The Jedi Academy. THE Place for Jedi training.
The Academy

Majno Michael "Majno"
Apprentice to the ways of the Light side of the Force, and the Standard Saber. Joined TJA 2004. Padawan of aph3x n Virtue. Member of the Student Introduction Program. JA Calender ProjectLeader. Awaiting The Old Republic.

Location:  Svea Rike.
Padawan of:  Virtue
Last Comment:  Forums: HELLO???
Comments Made:  2890

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Dec 21 2006 02:06pm

 - Jedi Council

Ladies and Gentlemen!

In case you didn't know, this lovely chap is my Padawan, and his name is Assclown!

But don't be fooled by the name, he's in fact a brilliant young chap!
If the entire human race was represented by an Avatar, then Majno would probably be the one to make it.

You've come a long way since we met, bro - in both in-game skill and general design development. Both of which are now extraordinary to behold.
You are a design force to be reckoned with, my friend. :D

Just wanted to let you know that I'm still here for ya. :)

- Virtue. :alliance:
Academy Architect

This comment was edited by Virtue on Dec 21 2006 02:07pm.

Jul 01 2005 08:34pm

 - Student

imm baccckkk
I mostly agree oh Lord of the squeezy mop

Jun 30 2005 09:14am

 - Nugget

Mr. Majno too was one of stormies :eek: ?

Jun 29 2005 09:01pm

 - Padawan

that was a pretty cool idea with the troopers lol
Lady Carrock[Leweroo`s 900th comment][Jaitro`s 50`th & 100`th comment][Tigerclaw`s 200`th comment][proud owner of DaMi3N`s 77`th comment :D][Sazabi`s 900`th comment][Mindirith`s 400`th comment][Majnis 1400`th & 1555`th comment][Ris Win Juljul`s 400`th comment yay][Liso`s 2000`th comment YAY][Ris Win Juljul`s 444`th comment :D][Yuken Zalak`s 100`th comment YAY][Miguel Zalaks 1`th comment][Sa`Un 100`th comment :O][Zeke Azakura`s 150`th comment > PINK !!! ;)][Mindrith Pride`s 1001`th comment][Elmos 222`th comment :D][Virtues 1600`th comment YAY :D][Ataris 1100`th comment :D][Rivian N�dolo`s 800`th comment][*Elmos 4-Zero-Zero`th comment :D][Jade Jadi`s 1900`th comment:D] [Yuki`s 222`th comment Yiha]Wanne download mine awsome*giggles*:P, DaMi3N's or Dashi`s saber? then click here

Jun 29 2005 04:12pm

 - Lord of the Dance

Always be careful around little grey men!

Jun 29 2005 02:30pm

 - Nugget

Attention! If u think that Majno is teh good guy you are wrong! Officialy Majno is EVIL cuz he got mine 666 comment! Beware! (Enjoy mate ^_^)

Jun 28 2005 06:01pm

 - Student

Nothing really, I just remebered its been a while since I wrote on your profile :)

Jun 28 2005 11:59am

 - Student

*Poke of Doom*!! *Gasp* :eek:


Jun 27 2005 10:09am

 - Nugget

Yoddle-ay-he-hoo! /amhug and kick old man with lightsaber and force :P

EDIT: Majno - wrestling master :o

This comment was edited by Wicek on Jun 27 2005 08:33pm.

Jun 24 2005 04:35pm

 - Padawan

hey majni,

guess what...

my saber arrived today w0000000000t:D:D:D:P

its soooo awesome yayayay


Jun 24 2005 01:46pm

 - Jedi Council

:eek: im late, sry!
Happy Birthday Maj1!1111!
I can write my name with my sparkler. My sparkler > your lightsabre

Jun 23 2005 08:06pm

 - Padawan

thx :P
and happy birthday bro :P :P :P :)
i wish u the best
Lady Carrock[Leweroo`s 900th comment][Jaitro`s 50`th & 100`th comment][Tigerclaw`s 200`th comment][proud owner of DaMi3N`s 77`th comment :D][Sazabi`s 900`th comment][Mindirith`s 400`th comment][Majnis 1400`th & 1555`th comment][Ris Win Juljul`s 400`th comment yay][Liso`s 2000`th comment YAY][Ris Win Juljul`s 444`th comment :D][Yuken Zalak`s 100`th comment YAY][Miguel Zalaks 1`th comment][Sa`Un 100`th comment :O][Zeke Azakura`s 150`th comment > PINK !!! ;)][Mindrith Pride`s 1001`th comment][Elmos 222`th comment :D][Virtues 1600`th comment YAY :D][Ataris 1100`th comment :D][Rivian N�dolo`s 800`th comment][*Elmos 4-Zero-Zero`th comment :D][Jade Jadi`s 1900`th comment:D] [Yuki`s 222`th comment Yiha]Wanne download mine awsome*giggles*:P, DaMi3N's or Dashi`s saber? then click here

Jun 23 2005 02:07pm

†Johauna Darkrider†
 - Student
 â€ Johauna Darkrider†

Though late, happy b-day, m8ty!
Johauna's Bio | When I am GRANDMASTER...! | StarCraft II Protoss Learner | Wannabe GrandMaster Leaguer | How to NOT play StarCraft II Specialist

Jun 21 2005 12:41pm

Dash Starlight
 - Jedi Instructor
 Dash Starlight

How did you enjoy my *SINGS* ? :P
The name is Bond. James Bond.

