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What are you playing to right now?
Mar 18 2011 04:54am

 - Jedi Knight
heh, I find it amusing when people are debating on games. It is almost like debating on general philosophy :D

So please tell us what game are you playing to right now? and give quick review of it, Did you like it or not?

Maybe somebody is getting inspiration to play the same game as you...

The Genre can be anything from computer/console games to good old fashioned board games to tag to RL RPG to browser games...etc

Lately I have been playing MyBrute, Pokemon on GBA, Dragonball Adventures on GBA, S.T.A.L.K.E.R and Chess

Not much to review...

- Maher Senatu
Still here | My Lightsaber

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Sep 21 2011 11:39am

 - Jedi Instructor

Right, DX3... I heard it shall give salvation to all who loved the first game but had their issues with DX2.

Will check that out in the near future.

In the meantime, I practice my Foomy Punch!
Proud owner of Buster Senatu's 200th & 300th, Muro's 370th, Maher's 2100th, Henkes' 1639th, Johauna's 400th, 666th and 900th, Sho Koon's 2000th and Kain Sol's 600th comment Download Laziana's lightsaber here! Glory to Arstozka!

Sep 11 2011 07:42am

 - Jedi Council

Picked up DX3 and it's quite excellent so far, although I'm not that far into the game yet.
Find out more about the Jedi Academy Aurochs here and more about Masta here!
Married to Kain.

Sep 06 2011 08:49pm

 - Jedi Knight

Modded PAL SNES with slot for NTSC cartridged and 50/60Hz switch.



Still here | My Lightsaber

This comment was edited by Maher on Sep 06 2011 08:50pm.

Sep 05 2011 05:25pm

Dash Starlight
 - Jedi Instructor
 Dash Starlight

Tomb Raider 6: Angel Of Darkness: This game was supposed to be innovative, but I'm afraid it's the weakest in the series so far. The graphics are an upgrade over Chronicles, the storyline is pretty good, rather dark too, but it has game bugs and poor controls. For example, you are asked to be accurate with your controls sometimes, but you hardly have the means to do so. Making parts of the game unnecessarily hard.

For those looking for a good action/adventure, there are better games, but people will still enjoy this game if they:
1. can accept and look beyond the bugs/poor controls;
2. are into the Tomb Raider series;
3. have a heck of a lot of patience :P

Duke Nukem Forever: Development of this game took 12 years, so imo the expectations are way up there. However, the word that most accurately describes this game is 'outdated'. It features yesterday's graphics, a plain AI, lineair levels and somewhat cumbersome controls. (Though that could just be me, I'm not exactly a good FPS player.) The only thing that I find fun about this game, is that it's a playground for guys: it's macho and lighthearted. It can be fun to be immature sometimes. So I don't really recommend it if you're looking for a solid FPS game, mostly just for nostalgia.
The name is Bond. James Bond.

This comment was edited by Dash Starlight on Sep 05 2011 06:10pm.

Sep 05 2011 03:12pm

 - Jedi Instructor

Lufia is a-m-a-z-i-n-g, although I must admit that I enjoyed Lufia 2 more. Just sayin'

I am with you, Lufia 2 is a great game-sequel/story-prequel and does everything that Lufia does, just better.

Just remember it's called the Dual Blade, despite whatever the various PAL translations (I guess you also played it in german back in the day?) want to make people believe.

Are you playing Lufia through SNES emulator?

NO! Modded PAL SNES with slot for NTSC cartridged and 50/60Hz switch.

Some things are too good to be played on an emulator. That is if you somehow have the chance to get to it. (Seiken Densetsu 3 original cartridge won't do me any good, as my japanese is sadly not beyond some random phrases learned by watching anime...)

Top reasons to get a modded SNES when living in a PAL region:
- Lufia 1
- Final Fantasy IV
- Final Fantasy VI
- Chrono Trigger

Proud owner of Buster Senatu's 200th & 300th, Muro's 370th, Maher's 2100th, Henkes' 1639th, Johauna's 400th, 666th and 900th, Sho Koon's 2000th and Kain Sol's 600th comment Download Laziana's lightsaber here! Glory to Arstozka!

This comment was edited by Laziana on Sep 05 2011 03:13pm.

Sep 04 2011 05:21pm

 - Jedi Knight

Are you playing Lufia through SNES emulator?

