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Feb 06 2006 05:34pm

 - Student
Hey all, this is a fun test :)
It's actually for school, and I would love to know in which of the four moods you belong. After that, I've got to do an interview with the mood I get, which will be friday :P

Anyway, lemme know what mood you are in! :D

"We make a living out of what we get, we make a life out of what we give."

This post was edited by Liso on Feb 06 2006 05:52pm.

What mood are you?

vote results
Perfection mood Perfection mood [9 votes] [26%]
Intuition mood Intuition mood [7 votes] [21%]
Satisfaction mood Satisfaction mood [12 votes] [35%]
Innovation mood Innovation mood [6 votes] [18%]

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Feb 21 2006 06:15pm

 - Student

Major Mood: Satisfaction
Minor Mood: Perfection

Hmm quite interesting... Not exactly like me but as near as you can come anyone with pre-written things.
I'm so broke, I can't even afford to pay attention.

Training partner to Future

Feb 21 2006 02:16pm

LoneWolf_ Mintaka
 - Student
 LoneWolf_ Mintaka

Major Mood: Perfection
Minor Mood: Perfection

Hmm interesting results


P.S if I can remember right I'm in a: Well organized, easy going, caring, stress free person. Although that list might be wrong because I closed out the browser.
Honor, still counts for something.
Loyalty, is hard to come by.
Integrity, is something to strive for.

This comment was edited by LoneWolf_ Mintaka on Feb 21 2006 02:18pm.

Feb 19 2006 06:22pm

 - Student

Innovation Mood
Major Mood: Innovation
Minor Mood: Satisfaction

"I Used to
Be Schizophrenic, but
We're OK Now..."

Feb 15 2006 03:17am

 - Student

Major Mood: Satisfaction
Minor Mood: Perfection
"Out the cat5, through the router, down the T1, over the leased line, off the bridge, past the firewall... nothing but 'Net."
Chevron 1 is lit up
Proud donator of the forum's 99000th comment :D

Feb 15 2006 03:06am

 - Student

Intuition mood
Major mood: Intuition
Minor mood: Intuition
Unofficial padawan of Ataris Draconis

Feb 12 2006 11:46pm

 - Retired

Satisfaction Mood
Major Mood: Satisfaction
Minor Mood: Perfection

this is the internet, be serious damn it!

This comment was edited by 3th on Feb 12 2006 11:59pm.

Feb 12 2006 02:50pm

 - Student

Thanks guys for the help! :D
"We make a living out of what we get, we make a life out of what we give."

Feb 12 2006 07:25am

 - Student

Major Mood: Intuition
Minor Mood: Intuition
I fite for teh usars!1

Feb 12 2006 12:52am

Alex Dkana
 - Staff
 Alex Dkana

Major mood: Intuition
Minor mood: Intuition

I felt it was pretty accurate, very interesting thanks Liso. :)

To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield | Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken | Rhaiko D'kana - SWTOR EU Guild Co-Founder | Is it what the teacher, teaches? Or what the student learns? A Dkana

Feb 11 2006 10:10pm

 - Student

I guess it was about right:

Major Mood: Perfection
Minor Mood: Intuition

You are in a loyal, uncompromising, organized, generous and sensitive mood.

That's what I'm like mostly :)
Geriatric single User, with a touch of Staff now and again. Influenced by Dash Starlight, Jaina. Janus, and Gradius in staff. And in yellow stance. Jaina D'Kana, who really helped me when I first joined the Academy and Jaiko D'Kana, who's classes I took in the begining. Proud owner of _Muro_'s 400th ACK! comment. Avatar by the one and only Majno . Padawan to Dash Starlight

Feb 08 2006 10:58pm

Vasper Ba'xian
 - Student
 Vasper Ba'xian

Talk about hitting the nail on the head. Im impressed :D

Innovation Mood
Major Mood: Innovation
Minor Mood: Intuition
You are in a theoretical, sharp, logical, reserved, unpredictable and scientific mood.
Rearranging the environment
Your imagination and creativity makes ruminating over new ideas and theories enjoyable in this mood. Whether they are buildings, institutions, enterprises or theories, your distant goal is always to rearrange the environment somehow.
Popularity and security? Who needs them!
You are not likely to place much value on traditional goals such as these. You are too independent and unconventional for that. You value original ideas yet you are very skeptical of others who are beginning something new and emit a lot of enthusiasm about it because you find strong emotions dangerous. You are quiet and independent and prefer to spend your time alone creating.

Attention to detail
You're meticulous about everything: your health, your hygiene, your clothes and your home. For example, you may wash your hands incessantly, keep your shoes in marked boxes and carefully choose pieces of furniture that complement each other in a unique way. You are scrupulous about your work as well, working slowly with great attention to detail.
Did I leave the stove on?
In this mood, you perform certain activities that reveal a strict logic, and you can get quite obsessive with these rituals of yours. You are the person who checks if all the home appliances are off three or four times before leaving the house.
Your keywords: no limit, cute, easy-going, orderly
Stress: You are showing some signs of stress, take it easy...
Brother to: Tamal, Kavar, J.D.,Jermia, Devlin, Ulic, Xiabara, Seij,Tarron Mib,>>>ROCK ON:).My Spacescapes art page.My Everything Else art page. MY FAV. Jedi Are: Qui-Gon Jinn, Corran Horn, and Anakin Solo. Unofficial Master to Tamal. and Kavar. Founder of the Wuji Hundun Jian saber style. Proud owner of Tamal's 200th comment!//Proud owner of Refl3x's 300th comment!>>>Proud owner of Tyrant's 800th comment>>>Proud owner of Lucky's 170th comment>>>Proud owner of BDKawika's 444th comment>>>To except Existance is to except Reality.

