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What are you playing to right now?
Mar 18 2011 04:54am

 - Jedi Knight
heh, I find it amusing when people are debating on games. It is almost like debating on general philosophy :D

So please tell us what game are you playing to right now? and give quick review of it, Did you like it or not?

Maybe somebody is getting inspiration to play the same game as you...

The Genre can be anything from computer/console games to good old fashioned board games to tag to RL RPG to browser games...etc

Lately I have been playing MyBrute, Pokemon on GBA, Dragonball Adventures on GBA, S.T.A.L.K.E.R and Chess

Not much to review...

- Maher Senatu
Still here | My Lightsaber

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Jan 08 2012 08:39am

 - Jedi Council

Currently playing Quake 1.

I actually missed out on this gem way back in the days and jumped straigth into Quake 2. Its predecessor is, however, stunningly awesome, and now I can finally see what all the hype is about. Despite being visually less than impressive, its gameplay is just remarkable: it is incredibly fast paced, requires lots of dexterity and therefore lots of key-tapping, and even some special knowledge (rocket/grenade jumping anyone?). In fact, I would say that it is one of the most satisfying FPS games that I have played since... Half-Life 2. Whatever!
Find out more about the Jedi Academy Aurochs here and more about Masta here!
Married to Kain.

Jan 08 2012 01:57am

 - Student

Half-Life 2

and you complain that TOR is too linear? :P
Go away Eica, you know as little about games and my issues with them as you do about JKA.

I'm quite happy not knowing about them tbh

I know for one that JKA is a dead game, which is probably why the majority of your posts now are just bashing TOR ;)
Former padawan of RoseRed

Jan 08 2012 01:44am

 - Jedi Knight

Half-Life 2

and you complain that TOR is too linear? :P
Go away Eica, you know as little about games and my issues with them as you do about JKA.

*gathers up Masta's shattered mental pieces together*

Eica, look what you did! You opened a puzzle box of over 9000 pieces!

oh well...

*takes a pill*

*tries to figure out the first piece of puzzle*
Still here | My Lightsaber

Jan 07 2012 10:01pm

 - Jedi Council

Half-Life 2

and you complain that TOR is too linear? :P
Go away Eica, you know as little about games and my issues with them as you do about JKA.
Find out more about the Jedi Academy Aurochs here and more about Masta here!
Married to Kain.

Jan 07 2012 08:45pm

 - Student

Half-Life 2

and you complain that TOR is too linear? :P
Former padawan of RoseRed

Jan 02 2012 02:59pm

 - Jedi Council

Half-Life 2
Find out more about the Jedi Academy Aurochs here and more about Masta here!
Married to Kain.

Dec 25 2011 10:00am

 - Student

something here.
playing jk3 since 30th of january (2005), member since 1st of february. [Unofficial Master to Vision and Z�diac ] If you can make a fool of yourself infront of 300 people you can do anything - Jaiko D'kana

Dec 25 2011 08:52am

 - Jedi Council

oh you jesters you
Find out more about the Jedi Academy Aurochs here and more about Masta here!
Married to Kain.

Dec 24 2011 11:39pm

Alex Dkana
 - Staff
 Alex Dkana

Knights of the Old Republic. The good one!

So, have you recruited Visas yet?
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield | Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken | Rhaiko D'kana - SWTOR EU Guild Co-Founder | Is it what the teacher, teaches? Or what the student learns? A Dkana

This comment was edited by Alex Dkana on Dec 24 2011 11:39pm.

Dec 24 2011 09:09pm

 - Nugget

Knights of the Old Republic. The good one!

Blastphemy!!! im telling Starcraft 2 your cheating on her!!
If you add me to MSN, tell me who you are :P

Best Movie Character EVER!!

Dec 23 2011 10:10pm

 - Jedi Council

Knights of the Old Republic. The good one!
Find out more about the Jedi Academy Aurochs here and more about Masta here!
Married to Kain.

Dec 23 2011 09:17am

 - Jedi Instructor

well half of your list kinda goes away since i kinda specified that i need singleplayer one :P

try F.E.A.R

I am not too much into the "psycho-loli" stuff, but I found the game itself quite interesting while irritating at the same time.
Proud owner of Buster Senatu's 200th & 300th, Muro's 370th, Maher's 2100th, Henkes' 1639th, Johauna's 400th, 666th and 900th, Sho Koon's 2000th and Kain Sol's 600th comment Download Laziana's lightsaber here! Glory to Arstozka!

This comment was edited by Laziana on Dec 23 2011 09:18am.

Dec 22 2011 03:12pm

 - Jedi Knight

Still here | My Lightsaber

Dec 14 2011 06:08pm

 - Student


DeusEx3, Left4Dead1/2, Portal 2 (probably doesn't count), Bioshock 1, Borderlands was pretty cool as well (especially coop), Stalker: Call of Pripyat, Half-Life2:Ep2 (2007!), Battlefield 3 (if you're into that), UT3 (for some).

Oh and.... QUAKE LIVE >;)

But yes, it's a very small list, thanks to consolification.