Anywhoo I have been playing Deus-Ex: HR and From Dust...
Still here | My Lightsaber

Sep 01 2011 06:54pm

 - Jedi Council

Lufia is a-m-a-z-i-n-g, although I must admit that I enjoyed Lufia 2 more. Just sayin'
Find out more about the Jedi Academy Aurochs here and more about Masta here!
Married to Kain.

Sep 01 2011 02:54pm

 - Jedi Instructor

Lufia and the Fortress of Doom, yeah! o/
Proud owner of Buster Senatu's 200th & 300th, Muro's 370th, Maher's 2100th, Henkes' 1639th, Johauna's 400th, 666th and 900th, Sho Koon's 2000th and Kain Sol's 600th comment Download Laziana's lightsaber here! Glory to Arstozka!

Aug 31 2011 05:55pm

 - Nugget

Starcraft 2.

Aug 29 2011 07:12pm

 - Jedi Council

Starcraft 2.

Still trying to get into Masters, but probably won't anytime soon. Just SORTA recovering from another 9 games losing streak. Nine games. NINE. Cya Masters, was nice to aspire.

Besides that, currently playing Witcher2, which is quite amazing so far.
Find out more about the Jedi Academy Aurochs here and more about Masta here!
Married to Kain.

Aug 29 2011 12:03pm

 - Student

Deus Ex: HR.

so far the game is pretty good. the story isnt something extremely special, but its good enough to keep you going. sidequests are quite long and it would be a sin to miss them out :P there are city hubs that remind me of vampire: bloodlines. you can also finish missions in different ways if you have appropiate 'augmentations'.
for example if you have strong hands augmentation you might be able to find places where you can place very heavy objects to overcome obstacles. or augmentation to... punch through wall. or jump much higher... or cominbation of all these three... or having invisibility cloak to sneak through more guards than possible by using simple stealth mechanics. you might also add seeing through walls as pretty game changing feat.
there are also hacking feats that can do your usual things - deactivate stuff or with appropiate upgrades to your hacking skills you can ofcourse control enemy robots and turrets.
oh you also have a parachute!
all of that adding more ways to finish missions.
note: some augmentations are quite useless though.

graphics are pretty nice, definitely fits the atmosphere. has that bladerunner-mass effect feel for sure. while you cant know how the world gonna be in future, the game's city design looks quite realistic. the main characters appartment looks... beautiful QQ

cant say much about combat, because im playing a stealthy guy as usual.
as far as stealth goes - i read that you can literally finish the game without killing a single person. i thought its just an idea, but after playing it a bit im pretty sure its true.
finished like 5-8hours (times goes fast lol) of gameplay and im pretty sure i didnt kill anyone yet, except 1 boss.

most of times however stealth is extremely easy and i can imagine that going more agressively would be easy as well. the main reason for that is really basic AI. im actually pretty sure that they cant climb ladders. also if you put a box on a doorway and then aggro nearby enemies they will get stuck there like idiots, perfectly ready to eat that gas grenade you might want to throw. AI in games didnt progress that much in past years...

another a little outdated thing that breaks immersion a little is lipsynch and facial mimics/reactions etc. they are very basic. without even overexaggerating ill say that half life 2 was much better at that and look at how old that game is? :/
sure this is quite ignorable, but when this ummm... elderly woman character was sort of crying and the model was still smiling as usual... well that just looked VERY odd.

overall id say this game is one of the best this year. its really decent which doesnt happen that often, but its not game of the year material. atleast i doubt its going to beat other extremely good games this year.

even with its shortcomings this is a good game and id recommend it to mass effect or ofcourse deus ex fans.
playing jk3 since 30th of january (2005), member since 1st of february. [Unofficial Master to Vision and Z�diac ] If you can make a fool of yourself infront of 300 people you can do anything - Jaiko D'kana

Jul 11 2011 11:35pm

Kenwan Obiobi
 - Student

'VTT Pro Table Tennis' - free downloadable app on iPhone/iPod Touch. Do it...DO IT NOW!

Jul 07 2011 10:21am

 - Jedi Knight

Magic The Gathering!

We decided to bought basic decks with my friends. It seemed that we were still having a lot of fun with this classic card game.

Texas Hold'em changed to MtG, wth! :D
Still here | My Lightsaber

May 13 2011 10:50am

 - Student

Not done much gaming lately, guitar has been monopolising my time, but...

