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NotSoLittleCaesar "NotSoLittleCaesar"
Joined Jan 18 2004. I'm told I used to be rather annoying. Sorry for that.

Location:  UK
Last Comment:  Forums: How many are going to play SWTOR!
Comments Made:  3033

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Oct 20 2005 05:30pm

 - Nugget


Oct 20 2005 12:16pm

 - Student

crap, they delivered the xbox-version :S

Turns out they dont have the PC-version anymore. For some reason, I just cant find the game in any store here. Maybe ebay or something then.

This comment was edited by AvaloN on Oct 20 2005 03:52pm.

Oct 19 2005 11:25pm

 - Student

U should take on the challenge m8. I know u are a good player, poking or not poking. Cudo's to him if he can beat u, its that simple.

When I get back in business, I think ill take a shot at Bo aswell. He is so confident, that he must be a good player. Im curious on how he fights.

Keep me posted m8 ;)

And btw, does your clan have a website or something?

Oct 19 2005 07:36pm

 - Jedi Council

If you call Maze the best non-poker then you really lack experience imo.
Zedi were good a year ago, and even then they got beaten by the really good clans like wovian. But hey, you wont find that sort of information anywhere on their site. Like all clans based on pure elitism, zedi doesnt like to admit losses.

Now they are merely a shadow of their former self and therefore "nothing special" anyway.
Find out more about the Jedi Academy Aurochs here and more about Masta here!
Married to Kain.

Oct 19 2005 07:11pm

 - Student

Cool m8, so u in a clan aswell hey?

Damn still hasnt delivered, hope i get my copy tomorrow. Ill see u around on the sA then m8 :D

Oct 19 2005 06:55pm

Mindrith Pride
 - Student
 Mindrith Pride

a bit random ^^ ah well :)
tak has been ignoring me.. so i just take that as a yes :)
i'll be waiting for a offical invite m8 ^^ hope to see ya soon
btw get better soon!
[proud owner of talions 200th, 700th,1111th coment AND 1400th , DJK's 3001th coment! , saz's 400th coment! liso's 800th coment! Kitmitsu Aratan's 1200th comment! Cau's 100th comeent, Alexander's (aka CC) 210th, 888th and 2200th comments! Moriarti's 800th comment , Piccolo's 2000th comment! lirael's 505th comment , Quom Farlance's 120th comment, Alexander's 1800th comment , Eica's 1400th comment , Wicek's 3200th comment lady C's 999th comment, Echuu's 1100th comment, Takaru's 325th and 400th comment, Redeye's 200th comment picc's 3600th comment, Ostith's 50th comment, Elmo's 555th comment]

Oct 19 2005 03:57pm

 - Jedi Council

I just consider poking to be the "faster" and easier way to score frags. The only disadvantages in duels you may have are, that you need more then 1 swing to kill your opponent and that you need to be more careful since every mistake you make is pretty much going to result in death.
My only issue with pokers nowadays is that im pretty much unable to play with them on the same team in TFFAs. I always get the least score and therefore usually get considered as worse or less skilled then the rest just because im unable to kill my opponents with one hit. It works fine when im on a team of non-pokers like the JAA though. Still, the non-poker will always have to hit his opponents nearly twice as much as a poker who doesnt really have to aim neither.

Frustration shouldnt be much of a problem if you have the right mindset neither. Thats pretty much where most people fail though. As ive said, its a bit more challenging to play without poking, to rely a lot more on timing and precision, and to do less damage then a poker does. Less damage for more effort. If you turn it around, "More damage for less effort". Thats pretty much the main reason why most non-pokers get frustrated and therefore dislike "exploiters". The poker can kill you way faster with less effort. So it takes a lot more effort to be successful as a non-poker and a lot more practice to get the right timing and necessary precision, which is bound to a lot more failure. Most people really dislike the fact that their hard work and hours of training are usually not enough to keep up with a high sens though.

Oh and on another note, the clan you might recognize as zedi is nothing more but dust and wont be ever good anymore, since the majority of their good players left or are inactive. They are nothing more but a legend and their biggest mistake was to reanimate themselves out of greed or hunger for power/victory. They shouldve stayed dead for their own sakes...but dime seemingly thought he could take on the whole jk3 scene with twilight alone, which was a huge mistake.
Find out more about the Jedi Academy Aurochs here and more about Masta here!
Married to Kain.

Oct 18 2005 08:49pm

 - Student

Hehe, I know sploiting is evil, but for some reason I enjoy poking. (and gives me more wins). Guess its the easy way to victory, but im enjoying the game even more than before.

Anyways, i dont play a lot on BWN, since those are mostly american servers (except for KoP), and my ping is rubbish there. I frequent all the low ping Euro-servers, like sA, sF, everything with a low ping basically.

I play under HaDeS (in pride colors of course ;)), same name I use in the ESL. (

Now im just waiting for to deliver my copy :) Ow and what's your sploiter-name m8? :P

This comment was edited by AvaloN on Oct 18 2005 11:08pm.

Oct 18 2005 07:13pm

 - Student

Have u been sick m8? Well good luck with that m8 :(

About the copy, ive ordered one at, they deliver in 1 day (nice), altho it did cost me 29.95 euro's, which is about 15 pounds. Rather expensive :o

But hey, its my favorite game, what can i say? :D I can always go for guildwars later on ;)

Ive registered an ESL account btw, when i get back in business, im gonna give it a shot, see how far i get on the ladder. (that will include sploitz im afraid :D)

I hope to catch u on the servers soon m8 (altho there is nothing better than a nice basejka server). If u plan on a session or something, let me know, ill be there m8.

