The Jedi Academy. THE Place for Jedi training.
The Academy

Masta "Masta"
Jedi Council

MSN Address:
Classes Enrolled:  Tag Team Duels
Basic Medium Stance Strategy (Standard Lightsaber Only)
The TFFA Experience
The Art Of Saber Throwing
Janus' Solid Staff Foundation Class
Duelling Advice
Way Of The Katan
Padawan of:  Fullmetal D'Kana
Last Comment:  Forums: Save the Date!
Comments Made:  4008

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Jan 19 2012 09:01pm

aDM1rAL sp0CK!!!!!!!!
 - Bollocks!


Nov 28 2011 11:40am

 - Jedi Council

Under no circumstances should any member of The Jedi Academy discuss Star Wars: The Old Republic in the presence of Masta.

One dark night, Masta was raped by Star Wars: The Old Republic. But it didn't stop there. SW:TOR proceeded to rape Masta's mother, and the family dog. Upon finishing this heinous act, SW:TOR drank some milk from Masta's fridge and left the carton on the counter. These atrocities left wounds in Masta's psyche that will never truly be healed.

Please treat this issue with sensitivity and respect. Thank you.

Jul 07 2009 02:44am

 - Jedi Knight

You need to join us in DotA!
Fervent supporter of duelling - leave a message if you would like to battle! Married to Masta.

This comment was edited by solitude on Jul 07 2009 02:45am.

Jun 17 2009 12:35pm

 - Jedi Knight

Most highly esteemed and fearless Masta, thou art truly one exceptionally accomplished individual. Unmatched is your strength, and terrifying is your intellect, that any person foolish enough to stand in your way receives only my pity (and a swift, ungratifying death of course). Indeed, it would take both the minds and might of many men to even consider challenging your pedestal of glory, and even then, the very depths of their souls would be suffocated under the pressure of trying to rival something so immense and overwhelming. No challenge too great, no obstacle impassable, you are a being whom carves his own destiny from the fruits of this world, for how can such a being be bound by the limitations of mortal men.

Never shall your days of spark-shed and glory be forgotten either – the legends of your travels will reach the eyes and ears of mortals for hundreds of years to come, long after you have ascended from this realm of existence. My matchless brother in arms, there is none other whom I would have had by my side in the thick of a battle, thundering down relentlessly upon our enemies in a maelstrom of sparks, sweat, death and cries of anguish. If I could change one single detail regarding our days on the field, it would only be that we had more opponents with whom to prove our prowess against.

And it is with absolute certainty that I tell you, the Revelations of Masta shall never be forgotten, their legendary content awing the most accomplished of warriors. This is what men of legend are made of. Valhalla waits for you.


Fervent supporter of duelling - leave a message if you would like to battle! Married to Masta.

This comment was edited by solitude on Jul 07 2009 02:44am.

Nov 29 2004 12:10am

Ulic Baxian
 - Student

Masta u RULE man and thats no lie!! hope to see ya around man

Nov 28 2004 03:58pm

Odan-Wei Belouve
 - Student
 Odan-Wei Belouve

Thanks a lot for this comment mate, goes straight to the heart :D
I do thank you too as a friendship is not unilateral and you did your own share to cheer me up too :)
/me bows deeply

Odan-Wei Belouve
Padawan and brother to SmilyKrazy :D - Adopted in the Belouve Family by Fizz and Bubu, BELOUVE ON! :D - Vladarion, you'll always be in my heart and memories - Spam-Padawan of Jacen Aratan ;) - [DJ is my beloved wife! :P - JA Family: Brothers:
Virtue, Furi0us, Vladarion, Hardwired, Janus, Axion, D@RtHM@UL, Motrec, Mike , xAnAtOs , Luke Skywalker; Little bro to SilkMonkey ; Special kind of brother to Kenyon ; Sisters in-law: Rosered, Ain-Soph Aur]
Photoshop works: click here

