The Jedi Academy. THE Place for Jedi training.
The Academy

Ataris Tomas "Ataris"
Milwaukees Finest
Joined on october 29th, 2003 | Former JA Radio DJ

Location:  Helsinki, Finland
Occupation:  Existential Researcher
Last Comment:  Forums: You know your an Olbie when....
Comments Made:  1352

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Jan 01 2006 04:14am

 - Distributor of Cold Ones

I present Ataris with my first ever JAC permie comment. Good job buddy. :)
|-HK-47 -SilkMonkey: You are receiving a warning for being_too_sexy. If you do not stop, action will be taken against you.|| (11:13:43) � Virtue dances for Silk ||Smiling owner of Smilykrazy's 6000th comment =) ||Odan Wei's Proud Big Brother|| Janus is my official TaruTaru Cuddly Animal Type Person. ||(@Virtue) Or you could just be a man and set fire to your won't fall asleep for days after me.||Thomas Skywalker er for sexy for sitt eget beste!!!!| Not changing sig until the JA loosens up. (Started: Aug 31, 2005)

This comment was edited by Virtue on Jan 01 2006 04:17am.

May 08 2006 05:12pm

 - Padawan

im sry to hear that :(

hope ur pants arent too stinky now

May 08 2006 01:21pm

 - Student

Im cool with that, i'l get in touch with you asap, altho not tonight, been up bout 30 hours now, when i get home i intend to sleep for atleast 12 hours. :o
Unofficial padawan of Ataris Draconis

May 08 2006 10:21am

 - Student

I fite for teh usars!1

May 08 2006 09:11am

 - Student

does your saber cook burritos?
I fite for teh usars!1

May 08 2006 12:22am

 - Student

if someone stole a cookie from you in broad daylight that doesnt mean that you should bring these bad feelings of yours to JA.
playing jk3 since 30th of january (2005), member since 1st of february. [Unofficial Master to Vision and Z�diac ] If you can make a fool of yourself infront of 300 people you can do anything - Jaiko D'kana

This comment was edited by SaZ on May 08 2006 12:23am.

May 07 2006 09:45pm

 - Student

Unfortunately for you, Ataris, I'm probably the straightest man alive :P If in doubt, ask Wildfire ;)

May 07 2006 09:20pm

 - Student

Err, why "Cya"?

And I like the Fort Minor lyrics in your sig :D

May 07 2006 08:43pm

 - Student

so you want to be bant?
playing jk3 since 30th of january (2005), member since 1st of february. [Unofficial Master to Vision and Z�diac ] If you can make a fool of yourself infront of 300 people you can do anything - Jaiko D'kana

May 07 2006 07:57pm

 - Nugget

I would use Wiki! : - )

May 07 2006 07:31pm

 - Nugget

Attention whore is an insulting term used in reference to a person who is trying to draw attention to themselves or who finds attention from others gratifying.

May 05 2006 06:26pm

 - Student

Men sjukt va väll ändå lite ti ta I :P
-Need a light?
My 362:nd post was a joke :D

May 05 2006 03:11pm

 - Student

Låt oss säga mellersta österbotten :D
-Need a light?
My 362:nd post was a joke :D

This comment was edited by Nightfire on May 05 2006 03:13pm.

May 04 2006 06:20pm

 - Student

LOL... yeah you know about the second minority language ey? Well guess what camp i'm in :D
-Need a light?
My 362:nd post was a joke :D

May 02 2006 09:16pm

 - Student

BLomstedt Låter farligt Svenskt hede :P Kiitti tapelusta :D
-Need a light?
My 362:nd post was a joke :D

May 02 2006 10:08am

 - Student

I fite for teh usars!1

May 01 2006 01:15pm

 - Student

Ataris is a legendary mexican chef irl.
I fite for teh usars!1

May 01 2006 10:33am

 - Student

-Kauyon Draconis
[Official master of Ataris]

This comment was edited by Esta on May 01 2006 10:33am.

Apr 22 2006 04:47pm

 - Student

"S'all good baby. S'all good"
Padawan to Kensei Hat

Walkin with the Jah of Jacob, on my way to Zion...

Apr 22 2006 04:43pm

 - Student

/Me tips hat on Ataris' head


Apr 22 2006 04:41pm

 - Student

/Me tips hat on Ataris' head
Padawan to Kensei Hat

Walkin with the Jah of Jacob, on my way to Zion...

Apr 21 2006 02:51pm

Senor Hat
 - Student
 Senor Hat

Ahhh, It's so true :D I couldn't od said it better myself, well I could of but I dont wanna make you look like a fool infront of...SOMEONE!?!??!?

... :D :P

Coolness ftw!!
I have beaten The Internet.
The end guy was hard.

Apr 19 2006 11:09am

Senor Hat
 - Student
 Senor Hat

In addition to Kensei's post I would also like to add that he IS teh R0KZ0RZ!

Wooo :D:D:D

Me and Kesei totally kicked your arse in that debate by the way :P

<3 :P
I have beaten The Internet.
The end guy was hard.

Apr 11 2006 08:28pm

 - Student

I would just like to announce that Ataris Rocks. There are few cooler people around. He just r0xx0rz my b0xx0rz. :D

Stay cool, man :P

Apr 07 2006 10:41pm

 - Student

Hey, sorry dude. I just haven't been visiting the academy recently... as you guessed :)

I just kinda feel there isn't much left here for me now, I don't really get the enjoyment I used to, but I pop into irc every now and again. Maybe see you around one of those times ;)
"Your powers are weak old man" || Part of the "Fifth Element Appreciation Society" || Proud possession of Flash
[Jacen_Aratan] bleh [Jacen_Aratan] last year of school :p [Jacen_Aratan] after the finals I am freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee [Jacen_Aratan] until I have to go on more advanced education [Jacen_Aratan] :( [Acey_Spadey] like kindergarten
(Bubu) my sister was quite good actually.. never expected her to be so good (Gradius) yeah, she's great

Apr 06 2006 09:40pm

 - Student

yay thankies! :D
"We make a living out of what we get, we make a life out of what we give."

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