Was playing Age of Conan recently to compare against the books. Not bad, same old same old though if you've played MMO's. Combat system is interesting.

Do boardgames count? If so, been playing some Thud! and battling for Koom Valley after recently digging out my set - which probably only means anything to other Discworld/Pratchett fans.

Might be a long shot but are there any Thud! players here?
Padawan of Xanatos "You never say, "I'm gonna fight you, Steve." You just smile and act natural, and then you sucker-punch him." - Steve Zissou

May 12 2011 06:23pm

 - Lowly Urchin

Haven't touched SC2 yet, although I've played the original for about 5 years straight online.

Quit Aion a couple of months ago.
FFXIV was kinda meh, so quit that too.

Right now playing Battlestar Galactica Online, Shaiya and right now installing Rift to see how the pvp there is.
PSN: Argantes
XBL: Ravencloak

My destiny lies where my fate leads me...

May 06 2011 08:26pm

Dash Starlight
 - Jedi Instructor
 Dash Starlight

Mass Effect 2: I've only just started playing this (for two days straight :P) and I'm liking it a lot. I like the storyline, setting/feel and the action in it. So far, nothing in this game annoys me or feels rushed, instead, it's drawing me in to play more. Although I haven't finished it yet, I think BioWare has done a really good job with this game. I have also ordered Mass Effect 1 and it's on its way...

Anyways, I got to run now, I have people to save!

EDIT: Done, I think it was truly a great game. I'm lookin' forward to ME3 lol!
The name is Bond. James Bond.

This comment was edited by Dash Starlight on May 08 2011 02:19pm.

Apr 05 2011 02:14pm

Rahn del Sol
 - Student
 Rahn del Sol

rFactor, using the International LeMans Series v2.78 mod - I'm racing in a championship series at that's being sponsored by Logitech.

It's a seven race season running 2.5 hour endurance races, following the real ILMC season.

We ran our season opener at Sebring on March 20th, and I took the win in the LMP2 class. I'm racing there under my real name (Chad), as you can see from this highlight video:

Logitech is putting up some nice prizes; if I can continue to do well and win the championship in my class it's a $250 gift certificate from them. New game controllers, yay!

Apr 04 2011 07:56pm

 - Student

Mass Effect 1 (my old PC couldn't handle it, my new laptop can, but my new laptop just broke! Argh)
League of Legends (US Server, Squibit)
StarCraft2 (EU Server, Squibit - 798)

Oh and I just picked up Dominion (board game, technically a card game I guess)
fiZZe: its SIR Fizzy Fluffy :p

FiZZ[JAK]: that was what I call a counter

Ah, things you only ever expect to hear once :)

This comment was edited by Squibit on Apr 05 2011 02:14am.

Mar 25 2011 06:58pm

 - Jedi Council

BW comes in as a close second choice for me. I have to say, SC2 is just too damn awesome.
Find out more about the Jedi Academy Aurochs here and more about Masta here!
Married to Kain.

Mar 25 2011 04:13pm

 - Jedi Council

Currently playing a lot of Starcraft 2, which does not require an introduction. It's basically the very best RTS game on the market at the moment. Whoever has it and wishes to join up with me and a few of the Aurochs in teamgames or whatever, my ID is Sauwelios#372 (EU)

Second best, after SC:BW.
Joined 16 October 2004 | Retired 10 April 2005 | Returned 05 June 2008 | Made Staff 27 June 2008 | Made Council 18 January 2009
Padawan To Odan-Wei Belouve | Adopted into the Belouve family | Twin to xAnAtOs | Owner of the 4th Quesi sexy badge :D Brother To Roan Belouve, Nomad, Majno, Silkmonkey, Kensei and Jarhok Belouve
Owner Of Virtue's 1000th profile comment, Mr. Doobie's 1000th profile comment, Gradius' 2500th comment, xAnAtOs' 2500th comment, Rosered's 1500th comment, Laziana's 900th comment, Scythus' 500th comment and Echuu's 100th comment

Mar 25 2011 03:12pm

 - Jedi Council

@Zeke: If you enjoyed Mass Effect 1, then Mass Effect 2 will probably blow your mind. It's one of the very best games ever made and improves on every single aspect of ME1 by a great margin. I cannot recommend it highly enough.


I forgot to mention that I'm also playing Magicka with honest Kainz00r and Vision from time to time. It's quite a lot of fun, especially since the game is actually playable now.
Find out more about the Jedi Academy Aurochs here and more about Masta here!
Married to Kain.

