The Jedi Academy. THE Place for Jedi training.
The Academy

JediSith999 Ross "JediSith999" Berger
Academy Founder

Location:  Florida
Occupation:  Student
Interests:  Working out at the gym, playing Jedi Outcast (Duh), playing football and basketball, and I love, repeat LOVE sleep.
Last Comment:  Forums: a simple game
Comments Made:  20

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Apr 07 2009 03:56pm

 - Student

Thanks .

Jun 11 2008 12:24am

 - Student

Dude. Did you have any idea that you'd spawn one of, if not THE, best gaming communities in the history of the internet? SIX YEARS AND RUNNING! And not only that, but six GLORIOUS years!


Nov 27 2007 06:15pm

 - Student

sweet second post in 2 years 103rd
thanks for founding this very awesome community
i got family in bradenton florida

This comment was edited by KHSenatu on Nov 27 2007 06:20pm.

Nov 27 2007 03:06am

 - Student

and your 102

Cool first post on the FOUNDERS acoount in two years

Dec 25 2005 09:07am

 - Student

...And your 101st :P

Merry Christmas! :D I hope you have a great day!
- Even if Carlsberg made "w*nkers", Christiano Ronaldo would still be the biggest "w*nker" in the world

Oct 08 2005 07:30pm

 - Student

and your 100th =D
- Even if Carlsberg made "w*nkers", Christiano Ronaldo would still be the biggest "w*nker" in the world

Oct 08 2005 07:30pm

 - Student

here is your 99th comment
- Even if Carlsberg made "w*nkers", Christiano Ronaldo would still be the biggest "w*nker" in the world

Jul 10 2005 04:23pm

 - Student

Never met you but thanks for starting it up!!!:D
Proud Padawan of Setementor
-Saber good, Pistol Bad-
Owner of DarthMike's 200th Comment, My paddy brother Grycen's 100th Comment, Raydoe_Mintaka's 347th Comment, TheDestroyer's 615th Comment, Jedifire_Mintaka's 66th Comment and My cool master Setementor's 7500th Comment!!! (Offer me more everybody!!!)

Jun 09 2005 05:32pm

JK13 /// jaws.
 - Student
 JK13 /// jaws.

We sure have, leo, we sure have :D
It's a false hologram, it IS artificial...

Apr 26 2005 10:37pm

 - Student

LOL his email is to the address of the old JA site. We've come a long way :).
Katan's Music Bruver :D

History will be kind to me, for I intend to write it. - Winston Churchill

Apr 22 2005 12:40am

 - Staff

hmm, thanks :)
"Do or do not, there is no try"
Jedi Master Yoda
Dual Saberist

Apr 09 2005 06:37pm

 - Student

WOW! I've never heard of you LOL, the Acadmey is a great place, thank you for starting it. :alliance:
-Aiddat, the Gran with the green blades.
"You have a right to be angry, but believe me when I say you don't want to feed that emotion." - Kyle Katarn
{Owner of Liso Jowol's 550th comment, Conchris Chaotic's 80th, 150th and 350th comments, Pink Floyd's 200th comment Tyrant's 695th comment, D@RTHM@UL's 10600th comment}, accidentally tricked Pink Floyd into giving me his 1700th comment, I also have Alexander D'Kana's 1950th comment, Mindrith Pride's 1850th comment and I used the same accidental trick on Lewis's 100th comment, and I have Aiddat's 1992nd comment (birthyear), and #Elmo's 450th comment. Unsuccessfully tried to prove Senor Hat's theory wrong.
Click for screenshots. Padawan of R2-D2.

Jan 06 2005 11:49pm

 - Student

hello mr. founder guy. even though you probably won't read this, thanks for founding this academy, i know its made at least 1 life much more enjoyable to live.
I fite for teh usars!1

Aug 02 2004 08:25pm

 - Student

Thank you for founding this!!!
/me offers to clean your shoes by kissing them (or not, as it seems...):D
Signature, schmignature.

Jun 08 2004 07:42pm

 - Student

OMG! "THE FOUNDER" *ECHO* *echo* *echo* . . . . .:eek:

-Evil Clown-
"We interrupt this program to increase dramatic tension."

Echuu's 1200th comment, D@RtH N00B's 10850th comment, Redeye's 100th and 150th comment.

May 19 2004 10:14pm

 - Ex-Student

Hey man, thanks for founding us! It's been two years! :eek:

May 14 2004 04:25pm

 - Student

Whoa! Thanks for founding the JA! I've been a memebr for almost 2 years and I love it.

edit: Correction 1 year. /me must have been confused
I must not fear . Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear . I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.
Gom gom gom gom gom!

This comment was edited by Fate on May 20 2004 01:03pm.

May 03 2004 05:03pm

 - Ex-Student

I must say i have respect for you as founder of this place...

it is a gr8 training place and 2 have fun, plus the fact that when you left you didn't take the academy with you (like most "leaders" do) but assigned a new leader(s).

My deepest respect
Please Lord forgive me, for I know now what I have done...

Feb 11 2004 03:20pm

Bail Hope of Belouve
 - Student
 Bail Hope of Belouve

so you're the founder?

In that case, thank you...
Visit the Belouve Family Website!
I try to have fun with my friends and try to make a difference as best I can. What does making a difference mean? Well, it can be as simple as saying hello, answering a question that seems obvious or heck, just talking. -- Vladarion

Want to know Vladarion? Read the Article about his life here.

Jan 09 2004 05:56pm

 - Student

hmm just thought i would check up on the founder

Dec 31 2003 10:19am

La Magra
 - Ex-Student

*me looks at date*
*me shudders*



Dec 24 2003 02:54pm

Mace Windu
 - Retired
 Mace Windu

Merry Christmas :)
-Mace Windu
"When a fool says something foolish, do not answer the fool." -Windu

To Vladarion, though I know you are in a better place - it makes me shake to think that you are not awake - when I think about you it makes me smile - i know you have gone into the clouds to head for heavens gates - you have changed my life - in an incredible way - and so I say thank you - may you rest in peace

Dec 24 2003 01:29pm

La Magra
 - Ex-Student




Dec 23 2003 11:45pm

 - Student

hehe, very merry Christmas, and thanks again :P

Dec 23 2003 10:46pm

 - Student

Merry X-mas, thanks to u the academy exist, thanks!:)
- Son to Helen Catherine ;p - Random quote: X: you know what google earth needs? | Y: More 3D buildings? | X: ion cannon button

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