The Jedi Academy. THE Place for Jedi training.
The Academy

cHoSeN oNe Michael "cHoSeN oNe" Nohai
JA Programmer, Script0r, and overall good guy.

Location:  Westchester, New York
Occupation:  Software Engineer
Interests:  Programming, Gaming, and Sports
Last Comment:  Forums: Star Wars: Battlefront
Comments Made:  2505

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May 01 2013 02:53pm

 - Student

Hey, thanks for re-releasing the source for JAE :)

JAE was my go to mod for years and I always ran it on my non-competive servers. Thanks for your contributions to the JKA community.

This comment was edited by cHoSeN oNe on Jul 17 2015 03:51pm.

Sep 25 2005 03:45am

 - The Tarped Avenger


I wish to declare cHoSeN-oNe the COOLEST programmer this side of the Academy, the most MYSTERIOUS ex-JAC of them all, and a DAMN NICE GUY too! :D

Three cheers for c1!

Hip Hip! HURRAY!
Hip Hip! HURRAY!
Hip Hip! HURRAY!

/me passes cHoSeN-oNe a well-deserved beer. :D
Saving the world, one kilobyte at a time.

This comment was edited by DJ Sith on Sep 25 2005 03:47am.

Jun 15 2004 10:23am

Plo Koon
 - Student
 Plo Koon

take a look at the one second to the Right.

Free Tibet!
Click this link,and learn
Here too

Jun 12 2004 03:23pm

 - Student

I can't get your ja reloaded mod to work! i installed it I loaded it,and I even started the server but it won't work!:empire: empire just fo r you.

Jun 11 2004 10:48pm

 - Student

Nice picture you got there!:empire: (I chose that for u and that is: :empire:)

Jun 11 2004 02:55am

Selph Senatu
 - Student
 Selph Senatu

Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Bananaphone!
Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Bananaphone!
I've got this feeling, so appealing. For us to get together and sing.
Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Bananaphone!
Ding Dong Ding Dong Ding Dong Ding Bananaphone.
It Grows in bunchers, I have my hunchers. It's the best! Beats The Rest! Cellular, modular, interactive odular.
Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Bananaphone!
Ping Pong Ping Pong Ping Pong Ping Bananaphone!
It's not bologne, it aint a pony. My Cellular, binanular phone!

Jun 09 2004 09:21pm

 - Student

do you think you could make a mod that has a misle louncher that dusent destruck till some1 ses explode (it would explode when that word is sead (explode)):empire: that would be cool and a good weapon.(I will use it on all me servers!)

Jun 05 2004 03:14pm

 - Student

I have downloaded most of your mods and I would like to be your padawan! (You have helped me with your awsome mods!)

May 26 2004 03:03pm

 - Student

Hey C1,

How you doing man, haven't seen you in a while. Though that's probably my fault, seeing as school is pretty busy atm. Exam stuff and all :(

May 25 2004 08:46pm

 - Retired

Hey there! Had a debate going on with some server peeps and wondered if you'd be able to answer some questions through email or AIM or so. Thanks for your help!
Be honorable, be friendly, be trustworthy. Show respect to all whom you meet. Don't forget you learn when you win AND when you lose. Be the first to admit mistake AND the first to correct it. Be the shoulder for someone to lean on. Always remember those that sacrificed time to help you. Thank you Odan Wei, Vladarion, 3th, Moridin, n00b, Motrec, Faded, Leif, and Tido, you will not be forgotten as the ones to make you remember, it's all about fun...

May 21 2004 05:13am

Plo Koon
 - Student
 Plo Koon

its all good.i dont got BFV so i cant hunt you down LOL :)
Free Tibet!
Click this link,and learn
Here too

May 21 2004 01:45am

 - Student

Hey man, You are what defines a jedi...You are so good, there are legends about you...I wanted to commened a person that i look up to. Thanks a lot man.
"Dude, I just wanna dance"

The offical name change thread, Watch the Michael Vick Expericene!
Pawadan of the very cool Lancer007, bro to Star_Fox, Senor_Hat, Kyle_Katarn, Gradius, and Devlin and friend to many more!!! TIDO YOU ROCK MY SOCKS!!!

