The Jedi Academy. THE Place for Jedi training.
The Academy

cHoSeN oNe Michael "cHoSeN oNe" Nohai
JA Programmer, Script0r, and overall good guy.

Location:  Westchester, New York
Occupation:  Software Engineer
Interests:  Programming, Gaming, and Sports
Last Comment:  Forums: Star Wars: Battlefront
Comments Made:  2505

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May 01 2013 02:53pm

 - Student

Hey, thanks for re-releasing the source for JAE :)

JAE was my go to mod for years and I always ran it on my non-competive servers. Thanks for your contributions to the JKA community.

This comment was edited by cHoSeN oNe on Jul 17 2015 03:51pm.

Sep 25 2005 03:45am

 - The Tarped Avenger


I wish to declare cHoSeN-oNe the COOLEST programmer this side of the Academy, the most MYSTERIOUS ex-JAC of them all, and a DAMN NICE GUY too! :D

Three cheers for c1!

Hip Hip! HURRAY!
Hip Hip! HURRAY!
Hip Hip! HURRAY!

/me passes cHoSeN-oNe a well-deserved beer. :D
Saving the world, one kilobyte at a time.

This comment was edited by DJ Sith on Sep 25 2005 03:47am.

Sep 11 2004 06:38am

 - Retired

oooooh!! You are almost at 2000 comments!! :D :D
RIP MOM 06/29/58-07/31/08 Married to Koyi Donita 4/30/11

Sep 09 2004 08:52am

 - Ex-Student

You know that passage you posted on Huxley's profile isn't an actual biblical passage. Happens when you watch too much Pulp Fiction. ;)

Sep 08 2004 10:47pm

 - Student

hey dood i PMd u on lucasforums.

Sep 04 2004 06:32am

 - Student

Ah thanks Mikey :P
You are not your f***ing system specs. You are not your uptime stats, your script file, or your oversized desktop screencap. You are not your broadband connection. You are not your f***ing post count.

Sep 03 2004 05:10pm

Mace Windu
 - Retired
 Mace Windu

w00ty w00t w00t w00t!!! :D
-Mace Windu
"When a fool says something foolish, do not answer the fool." -Windu

To Vladarion, though I know you are in a better place - it makes me shake to think that you are not awake - when I think about you it makes me smile - i know you have gone into the clouds to head for heavens gates - you have changed my life - in an incredible way - and so I say thank you - may you rest in peace

Sep 03 2004 11:18am

 - Student

Hey C1 wtf is up with the AOTC:TC site?
You are not your f***ing system specs. You are not your uptime stats, your script file, or your oversized desktop screencap. You are not your broadband connection. You are not your f***ing post count.

Sep 02 2004 01:28am

Mace Windu
 - Retired
 Mace Windu

I am a Christian also, Jesus Christ is my Lord and Saviour :)
-Mace Windu
"When a fool says something foolish, do not answer the fool." -Windu

To Vladarion, though I know you are in a better place - it makes me shake to think that you are not awake - when I think about you it makes me smile - i know you have gone into the clouds to head for heavens gates - you have changed my life - in an incredible way - and so I say thank you - may you rest in peace

Sep 01 2004 03:53pm

Mace Windu
 - Retired
 Mace Windu

Hey c1, are you a Christian?
-Mace Windu
"When a fool says something foolish, do not answer the fool." -Windu

To Vladarion, though I know you are in a better place - it makes me shake to think that you are not awake - when I think about you it makes me smile - i know you have gone into the clouds to head for heavens gates - you have changed my life - in an incredible way - and so I say thank you - may you rest in peace

Aug 21 2004 01:22pm

 - Ex-Student

Hey there! How's your AOTCTC work goin? :)
Your friends of today, are your enemies of tomorrow.

Aug 17 2004 12:28am

Vasper Ba'xian
 - Student
 Vasper Ba'xian

Hey CO. had a question, thought maybe you could answer it for me. It has to do with selling my SW art. I don't wanna sell it and get in trouble because I've needed someone's permission. It's all original art that I've done. I've seen the sites where they sell Lightsabers and props N stuff, but I wanted to be sure before I started doin it.