Nov 27 2004 02:25am

 - Student

Thanks Masta :D
|Sfire - Padawan to MOTREC, Gradius|
|Owner of Motrec's and Gradius's 999th Comments! Also Smily's 5001 comment and 3th's 1903 comment! Also, cannot forget to mention the proud owner of Gradius' 3000th comment!|

Nov 26 2004 02:00pm

Illian D'Kana
 - Student
 Illian D'Kana

Thank you Masta :D

| Mental victory leads to physical victory. The mental battle begins before the physical battle. If you can defeat your opponent mentally half of the battle is won. |

Nov 25 2004 06:22pm

 - Retired

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!! :D :D
RIP MOM 06/29/58-07/31/08 Married to Koyi Donita 4/30/11

Nov 22 2004 11:24pm

Mirael D'Kana
 - Student
 Mirael D'Kana

gah, been watching our servers and been on the servers yet we couldnt get our match done. now it's cancelled, dang it. would have been fun though =)

maybe we'll get our duels another time, Sir.
-The mind is its own place, and in itself, can make heaven of Hell, and a hell of Heaven.(John Milton)- Mirael D'Kana, daughter and Padawan to Jaina D'Kana, proud mastress to Crash D'Kana and Saige D'Kana. Winner of Henkes' Pure Pwnage Award. Proud owner of Jaina's 999th post. Proud user of Odan Wei's JA Logo in my avatar. -SWG random quote: People use hammers to knock holes in the wall. I use a hammer to knock Bounty Hunters' teeth out.-

Nov 21 2004 11:13am

Illian D'Kana
 - Student
 Illian D'Kana

Sorry thats to late for me :(
Can you guys earlier like 9.00 or 10.00 gtm?
| Mental victory leads to physical victory. The mental battle begins before the physical battle. If you can defeat your opponent mentally half of the battle is won. |

Nov 21 2004 09:52am

Mirael D'Kana
 - Student
 Mirael D'Kana

ahh yes, Masta. As long as it's fine with Angel and Illi, it's fine with me ofcourse. :)

I hope we're gonna have great time.

-The mind is its own place, and in itself, can make heaven of Hell, and a hell of Heaven.(John Milton)- Mirael D'Kana, daughter and Padawan to Jaina D'Kana, proud mastress to Crash D'Kana and Saige D'Kana. Winner of Henkes' Pure Pwnage Award. Proud owner of Jaina's 999th post. Proud user of Odan Wei's JA Logo in my avatar. -SWG random quote: People use hammers to knock holes in the wall. I use a hammer to knock Bounty Hunters' teeth out.-

Nov 21 2004 01:34am

 - Student

Oh, and the reason 4pm GMT 0 would be 11am instead of 9pm my time is because I'm GMT -5, so you subtract 5 hours, not add (just in case that's where some of the confusion originates from, you might be fine with this GMT stuff, I just wanna make sure :) ).

Nov 21 2004 01:32am

 - Student

Also, 4pm GMT 0 (which is in the afternoon) would not work, because I'm at Church at 11:00am (morning) :/

feh, sorry dude that this is so much of a hassle.

Nov 21 2004 01:31am

 - Student

Ok, Masta, we have a very fundamental problem. With am and pm, 12am is midnight, while 12pm is noon. If the match is 12am, it'll be 7pm my time, and I dunno how that works, you can expect a crappy ping as I will be at school, 12pm works fine, because that is noon at GMT 0, and right when I wake up, before the hussle and bussle. I don't know what you want to do, I'm just really confused and worried hehe (I have Spanish/English exam Monday). If I have a decent ping at school, then 12am (midnight) GMT 0 works fine for me, as long as it doesn't take forever and I can study.

Sorry for the confusion!

Nov 20 2004 07:09pm

 - Student

Hey, I don't mean to be rude, but tomorrow morning is going to be tight with the kids. If I'm on at 7:00am, I really need to be off at 7:30 or so..if we need to run duels simultaneously, then I guess we have to. By the way, you wrote 12pm GMT 0 on my profile, but we had confusion on the server. You did mean pm right, as in noon at GMT 0? Just need to clarify.

