP3 rocked!!!

It was awesome seein it with ya! :D
RIP MOM 06/29/58-07/31/08 Married to Koyi Donita 4/30/11

Apr 22 2005 02:50pm

Koyi Donita
 - Student
 Koyi Donita

Sounds like whatever it is might be cool. Let me know the details either on my profile or e-mail me, okay? :D
For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. Rom. 1:16
So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Rom. 10:17
I love my babyface. Smilykrazy is my baby and I love her.
...Swimming through the void we hear the Word, we lose ourselves but we find it all... System Of A Down. :D

Apr 19 2005 02:50pm

Koyi Donita
 - Student
 Koyi Donita



Blooded!!!! XD
For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. Rom. 1:16
So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Rom. 10:17
I love my babyface. Smilykrazy is my baby and I love her.
...Swimming through the void we hear the Word, we lose ourselves but we find it all... System Of A Down. :D

Apr 18 2005 08:06pm

 - Student

w00t, w00t!!


:P :) :D

One Day, it will all end.

Apr 13 2005 08:28am

 - Retired

RIP MOM 06/29/58-07/31/08 Married to Koyi Donita 4/30/11

Apr 11 2005 07:42pm

 - Retired

Heres the flash numa numa dance. Its entertaining. :D

Enjoy! :D
RIP MOM 06/29/58-07/31/08 Married to Koyi Donita 4/30/11

Mar 29 2005 03:16pm

Koyi Donita
 - Student
 Koyi Donita


8D Grevious is going to pwn in way OWNING somebody just never OWNED before!!!!

Well, I hope he does anyway. I like how they're keeping him in the dark until the movie comes out so far. I don't want him spoiled. :D

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. Rom. 1:16
So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Rom. 10:17
I love my babyface. Smilykrazy is my baby and I love her.
...Swimming through the void we hear the Word, we lose ourselves but we find it all... System Of A Down. :D

Mar 12 2005 03:11pm

Luke Skywalker
 - Student
 Luke Skywalker

Hi dad :) I'm doing alright. Been a while. How are you doing?
:alliance:Luke Skywalker:alliance:

Mar 12 2005 02:33am

Plo Koon
 - Student
 Plo Koon

So,c1, how j00'z doin!?

are you still gonna get the matrix online? :cool:
Free Tibet!
Click this link,and learn
Here too

Mar 10 2005 11:22pm

Zero Akaine
 - Student
 Zero Akaine

ITs been good been bisy with school so i havent hade mutch time to drop by Irc room but i hope to have some time soon
Padawan of Ryo Akaine
Master to Aphex,Skyler,Doppelganger, and GremReaper.

Mar 10 2005 08:18pm

Acey Spadey
 - Student
 Acey Spadey

wiggle ma niggle
.Lag Bro to Xanatos. Adopted Twin to Bubu. Big-Brother to SmilyKrazy ---- JATSRAD Guru, JASE Member, JA SP Mod Staff ---- The Order of the Stick -- Big thanks to Mango for my avatar -- Quote:
Sometimes you've got to specifically go out of your way to get into trouble. It's called fun.
(Random hella old quote) <Fizz of Belouve> .. in sovjet russia, cereals spit at YOU!
whats the point of growing up, if your not allowed to act childish!
Padawan - Henkes

Mar 10 2005 06:02am

 - Student

Thanks buddy! :D

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