The Jedi Academy. THE Place for Jedi training.
The Academy

cHoSeN oNe Michael "cHoSeN oNe" Nohai
JA Programmer, Script0r, and overall good guy.

Location:  Westchester, New York
Occupation:  Software Engineer
Interests:  Programming, Gaming, and Sports
Last Comment:  Forums: Star Wars: Battlefront
Comments Made:  2505

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May 01 2013 02:53pm

 - Student

Hey, thanks for re-releasing the source for JAE :)

JAE was my go to mod for years and I always ran it on my non-competive servers. Thanks for your contributions to the JKA community.

This comment was edited by cHoSeN oNe on Jul 17 2015 03:51pm.

Sep 25 2005 03:45am

 - The Tarped Avenger


I wish to declare cHoSeN-oNe the COOLEST programmer this side of the Academy, the most MYSTERIOUS ex-JAC of them all, and a DAMN NICE GUY too! :D

Three cheers for c1!

Hip Hip! HURRAY!
Hip Hip! HURRAY!
Hip Hip! HURRAY!

/me passes cHoSeN-oNe a well-deserved beer. :D
Saving the world, one kilobyte at a time.

This comment was edited by DJ Sith on Sep 25 2005 03:47am.

Mar 10 2005 02:38am

 - Retired

w000t sweet piccy!! :D
RIP MOM 06/29/58-07/31/08 Married to Koyi Donita 4/30/11

Mar 09 2005 02:17pm

Koyi Donita
 - Student
 Koyi Donita

Dude, that video kicked so much (_!_). :D Thank you very much for sharing that with Smily and myself. I also watched the sith one where Darth Maul refers to himself as the chosen one. LOL Made me think of your right away. Anyhow, thanks again for that. Good looking out. :)
For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. Rom. 1:16
So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Rom. 10:17
I love my babyface. Smilykrazy is my baby and I love her.
...Swimming through the void we hear the Word, we lose ourselves but we find it all... System Of A Down. :D

Feb 14 2005 12:58am

 - Jedi Council


Great duelling you the another night :D

again sometime perhaps? ;)
Joined 16 October 2004 | Retired 10 April 2005 | Returned 05 June 2008 | Made Staff 27 June 2008 | Made Council 18 January 2009
Padawan To Odan-Wei Belouve | Adopted into the Belouve family | Twin to xAnAtOs | Owner of the 4th Quesi sexy badge :D Brother To Roan Belouve, Nomad, Majno, Silkmonkey, Kensei and Jarhok Belouve
Owner Of Virtue's 1000th profile comment, Mr. Doobie's 1000th profile comment, Gradius' 2500th comment, xAnAtOs' 2500th comment, Rosered's 1500th comment, Laziana's 900th comment, Scythus' 500th comment and Echuu's 100th comment

Jan 25 2005 01:59am

 - Student

Hi, am seeking help ;)
am running a JAReloaded server (1.2) wayyyy down here in Middle Earth (AKA Kiwiland AKA New Zealand) for the locals at the JA, and I think I have this running fine ... BUT ... (yep that had to be there eh wot) I can't for the life of me figure out how to get the little extras going - specifically emotes (amsit etc). Your advise would be much appreciated by the fiew of us who have to travel from afar to use the servers ;)
p.s. Windows XP, JK3, dedicated server on PIII 500 ( the boy is too young to be using it :D )
Proud to be Padawan to Sared "It's not over 'till I WIN!!!" Les Brown |If at first you don't're doing about average! «§pecial ©haracters guide» | Winners never quit & quitters never win!

This comment was edited by Janiriki on Jan 25 2005 02:01am.

Jan 24 2005 08:00pm

D@mned ++
 - Student
 D@mned ++

W00t? How can you be retired and give classes?? :P
Bartender at Mune's bar.
It’s not just a site, it’s a community.
It’s not just a community, it’s the Academy.
It’s not just the Academy, it’s a place in my heart.

Jan 22 2005 02:21pm

Koyi Donita
 - Student
 Koyi Donita

I just saw your post and I wanted to thank you my friend. :)
For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. Rom. 1:16
So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Rom. 10:17
I love my babyface. Smilykrazy is my baby and I love her.
...Swimming through the void we hear the Word, we lose ourselves but we find it all... System Of A Down. :D

Jan 22 2005 01:15am

JK13 /// jaws.
 - Student
 JK13 /// jaws.

hey C1 i would like to talk to you about writeing me a little demo recoring script, contact me on one of my IMs or somthing check meh profile (ID: 19) :D
It's a false hologram, it IS artificial...