Nov 20 2004 12:45pm

 - Student

Hm...yea I don't see why not. My step-Dad and I are stuck with the kids this weekend, hopefully they won't be awake by then :)

/me better remember

Nov 17 2004 03:15am

 - Student

well, I believe it will not happen due to our time differences and conflicting schedules. We wouldn't be available here until 7:30 gmt -6 which is about 3 am your time which won't do considering now it will end at 6 pm my time. Masta I am truly sorry I was so looking forward to this, I left a message on smily's profile humbly asking for your advance, which you deserve because you have been more than accomodating. Thanks and good luck to you and your team :D

red deer
Faithful Padawan of {SKX}Dark Blade
My profile pic is luke skywalker :P

Nov 16 2004 11:24pm

 - Student

Ok, I talked to Smily and Xa'o Zalei (my round 2 opponent). Smily said I could give my spot to Xa'o so he'll be your opponent, sorry for all the confusion. I'll hopefully be around the server this evening so we can talk then if I see ya. Take care, and good luck in the tournament :D
Be at peace, and you will discover things you never dreamed possible.

Nov 16 2004 01:05am

 - Student

well it looks like we can only do it tonight within the next few hours from this post, I assume you are all sleeping now and unfortunately we will be working or at school tomorrow, so I guess we will have to forfeit unless by a miracle we hook up by the deadline. Anyway I am sorry I thought we had a week for this round I.E. to Saturday. Good luck to you guys unless I see you sooner :D

Faithful Padawan of {SKX}Dark Blade
My profile pic is luke skywalker :P

Nov 15 2004 11:26pm

 - Student

Hey dude, I'm here. Ping is crappy at this time of night (6:00pm -5 GMT). I remember telling you about ping and GMT differences when I pledged. I'm pretty flexible at night, especially after 9:30 GMT -5, I have school during the day, but I can wake up early to play (7:00am GMT -5). Let me know when you need me.

Nov 15 2004 10:12pm

 - Student

Sorry for the delay my counterparts are slow in returning my calls, but be advised I will redouble my efforts and hopefully get back to you by tonight,
again masta I am sorry.

Faithful Padawan of {SKX}Dark Blade
My profile pic is luke skywalker :P

Nov 15 2004 08:00pm

 - Student

Hey Masta, I think there may have been a mistake about my placement in the tournament. I didn't get to fight in round 2 because of internet difficulties, I just sent an email to the tournament address explaining what happened. Since it was my error that i missed the Round I told them that they should give my slot to my opponent because he did try to get in contact with me. Hopefully I'll hear back from them soon and I'll let you know what's going on :)
Be at peace, and you will discover things you never dreamed possible.

Nov 11 2004 12:52pm

 - Student

hi man long time since we've met .
How are you btw:D

KV Mechelen

Proud owner of: Kauyon's 101th, Akkarin's 100th, Piccolo's 30th, Wicek's 1400th , Mindrith's 1500th, Sednox' 1935th Comment

Nov 09 2004 09:30pm

 - Student

Hey masta, um, I may be back on online and whatnot soon, something supposed to happen that didnt, and now, im kinda behind on my payments. Anywho.. yeah, whatever it is, email me bro and ill get back to ya . how ya been ?

Nov 09 2004 04:56pm

 - Jedi Knight

Good luck in the tourney! Err round 2 that is, since your already through, I shoulda bribed too, dammit :p
Fervent supporter of duelling - leave a message if you would like to battle! Married to Masta.

Nov 07 2004 02:35am

Cheta T. Must
 - Student
 Cheta T. Must

thats copyrighting my bazillion dollars i sue you for a bazillion dollars

Nov 06 2004 11:23pm

 - Ex-Student

if you ever need anythign plz drop me a post! anything at all~!!
Own me!!?? You dont even own a bike!!!
-Roans Mother
-unofical GIANT ATOMIC TEDY to SmilyCrazy

Nov 03 2004 08:52pm

 - Jedi Knight

Fervent supporter of duelling - leave a message if you would like to battle! Married to Masta.

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