The Jedi Academy. THE Place for Jedi training.
The Academy

Limana D'Kana Linda "Limana D'Kana"

Location:  Sweden
Occupation:  Student
Interests:  MMORPG Games, Starwars, Violin and much more
MSN Address:
Padawan of:  Rosie
Last Comment:  Forums: Whos still around?
Comments Made:  271

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Dec 24 2005 04:10pm

Jaitro Kyrall
 - Student
 Jaitro Kyrall

Merry Christmas Limana and a Happy New Year. :)

Take care, cya.
[Proud owner of Liso's 300th comment!],[Proud owner of Carrock's 400th comment!],
[Proud owner of Dash's 1400th comment!],[Proud owner of Wicek's 1800th comment!]
[Proud owner of Carrock's 1400th comment!],[Proud owner of Muro's 500th comment!]

Dec 19 2005 01:51pm

 - Nugget

Merry Christmas Lim :D

Dec 13 2005 01:48pm

 - Student

På torsdag runt sju tiden kan jag spela lite. Om du inte kan är det lugnt. Vi får synas när jag kommer tillbaka om um...4 veckor. :)

Ha det bra sålänge!:D


Dec 12 2005 11:40am

 - Student

hellu, var är du?:/

Dec 10 2005 09:58pm

 - Student

hello :)
how are you?
playing jk3 since 30th of january (2005), member since 1st of february. [Unofficial Master to Vision and Z�diac ] If you can make a fool of yourself infront of 300 people you can do anything - Jaiko D'kana

Dec 05 2005 10:47pm

 - Student

Jag har en session nu på torsdag klockan nio, kom om du kan:)

Nov 29 2005 10:34pm

 - Student

Linda, jag funderar på att flytta session till söndagar med början nästa vecka. Jag börjar nu på torsdag som vanligt.

Går d inte delar jag bara upp det i två tillfällen, sön o tors:)

ha d!

Nov 27 2005 11:59pm

 - Student

På torsdag klockan nio kör vi basics i red stance och movement, jag kanske är lite sen den dagen. Ska flytta mina grejjer till min pojkvän:)

på wireplay förresten. om den inte är uppe kör vi home.

Nov 27 2005 04:02pm

 - Padawan

heyas am i right thats your bd???

if yes CONGRATS :D

if not hm kk HI :P

hhe cyas around Lady Carrock
Lady Carrock[Leweroo`s 900th comment][Jaitro`s 50`th & 100`th comment][Tigerclaw`s 200`th comment][proud owner of DaMi3N`s 77`th comment :D][Sazabi`s 900`th comment][Mindirith`s 400`th comment][Majnis 1400`th & 1555`th comment][Ris Win Juljul`s 400`th comment yay][Liso`s 2000`th comment YAY][Ris Win Juljul`s 444`th comment :D][Yuken Zalak`s 100`th comment YAY][Miguel Zalaks 1`th comment][Sa`Un 100`th comment :O][Zeke Azakura`s 150`th comment > PINK !!! ;)][Mindrith Pride`s 1001`th comment][Elmos 222`th comment :D][Virtues 1600`th comment YAY :D][Ataris 1100`th comment :D][Rivian N�dolo`s 800`th comment][*Elmos 4-Zero-Zero`th comment :D][Jade Jadi`s 1900`th comment:D] [Yuki`s 222`th comment Yiha]Wanne download mine awsome*giggles*:P, DaMi3N's or Dashi`s saber? then click here

Nov 25 2005 01:13pm

 - Student

Just look out for the big bad Wolf and you'll be fine.
Artificial intelligence beats natural stupidity.

Nov 24 2005 08:39pm

 - Student

Artificial intelligence beats natural stupidity.

Nov 24 2005 03:08pm

 - Student

Hello !

Nice to meet you my fellow follower of Rosered! I hope we'll get along, else it might get painful! >_>

Artificial intelligence beats natural stupidity.

This comment was edited by Raider on Nov 24 2005 03:09pm.

Nov 24 2005 11:05am

 - Student

hi limana :)
was really nice playing with you.
nice profile pic btw :P
playing jk3 since 30th of january (2005), member since 1st of february. [Unofficial Master to Vision and Z�diac ] If you can make a fool of yourself infront of 300 people you can do anything - Jaiko D'kana

Nov 23 2005 04:03pm

 - Student
 - The winner!!!