EDIT: A lot of people seem to have enjoyed Bulletstorm, but I haven't played it myself, so just going to throw that one out here.

well half of your list kinda goes away since i kinda specified that i need singleplayer one :P

bulletstorm is garbage.

wouldnt qualify deus ex 3 as fps. i mean ofcourse its first person... shooter *occasionally*, but... but..

hmmm never understood whats so good about Stalker series.
played the first one didnt like it mainly due to game mechanics.
playing jk3 since 30th of january (2005), member since 1st of february. [Unofficial Master to Vision and Z�diac ] If you can make a fool of yourself infront of 300 people you can do anything - Jaiko D'kana

This comment was edited by SaZ on Dec 14 2011 06:13pm.

Dec 14 2011 05:40pm

 - Lowly Urchin

I don't play anything but MMOs on my PC.

Quit Rift a while ago, quitting Aion for SWTOR

On Consoles however:

Killzone 3
House of the Dead: Overkill
Time Crisis (The 3 game bundle)
Dead Space Extraction
SOCOM: Special Forces

^Those are all PS move with Sharpshooter.

Rockband 1, 2 or 3. Whichever I feel like at any specific moment.

Xbox 360

Assassins Creed Revelations
Saints Row the Third
Kinect Adventures
UFC Trainer Kinect
EA Sports Active
Sports Kinect

Zelda, the Skyward Sword.

I think that's what I mostly play atm.
PSN: Argantes
XBL: Ravencloak

My destiny lies where my fate leads me...

This comment was edited by Dacascos on Dec 14 2011 05:41pm.

Dec 14 2011 05:11pm

 - Jedi Council

Except that it's not a first-person shooter, but a third-person one. I did play the only game out of the series that they released on the PC, and it really was quite a good game, especially (if not solely) thanks to the coop feature.
Find out more about the Jedi Academy Aurochs here and more about Masta here!
Married to Kain.

Dec 14 2011 04:40pm

 - Student

If you have an Xbox 360, then the best FPS is Gears of War. All three of them. Epic games :)
~ Honor is a fool's prize. Glory is of no use to the dead ~

Dec 14 2011 03:24pm

 - Jedi Council


DeusEx3, Left4Dead1/2, Portal 2 (probably doesn't count), Bioshock 1, Borderlands was pretty cool as well (especially coop), Stalker: Call of Pripyat, Half-Life2:Ep2 (2007!), Battlefield 3 (if you're into that), UT3 (for some).

Oh and.... QUAKE LIVE >;)

But yes, it's a very small list, thanks to consolification.

EDIT: A lot of people seem to have enjoyed Bulletstorm, but I haven't played it myself, so just going to throw that one out here.
Find out more about the Jedi Academy Aurochs here and more about Masta here!
Married to Kain.

This comment was edited by Masta on Dec 14 2011 03:25pm.

Dec 14 2011 01:29pm

 - Student

hm anyone can tell any good fps... from past 5 or so years?
coz i realised i cant remember playing a good fps lol.
playing jk3 since 30th of january (2005), member since 1st of february. [Unofficial Master to Vision and Z�diac ] If you can make a fool of yourself infront of 300 people you can do anything - Jaiko D'kana

Nov 09 2011 05:23pm

Dash Starlight
 - Jedi Instructor
 Dash Starlight

Ah, even better! :)
The name is Bond. James Bond.

Nov 08 2011 03:35pm

 - Nugget

Check out TAKE ON HELICOPTER, i hear thats super realistic

Thanks for the tip, it looks pretty good to me. I'm more into military avation sims, but I don't mind civillion ones either as a change of pace. Gonna keep this one in mind. :)

I heard its built on the arma engine and expansion packs with military stuff is coming in the near future
If you add me to MSN, tell me who you are :P

Best Movie Character EVER!!

Nov 07 2011 10:16pm

Dash Starlight
 - Jedi Instructor
 Dash Starlight

Check out TAKE ON HELICOPTER, i hear thats super realistic

Thanks for the tip, it looks pretty good to me. I'm more into military avation sims, but I don't mind civillion ones either as a change of pace. Gonna keep this one in mind. :)
The name is Bond. James Bond.

This comment was edited by Dash Starlight on Nov 07 2011 10:16pm.

Nov 07 2011 06:04pm

 - Nugget

Roque Squadron 3D: A true Star Wars classic. It's not a flight sim, but a highly entertaining arcade shooter. I'm looking forward to continue racking up flying hours using my x-wing :P

F-22 Total Air War: The best flight sim I've ever seen personally. It's a great balance between realism and playability. Both novice and experienced 'pilots' will probably enjoy climbing into the cockpit of the F-22. Eventhough it's an old game, I highly recommend it for those into flight sims.

Check out TAKE ON HELICOPTER, i hear thats super realistic
If you add me to MSN, tell me who you are :P

Best Movie Character EVER!!

Nov 07 2011 02:35pm

 - Jedi Council

I'm playing Oblivion for like, the 6th time. It's amazing when you find new stuff over and over in this game when you least expect it!

Nov 07 2011 10:06am

Dash Starlight
 - Jedi Instructor
 Dash Starlight

Roque Squadron 3D: A true Star Wars classic. It's not a flight sim, but a highly entertaining arcade shooter. I'm looking forward to continue racking up flying hours using my x-wing :P

F-22 Total Air War: The best flight sim I've ever seen personally. It's a great balance between realism and playability. Both novice and experienced 'pilots' will probably enjoy climbing into the cockpit of the F-22. Eventhough it's an old game, I highly recommend it for those into flight sims.
The name is Bond. James Bond.

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