Jan 12 2005 03:21pm

 - Distributor of Cold Ones

Hey C1! Keep on rockin!:cool:
|-HK-47 -SilkMonkey: You are receiving a warning for being_too_sexy. If you do not stop, action will be taken against you.|| (11:13:43) � Virtue dances for Silk ||Smiling owner of Smilykrazy's 6000th comment =) ||Odan Wei's Proud Big Brother|| Janus is my official TaruTaru Cuddly Animal Type Person. ||(@Virtue) Or you could just be a man and set fire to your won't fall asleep for days after me.||Thomas Skywalker er for sexy for sitt eget beste!!!!| Not changing sig until the JA loosens up. (Started: Aug 31, 2005)

Jan 10 2005 07:46am

 - Retired

awwww you retired? :(
RIP MOM 06/29/58-07/31/08 Married to Koyi Donita 4/30/11

Jan 06 2005 09:07pm

Luke Skywalker
 - Student
 Luke Skywalker

Happy New Year, pops. :D
:alliance:Luke Skywalker:alliance:

Jan 04 2005 12:19am

 - Student

Hey Chosen one. I need your help, badly. I am trying to install jedilive for my server on JK2. But i am having trouble doing it. Can you help me out? plz get back to me!!

Jan 01 2005 10:10pm

 - Student

Happy 2005 bro...may you make many great mods :)

Dec 31 2004 11:22pm

Plo Koon
 - Student
 Plo Koon

Happy New Year C1! hope 2004 was great, hope 2005 will be even better! :cool:
Free Tibet!
Click this link,and learn
Here too

Dec 29 2004 10:12pm

Koyi Donita
 - Student
 Koyi Donita

You never mentioned the music that they have playing in the background.



Even being prepared for it, I nearly pissed myself laughing so hard. This is great!!!! XD
For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. Rom. 1:16
So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Rom. 10:17
I love my babyface. Smilykrazy is my baby and I love her.
...Swimming through the void we hear the Word, we lose ourselves but we find it all... System Of A Down. :D

Dec 27 2004 11:33pm

 - Retired

Merry Christmas and Happy New Years!!! :D
RIP MOM 06/29/58-07/31/08 Married to Koyi Donita 4/30/11

Dec 26 2004 05:41am

 - Student

Woot! Salvy's Neo model:D Merry Xmas:)
"You want eternal rest? I've got it right here!" -Solid Snake-
The Matrix: Unplugged

Dec 25 2004 04:48pm

 - Student

Merry Christmas

Dec 24 2004 02:51pm

 - Student

Merry Christmas and an Happy New Year cHoSeN :)

Dec 24 2004 11:23am

Scythus Aratan
 - Student
 Scythus Aratan

Merry Christmas Chosen One!
Padawan to the great Jacen Aratan!
<Setementor> Scythus is a genius!
Claimer of the 5000th post in the Count thread [Solitude] scy rocks [Casual] good point scythus, you're really smart

Dec 24 2004 12:10am

Jade Jedi
 - Retired
 Jade Jedi

Merry Christmas.:D
*CLICKEH->Never risk the Fett Man|*Download my Saber here. Made by master craftsman Pink Floyd_Mintaka + his 2002 & 4000 comment's [Laz's 700th comment][BDKawika's 600th comment] & Owner of a TOWEL award!!|Master: Sared Padawans: Rage-Ball and Dante Eagle.|*Jade Jedi at The Jedi Academy Archives "There's only one Return and it's not of the King it's of the Jedi" Randal Clerks 2 The top 10 reasons why I procrastinate: 1.

Dec 23 2004 11:35pm

 - Student

Have a great Christmas C1! Good luck with that HL Admin Mod!

Dec 23 2004 10:42pm

 - Ex-Student

Duuuuuuuuuuude, c1! Merry Christmas bro, maybe you can ask Santa for some 1337 CS skills :D
- Proud padawan of Kueller.
- We really are at the beginning of it all. The trick, of course, is to make sure we never find the end. - Bill Bryson, A Short History of Nearly Everything
- <gen-e-sis-happy> Liek, you can train, liek, a n00b, but he'll just be a trained n00b... --> Wise words!
- "daer SOE me likes your a company i am having your some money for letting me do stuff cos mes the best amd i do it all meself" - Slider

Dec 23 2004 09:54pm

Bail Hope of Belouve
 - Student
 Bail Hope of Belouve

Merry Christmas!

Drive safely, don't drink and drive!

have fun!!:D

- Bail -
Visit the Belouve Family Website!
I try to have fun with my friends and try to make a difference as best I can. What does making a difference mean? Well, it can be as simple as saying hello, answering a question that seems obvious or heck, just talking. -- Vladarion

Want to know Vladarion? Read the Article about his life here.

Dec 23 2004 09:46pm

 - Eats Babies

Have a Merry Christmas Chosen. Good to see you popping in every now and then.
"We keep odd hours...." ----------------------- They Live, We Sleep

Nov 28 2004 05:50am

 - Student

Padawan for life to Motrec. Godspeed to all that enter my realm. The human race is mentally slowing down, and it makes me sick.

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