May 20 2004 01:45am

Plo Koon
 - Student
 Plo Koon

hey just stopping by to say hi to a fellow oldbie "hi!"

so how goes it man?
Free Tibet!
Click this link,and learn
Here too

May 14 2004 06:48pm

 - Student

w0000t! hehe heeeeh!:D


May 13 2004 06:38pm

 - Student


OMG W00t!!!


May 08 2004 04:16am

Acey Spadey
 - Student
 Acey Spadey />
psst... gave ya wrong email.. ^_^ heh..
.Lag Bro to Xanatos. Adopted Twin to Bubu. Big-Brother to SmilyKrazy ---- JATSRAD Guru, JASE Member, JA SP Mod Staff ---- [url=]The Order of the Stick[/url] -- Big thanks to Mango for my avatar -- Quote:
Sometimes you've got to specifically go out of your way to get into trouble. It's called fun.
(Random hella old quote) <Fizz of Belouve> .. in sovjet russia, cereals spit at YOU!
whats the point of growing up, if your not allowed to act childish!
Padawan - Henkes

This comment was edited by Acey Spadey on May 10 2004 12:39am.

May 04 2004 05:32pm

 - Student

Wondered if u could tell me what this mean, and hopfuly how to fix it ...
While installing ATOTC mod thingy
about 90% through generating script opperations for actioncs,

this error message pops up

Error 1316. A network error occured while attempting to read from the file C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Installations\{a set of numbers and letters that appear to be random}\ Jedi Academy Reloaded.msi

only options is to click ok and then it says it didnt install properly
fiZZe: its SIR Fizzy Fluffy :p

FiZZ[JAK]: that was what I call a counter

Ah, things you only ever expect to hear once :)

May 04 2004 03:17pm

 - Student

Tried AOTCTC, looks awesome man! Can't wait untill the full version :D

And is BFV cool? Thinking of gettin it aswell perhaps :)

May 04 2004 02:27pm

JAcen LW Solo
 - Retired
 JAcen LW Solo

Eeheh, nah. You rule on BFV. I'm just a weekend player. :)

Rock on
"Though I walk through the shadow of the valley of death, I shall fear no evil .For I am the baddest mofo in the valley"

May 01 2004 02:59pm

 - Student

Hey man,

Thnx for helping me with the AOTCTC Mod, tried everything, but didn't work. So eventually I asked Bail to send the folder to me as you said.
Thnx for trying to fix it tho, you rock!

Apr 30 2004 11:14pm

 - Student

I was a child when I joined the JA...scary.

Apr 24 2004 07:36am

Plo Koon
 - Student
 Plo Koon

man great to have you back,atleast one great oldbie comes back :)

just stoping by to say hi!
Free Tibet!
Click this link,and learn
Here too

Apr 23 2004 04:21pm

 - Student

Hey welcome back sir. Sorry for the late post :)
"The Dark Side? I've been there... Do your worst!" ~Kyle Katarn "Don't force it" ~GeForce

Apr 22 2004 08:24pm

 - Ex-Student

OMG i wuz but then u left and said u couldn't make the prom and i didn't think u were comming back :( so i told Leif I'd go with him :(
EDIT: Looks like im going with you again :) Leif told me to :eek:
Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live. - Mark Twain

<Jedi_Prodigy> BOOOO angel! SEE SMILY? JP EVEN THINKS IM RIGHT :D I WIN :D 12:15:30(AM)] * DJ_Sith gives Jacen_Solo a golden shower }{ [01:33:00(AM)] * DJ_Sith give `orion a wonderful golden shower! }{ [01:35:41(AM)] * DJ_Sith gives doobie|broke a wonderful golden shower!

This comment was edited by AngelD'Kana on Apr 23 2004 05:37am.

Apr 22 2004 06:46pm

 - Student

OMG OMG OMG OMG - C1eh!!!! :D

Apr 21 2004 01:54pm

 - Ex-Student

He can't say thank you to everyone who wished him "wb" so he posted it in his profile ;)
Your friends of today, are your enemies of tomorrow.

Apr 21 2004 01:39pm

Bail Hope of Belouve
 - Student
 Bail Hope of Belouve

OMG! :eek:

a JAC answering a post on his own profile?:P
Visit the Belouve Family Website!
I try to have fun with my friends and try to make a difference as best I can. What does making a difference mean? Well, it can be as simple as saying hello, answering a question that seems obvious or heck, just talking. -- Vladarion

Want to know Vladarion? Read the Article about his life here.

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