(maybe we could get together for an ESL match sometime m8 :D)

Oct 17 2005 10:09pm

 - Student

guess what dude :)

i wanted to uninstall my game, since i keep having trouble opening standard FFA maps (which pretty much keeps me out of any TFFA games).

then my JKJA CD decided to stop at 83% when reinstalling, and everytime i try to burn that CD, the burner stops at 83% lol

So ill order in a new copy (shouldnt be too expensive) i guess.

Crap :o

Oct 17 2005 04:55pm

Mavic Prid3
 - Student
 Mavic Prid3

Wsup today m8?:D everything goin well and you feel better?:)

I'm a man of thinking, not words:P best online mate to Kenwan, and very proud of it!:alliance:
Was Padawan to Rosered:(
Posesses Avalon Pride's 400th, Lord^Piccolo's 200th and 2600th,Wicek's 2300th,Mindrith Pride's 1234th, Qin Senatu's 1435th(LoL?;)), 2196th(LoL*2!:eek: ) 2211th(LOL^3!!), MY OWN 400th! comment:D
My lightsaber is done:eek: But unfortunately I don't know where you could host it for others to d-load it:P

Oct 17 2005 04:35pm

Mindrith Pride
 - Student
 Mindrith Pride

mmmmmuuuwwhahahahahahahahahahah yes... a nice family -wink wink- :P
[proud owner of talions 200th, 700th,1111th coment AND 1400th , DJK's 3001th coment! , saz's 400th coment! liso's 800th coment! Kitmitsu Aratan's 1200th comment! Cau's 100th comeent, Alexander's (aka CC) 210th, 888th and 2200th comments! Moriarti's 800th comment , Piccolo's 2000th comment! lirael's 505th comment , Quom Farlance's 120th comment, Alexander's 1800th comment , Eica's 1400th comment , Wicek's 3200th comment lady C's 999th comment, Echuu's 1100th comment, Takaru's 325th and 400th comment, Redeye's 200th comment picc's 3600th comment, Ostith's 50th comment, Elmo's 555th comment]

Oct 16 2005 08:27pm

 - Student

tell me old chap :)

How's Mav doing? He is a surprising little fella in a duel, i hate dueling people like that, so thats good :D

Ive been hanging around on the pubs alot lately (i play as Hades). Doing not too bad. Ill catch u on the flipside m8.

Cheers :)

Oct 16 2005 06:11pm

 - Student

sry m8, u know how it is on a saturdaynight, i completely missed your message. Sry m8.

untill next time :D

Oct 16 2005 10:09am

Mindrith Pride
 - Student
 Mindrith Pride

tbh i might re-join.... theres absalutely nothing going on with the blackfeathers.. we might as well be one big PRIDE family :) i;ll talk to tak when i see him next ;)
tal is my brudda from another mother!!!
[proud owner of talions 200th, 700th,1111th coment AND 1400th , DJK's 3001th coment! , saz's 400th coment! liso's 800th coment! Kitmitsu Aratan's 1200th comment! Cau's 100th comeent, Alexander's (aka CC) 210th, 888th and 2200th comments! Moriarti's 800th comment , Piccolo's 2000th comment! lirael's 505th comment , Quom Farlance's 120th comment, Alexander's 1800th comment , Eica's 1400th comment , Wicek's 3200th comment lady C's 999th comment, Echuu's 1100th comment, Takaru's 325th and 400th comment, Redeye's 200th comment picc's 3600th comment, Ostith's 50th comment, Elmo's 555th comment]

Oct 16 2005 08:40am

 - Nugget


Oct 15 2005 07:50pm

 - Jedi Council


I don't think so.

Now hurry along, young one.

- Virtue. :alliance:
Academy Architect

Oct 15 2005 04:35pm

 - Jedi Council

That would make no sense, unless you want me to take over the Prides. :P

In which case, I'd change the name and everything, so I doubt you'd really want me, then. ;)

- Virtue. :alliance:
Academy Architect

Oct 14 2005 08:39pm

Mavic Prid3
 - Student
 Mavic Prid3

ooh you say so?;) lol that´s right m8:D
I'm a man of thinking, not words:P best online mate to Kenwan, and very proud of it!:alliance:
Was Padawan to Rosered:(
Posesses Avalon Pride's 400th, Lord^Piccolo's 200th and 2600th,Wicek's 2300th,Mindrith Pride's 1234th, Qin Senatu's 1435th(LoL?;)), 2196th(LoL*2!:eek: ) 2211th(LOL^3!!), MY OWN 400th! comment:D
My lightsaber is done:eek: But unfortunately I don't know where you could host it for others to d-load it:P

Oct 14 2005 04:31pm

 - Jedi Council

Sauce isnt european. He lives in the NY.
Find out more about the Jedi Academy Aurochs here and more about Masta here!
Married to Kain.

Oct 14 2005 01:40pm

 - Student

f0 sh0, u fake @$$ n3gr0! :P

Cool avatar m8, "Mr. X to da Z" pwns.

And i see u are actively recruiting JAC's now, nice :P


Oct 14 2005 11:42am

 - Padawan

Hehehe, thats nice of you to say man, but I'm afraid that wont happen.
I'm not sure, but I think they think that I'm too unstabile and unpredictable.
Havent heard a word about that kind of stuff since the purge, I would assume Virtue would tell me something, but then again, he is a very quiet chap..
But I'm not keeping my hopes up, neither should you.
So it would be better if you laid your vote and so on, on someone with longer membership, like Rose or Jedi Pimp or someone :)
Take care bro, see you around on servs.
" You've just taken your first steps into a larger world. " - Ben.

Oct 14 2005 12:53am

 - Student



Hahahah awesome

Oct 14 2005 12:50am

 - Jedi Council


Academy Architect

Oct 11 2005 07:41pm

 - Nugget

Damn forgot teh name of that cartoon. Guy from your prof pic :o

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