Feb 08 2006 09:36pm

Raziel Anjelis
 - Student
 Raziel Anjelis

Major Mood: Intuition
Minor Mood: Intuition

You are in an independent, quiet, idealistic, deeply passionate, creative and imaginative mood.

Pretty accurate.
Proud owner of El Vee For's 200th Comment, and Wicek's 2600th comment :D DaMi3N's 400th, Trad Redav's 666th. :D

This comment was edited by Raziel Anjelis on Feb 08 2006 09:39pm.

Feb 08 2006 03:01pm

 - Student

Thanks guys! But I still need more! :P:D:)

playing jk3 since 30th of january (2005), member since 1st of february. [Unofficial Master to Vision and Z�diac ] If you can make a fool of yourself infront of 300 people you can do anything - Jaiko D'kana

Feb 08 2006 02:52pm

 - Student

Thanks guys! But I still need more! :P:D:)
"We make a living out of what we get, we make a life out of what we give."

Feb 07 2006 08:29am

Mindrith Pride
 - Student
 Mindrith Pride

Major Mood: Satisfaction
Minor Mood: Satisfaction
You are in a fun-loving, outgoing, easy-going, friendly, adventurous and joyful mood.
Your keywords: no limit, cute, easy-going, spontaneous
Stress: You are balanced with no major signs of stress, well done!

har! the stress bit is wrong :P
[proud owner of talions 200th, 700th,1111th coment AND 1400th , DJK's 3001th coment! , saz's 400th coment! liso's 800th coment! Kitmitsu Aratan's 1200th comment! Cau's 100th comeent, Alexander's (aka CC) 210th, 888th and 2200th comments! Moriarti's 800th comment , Piccolo's 2000th comment! lirael's 505th comment , Quom Farlance's 120th comment, Alexander's 1800th comment , Eica's 1400th comment , Wicek's 3200th comment lady C's 999th comment, Echuu's 1100th comment, Takaru's 325th and 400th comment, Redeye's 200th comment picc's 3600th comment, Ostith's 50th comment, Elmo's 555th comment]

Feb 07 2006 04:52am

 - Retired

As I though.

Major Mood: Perfection
Minor Mood: Perfection


- HW
::Nothing wrong with a little long as the right people get shot::

Feb 06 2006 11:48pm

 - Student

Major Mood: Satisfaction
Minor Mood: Perfection
Ex-Master to Threat.
Proud owner of Sazabi's 1500th comment! And Threats 50th comment
"Insanity: a perfect rational adjustment to an insane world"

Feb 06 2006 11:33pm

 - Student

Major Mood: Innovation
Minor Mood: Satisfaction
ask JP. I was the one that owned him. (Warlocks all the way)

Feb 06 2006 11:17pm

 - Student

Satisfaction mood

Stress: You are very carefree! No stress and no worries!


Feb 06 2006 10:27pm

 - Student

Intuition Mood
Major Mood: Intuition
Minor Mood: Intuition
You are in an independent, quiet, idealistic, deeply passionate, creative and imaginative mood.
Your keywords: no limit, cute, vintage, spontaneous
Stress: You are showing some signs of stress, take it easy...

playing jk3 since 30th of january (2005), member since 1st of february. [Unofficial Master to Vision and Z�diac ] If you can make a fool of yourself infront of 300 people you can do anything - Jaiko D'kana

Feb 06 2006 09:42pm

 - Student


Is Grade School another name for Elementary school?
Also a lot of times one of the pictures didn't load, so I just picked the ones that did. I also picked things that uh, contradicted each other a little, so it said "You walk the middle road" or something like that.
I'm not good at these things. :P
-Aiddat, the Gran with the green blades.
"You have a right to be angry, but believe me when I say you don't want to feed that emotion." - Kyle Katarn
{Owner of Liso Jowol's 550th comment, Conchris Chaotic's 80th, 150th and 350th comments, Pink Floyd's 200th comment Tyrant's 695th comment, D@RTHM@UL's 10600th comment}, accidentally tricked Pink Floyd into giving me his 1700th comment, I also have Alexander D'Kana's 1950th comment, Mindrith Pride's 1850th comment and I used the same accidental trick on Lewis's 100th comment, and I have Aiddat's 1992nd comment (birthyear), and #Elmo's 450th comment. Unsuccessfully tried to prove Senor Hat's theory wrong.
Click for screenshots. Padawan of R2-D2.

Feb 06 2006 09:09pm

 - Nugget

Perfection Mood

Feb 06 2006 08:26pm

 - Student

I myself had:
Intuition mood (perfection mood)
"We make a living out of what we get, we make a life out of what we give."

Feb 06 2006 07:11pm

 - Student

Innovation Mood
Major Mood: Innovation
Minor Mood: Innovation
You are in an assertive, dynamic, decisive, strong willed and frank mood.

Feb 06 2006 06:25pm

 - Jedi Knight

Satisfaction Mood
Major Mood: Satisfaction
Minor Mood: Satisfaction
You are in a fun-loving, outgoing, easy-going, friendly, adventurous and joyful mood.


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