This comment was edited by Masta on Mar 25 2011 03:13pm.

Mar 25 2011 02:36pm

 - Student

league of legends
dunno why im playing this, its not too bad, but the developers are such idiots that ill uninstall the game the second i see 'preorder dota2 now'.
assassins creed: brotherhood
finished this one. id say its the most finished ac game to date. it has lots of quests, main ones, secondary ones and grind ones. the story is quite solid, the ending made me say 'lolwat', but in a good way. id say its quite a well balanced game, since you can do a lot of random stuff (probably ac1 and ac2 combined) and if you get bored you go do missions or other way around. gameplay didnt change much, but some things were improved in a good way. overall id say its a decent game.
but I've heard it doesn't match up as well but that doesn't matter. :P

It's been proven time and time again that BioWare know how to make good RPG games!

i think mass effect 2 does a good job staying true to the title while changing it into more actiony game.
as for your last sentence im not so sure anymore... well read other thread in general discussions haha.
playing jk3 since 30th of january (2005), member since 1st of february. [Unofficial Master to Vision and Z�diac ] If you can make a fool of yourself infront of 300 people you can do anything - Jaiko D'kana

This comment was edited by SaZ on Mar 25 2011 02:38pm.

Mar 25 2011 12:50pm

 - Student
 - The winner!!!

Mass Effect 1

I recently got introduced to this and have already completed it once and I'm now on my second play through with high difficulty settings as it was dead easy before.

Great game play, story, graphics the whole shebang it has all that should be in a good RPG.
I'm considering getting Mass Effect 2 at some point but I've heard it doesn't match up as well but that doesn't matter. :P

It's been proven time and time again that BioWare know how to make good RPG games!

Left 4 Dead 2

Since I'm upgrading today I'm looking forward to bumping up the AA on this awesome mother of all zombie apocalypse games. :P

Jedi Knight Academy


Mar 19 2011 07:41pm

Dash Starlight
 - Jedi Instructor
 Dash Starlight

I currently play the following games:

Madden NFL 2006 An american football game done very well in my opinion. I have to be critical towards the ratings given to players - I think they're generally too high as most seem to be good or better.

Alone In The Dark 5 This is a fun game for those who like adventure and horror games. The upside to this game is that it's rather innovative: I like the inventory system and how items can be combined. The downside is that the controls may need some getting used to. Some episodes are also rather demanding, although you have the option to start from different 'chapters' so you can skip these. Finally, the game contains some bugs and has compatibility issues.

The Force Unleashed A Star Wars hack 'n slash game that focusses on Force usage. And by focus I mean that the Force is EXTREMELY strongly presented in this game. It's a fun game imo if you're looking to overpower your opponents using the Force and/or hacking away. Don't look for Jedi Knight like control over your saber or strategy/tactics, however.

Tomb Raider: Underworld This is a really fun action/adventure game that I would recommend if it wouldn't feature as many bugs as it does. However, if you can get over those bugs, imo the game is well worth its money.

The Curse Of Monkey Island This adventure game is awesome and nothing short of it. It contains quite a bit of good humor and is rather entertaining. Some puzzles (especially in Mad Monkey mode) are far fetched and hard, but that's what walkthroughs were invented for :P
The name is Bond. James Bond.

This comment was edited by Dash Starlight on May 13 2011 12:40pm.

Mar 18 2011 08:57am

 - Jedi Council

Currently playing a lot of Starcraft 2, which does not require an introduction. It's basically the very best RTS game on the market at the moment. Whoever has it and wishes to join up with me and a few of the Aurochs in teamgames or whatever, my ID is Sauwelios#372 (EU)

Besides that, I'm deeply in love with Rome:Total War. I've picked it up a few weeks ago because I could not wait for Shogun2 to be released, but now I can't put it down anymore. It's so utterly engrossing (I have a weakness for turn-based strategy games) and I've had a really great time with it, especially with some of the excellent mods that have been released by the community. It's an amazing game.

Lastly, I am somehow able to squeeze in some Dragon Age 2 here and there and am having quite a lot of fun with that so far. I'm not particularly far into the game, but I quite enjoy the gameplay and the setting, as well as the very local flavour of the story. I cannot judge that one yet though.
Find out more about the Jedi Academy Aurochs here and more about Masta here!
Married to Kain.

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