Great playing with you on WP good tag teams :).

<3 :P


Nov 23 2005 03:38pm

 - Student

Paddy sessions: Säg vilka av dom du kan komma på så ska jag försöka få ihop oss tre:

mån: 22:00
ons: 21.00
tors: 21.00


Nov 23 2005 12:21pm

 - Milwaukees Finest

Hej Limana. :)

Hade roligt me tagteam på WP igår.. hoppas vi gör det om nångång :D

Ta det lugnt, halt på vägarna den här tiden på året :)

-Tomas (Ataris) <3
[ Honorable mentions: aph3x | Milamber | Bail Hope Belouve | Jaiko D'Kana | Rosered | JediEthic | Mike/JJ/TheKing | Kensei | Dane | Gradius | Thomas Skywalker | Pink Floyd | Setementor | Steinin | Odan-Wei ] [ Owner of: MetaDust's 500th comment! | Eica's 700th comment! | Pink Floyd's 666th, 999th, 1200th and 1337th comment! | DarkRyu's 400th comment! | Redeye's 1st comment! | Cow's 1111st comment! | Rufusan's 75th comment! | Wicek's 3300th and 3400th comment! | Dash Starlight's 2000th comment! | Piccolo's 3400th comment! | Takaru's 300th comment! | Senor Hat's 900th comment! | Rytandus' 4160th comment! | The first ever awarded, the original, the one and only, Catphin Award!!1 ] "Music expresses that which can not be put in to words but can not remain silent."

Nov 22 2005 01:35pm

 - Student

Japp, nu är det hårt arbete som gäller!:P

Oct 27 2005 11:40pm

 - Student

kolla NS forumet! match på g.

Oct 16 2005 07:04pm

 - Nugget

Hewwo =)

Oct 04 2005 09:56am

 - Student

Hi Lim.

Just wanted to say hello. Hope so see zo again soon. ;)

Sep 22 2005 04:54am

 - Ex-Student

welcome to the family :)
iLLi is a great teacher ^^ congratz
- # D'Kana

"I dont care a f***...:P"

Sep 18 2005 09:58am

 - Student

hey limana :)
i missed ur laming on servers
playing jk3 since 30th of january (2005), member since 1st of february. [Unofficial Master to Vision and Z�diac ] If you can make a fool of yourself infront of 300 people you can do anything - Jaiko D'kana

Sep 18 2005 01:02am

 - Milwaukees Finest

That Asajj Ventress in your pic? either way, very nice pic..! Drawn by you or? :)

-Ataris <3

*EDIT* WOOT! This is comment #444 just for you! :D enjoy :P
[ Honorable mentions: aph3x | Milamber | Bail Hope Belouve | Jaiko D'Kana | Rosered | JediEthic | Mike/JJ/TheKing | Kensei | Dane | Gradius | Thomas Skywalker | Pink Floyd | Setementor | Steinin | Odan-Wei ] [ Owner of: MetaDust's 500th comment! | Eica's 700th comment! | Pink Floyd's 666th, 999th, 1200th and 1337th comment! | DarkRyu's 400th comment! | Redeye's 1st comment! | Cow's 1111st comment! | Rufusan's 75th comment! | Wicek's 3300th and 3400th comment! | Dash Starlight's 2000th comment! | Piccolo's 3400th comment! | Takaru's 300th comment! | Senor Hat's 900th comment! | Rytandus' 4160th comment! | The first ever awarded, the original, the one and only, Catphin Award!!1 ] "Music expresses that which can not be put in to words but can not remain silent."

This comment was edited by Ataris on Sep 18 2005 01:19am.

Sep 13 2005 11:05pm

 - Student

*slaps round with a tr...buffalo a few times* abd limana!...well done =) congratilations. hope to see you on the servers soon ^^
I mostly agree oh Lord of the squeezy mop

Aug 26 2005 01:11am

Illian D'Kana
 - Student
 Illian D'Kana

Hey Limana :)

Havent seen you for some time.. i guess we both have been busy.. anyway contact me for our training session :)

You know where to find me ;)

| Mental victory leads to physical victory. The mental battle begins before the physical battle. If you can defeat your opponent mentally half of the battle is won. |

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