Jun 21 2005 09:03am

 - Jedi Council

Happy Birthday sir. =D
Find out more about the Jedi Academy Aurochs here and more about Masta here!
Married to Kain.

Jun 20 2005 10:48pm

 - Student

Happy birthday Majno! It was good to see you on Wireplay today. :)

"The only child ever to survive a roundhouse kick by Chuck Norris was Gary Coleman. He has not grown since."
Whachoo talkin bout Willis?

Go Sox baby.

Jun 20 2005 10:39pm

 - Nugget

Happy Birthday! :D

/me brings a big birthday cake with wookie without hair inside! :)

This comment was edited by Wicek on Jun 20 2005 10:40pm.

Jun 20 2005 09:24pm

 - Student

Happy birthday Majno!
-Aiddat, the Gran with the green blades.
"You have a right to be angry, but believe me when I say you don't want to feed that emotion." - Kyle Katarn
{Owner of Liso Jowol's 550th comment, Conchris Chaotic's 80th, 150th and 350th comments, Pink Floyd's 200th comment Tyrant's 695th comment, D@RTHM@UL's 10600th comment}, accidentally tricked Pink Floyd into giving me his 1700th comment, I also have Alexander D'Kana's 1950th comment, Mindrith Pride's 1850th comment and I used the same accidental trick on Lewis's 100th comment, and I have Aiddat's 1992nd comment (birthyear), and #Elmo's 450th comment. Unsuccessfully tried to prove Senor Hat's theory wrong.
Click for screenshots. Padawan of R2-D2.

Jun 20 2005 09:23pm

 - Student

Happy birthday Majno! :D
*throws some pie*
*sings and dances along*
Hope you have/had a great day!
"We make a living out of what we get, we make a life out of what we give."

Jun 20 2005 09:18pm

Dash Starlight
 - Jedi Instructor
 Dash Starlight


Happy birthday to j0000000000!

*gives Majno pie :)*
The name is Bond. James Bond.

Jun 20 2005 09:17pm

Jaitro Kyrall
 - Student
 Jaitro Kyrall

I hope that you have a nice day. ;)
[Proud owner of Liso's 300th comment!],[Proud owner of Carrock's 400th comment!],
[Proud owner of Dash's 1400th comment!],[Proud owner of Wicek's 1800th comment!]
[Proud owner of Carrock's 1400th comment!],[Proud owner of Muro's 500th comment!]

Jun 20 2005 12:59pm

 - Jedi Council

Padawan Sessions will still continue through the summer.
Same times on the same days, unless something comes up and I can't make it.

- Virtue. :alliance:
Academy Architect

Jun 19 2005 10:01pm

 - Padawan

hiiiiiiiiii majni
i missed you in berlin
haha isnt that crazy i realy missed the people around here not that much the playing it ere ther people lolz
didnt thought that they are that much with me :)
yay i hope to see you around son :P
your lady
EDIT: Lady C. ;)
Lady Carrock[Leweroo`s 900th comment][Jaitro`s 50`th & 100`th comment][Tigerclaw`s 200`th comment][proud owner of DaMi3N`s 77`th comment :D][Sazabi`s 900`th comment][Mindirith`s 400`th comment][Majnis 1400`th & 1555`th comment][Ris Win Juljul`s 400`th comment yay][Liso`s 2000`th comment YAY][Ris Win Juljul`s 444`th comment :D][Yuken Zalak`s 100`th comment YAY][Miguel Zalaks 1`th comment][Sa`Un 100`th comment :O][Zeke Azakura`s 150`th comment > PINK !!! ;)][Mindrith Pride`s 1001`th comment][Elmos 222`th comment :D][Virtues 1600`th comment YAY :D][Ataris 1100`th comment :D][Rivian N�dolo`s 800`th comment][*Elmos 4-Zero-Zero`th comment :D][Jade Jadi`s 1900`th comment:D] [Yuki`s 222`th comment Yiha]Wanne download mine awsome*giggles*:P, DaMi3N's or Dashi`s saber? then click here

This comment was edited by Carrock on Jun 19 2005 10:01pm.

Jun 19 2005 09:51pm

 - Padawan

hey majni,
we're back

was very nice in berlin yay:D

hope to see you soon


Jun 18 2005 01:25pm

 - Student

Thehehe, Yeah Ziyi Zhang is my official favorit actor at the moment :)

The picture, though, is from Hero not Shi Mian Mai Fu.

Jun 17 2005 05:46pm

Dash Starlight
 - Jedi Instructor
 Dash Starlight

Thanks Maj, hehehehe, 'bro' will do fine ;)

EDIT: My saber isnt for Dl, its even 'better,' it isnt even there :P I was quite busy with my trials, so I didnt have much time 2 build one :)
The name is Bond. James Bond.

This comment was edited by Dash Starlight on Jun 17 2005 05:47pm.

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