Lemme know if ya can
Brother to: Tamal, Kavar, J.D.,Jermia, Devlin, Ulic, Xiabara, Seij,Tarron Mib,>>>ROCK ON:).My Spacescapes art page.My Everything Else art page. MY FAV. Jedi Are: Qui-Gon Jinn, Corran Horn, and Anakin Solo. Unofficial Master to Tamal. and Kavar. Founder of the Wuji Hundun Jian saber style. Proud owner of Tamal's 200th comment!//Proud owner of Refl3x's 300th comment!>>>Proud owner of Tyrant's 800th comment>>>Proud owner of Lucky's 170th comment>>>Proud owner of BDKawika's 444th comment>>>To except Existance is to except Reality.

This comment was edited by Vasper Ba'xian on Aug 17 2004 12:29am.

Aug 12 2004 09:03am

 - Student

Good Ty ^^
~*Official JA Ninja*~
[ Padawan and lil bro to SmilyKrazy ]
[-= Judge me by my size do you =-]

Aug 05 2004 10:18pm

 - Student

Heyzz Mate hows u doin?:P

CharmeDoNe aKa DarkiCe...........
~*Official JA Ninja*~
[ Padawan and lil bro to SmilyKrazy ]
[-= Judge me by my size do you =-]

Aug 03 2004 12:48am

 - Student

so witch one do u use and were did you get it and for how mutch?I am gunna become a modder and put things for you like advertisments on jar and ja mods!!!

Aug 02 2004 08:59pm

 - Student

were do i find the modding tools and how mutch is it? plz reply soon.

Jul 15 2004 08:44am

Italian Ice
 - Student
 Italian Ice

Hey man, I wanna start an Academy wide Wampa Raceing Leage. I'm looking for an aproveal from you that this is ok with you. If you look at the forum i have posted about this you'll see the rules i've thought of so far, and im willing to change them to meed the needs of the academy. I'm not looking to you to run this, with permission i would like to run this.

Thanx and please think it over! :D
It's funny how many people know they have the right to remain silent, yet never do.

Jul 07 2004 01:33pm

 - Student

Damn you and your access rights! :D

Jul 06 2004 08:15am

 - Student

Who's your 1900th post going to?

Jul 04 2004 11:18am

 - Retired

w000000000t 8 more hrs!!!

I need some sleep now. Gotta catch 5hrs hehe. :D
RIP MOM 06/29/58-07/31/08 Married to Koyi Donita 4/30/11

Jul 03 2004 10:23pm

Luke Skywalker
 - Student
 Luke Skywalker

Hey dad. :D

I'm doing alright, just been a little occupied.

How's everything with you? :)
:alliance:Luke Skywalker:alliance:

Jul 03 2004 11:28am

 - Retired

c1 RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Looking forward to tomorrow?!?!?! PARTEH!!!! :D
RIP MOM 06/29/58-07/31/08 Married to Koyi Donita 4/30/11

Jul 03 2004 07:04am

 - Ex-Student

Dude it's not worth getting mad over some retard who randomly accuses mod makers; as long as he doesn't make his own mod to see the time & will needed, he won't ever appreciate your work. Now attacking you personally is even lamer. I say you just ignore him.
Your friends of today, are your enemies of tomorrow.

Jun 29 2004 11:14am

 - Ex-Student

I was wondering, what's is the JA Supreme Chancellor supposed to do :P
Your friends of today, are your enemies of tomorrow.

Jun 25 2004 04:17pm

 - Student

Hi Chosen. How have you been?

It kinda makes me sad you're going to lose most of your body soon and turn to the dark side, but the good news is that you'll turn back to the light side right before you croak.
One of the Belouve boys

Jun 20 2004 05:42am

 - Ex-Student

I had a great time as well :D
You pwn c1 im glad u decided to unretire :D
Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live. - Mark Twain

<Jedi_Prodigy> BOOOO angel! SEE SMILY? JP EVEN THINKS IM RIGHT :D I WIN :D 12:15:30(AM)] * DJ_Sith gives Jacen_Solo a golden shower }{ [01:33:00(AM)] * DJ_Sith give `orion a wonderful golden shower! }{ [01:35:41(AM)] * DJ_Sith gives doobie|broke a wonderful golden shower!

Jun 19 2004 09:01pm

 - Student

I'm just throwing a thank you to all the JAC's for being part of getting the prom started!

Thanks a million. We'll all remember it as a blast. :D
In the navy and LOVING it! :D

Recipient of comment no. 1000 and heart-warming words from Ataris! :)

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