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keyboard configuration
Feb 17 2004 09:01pm

 - ex-Student
i've always wondered about this...

post here (if you want) the keyboard configuration you use when playing ja.

[22:43] <[jools]> someday, i'll write on essay about feeling 60 but being 23
[22:44] <Jacen_Aratan> I think it is time to hand over a special thing... only given it out one time before... back in October or so...
[22:44] * Jacen_Aratan hands [jools] the award "Coolest Newbie"
xAnAtOs' best friend.

after Aratan publishes his .cfg, we all realized how much nelp he does need.

would you like to join a 'Saving Aratan Fund'?

vote results
yes deffo! i really do want to help Aratan out of that mess... yes deffo! i really do want to help Aratan out of that mess... [5 votes] [36%]
no, i think he deserves living in such a condition... no, i think he deserves living in such a condition... [3 votes] [21%]
Aratan? wots dat? Aratan? wots dat? [3 votes] [21%]
of course. here's my CC' # of course. here's my CC' # [0 votes] [0%]
MY .cfg is worse than dat. I should be the one the fund will help... MY .cfg is worse than dat. I should be the one the fund will help... [3 votes] [21%]

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Mar 01 2004 02:58pm

 - Student

Darn that sounds hard to play with n00b, but once your used to something, I guess it isn't that hard :)

Mar 01 2004 04:13am

 - Student

I think this is the wierdest setup, but I've used these keys since Descent 2. I slide my keyboard off to the left and place my left hand over the keypad. All the keys I need quickly, I put on the pad, the others, like taunts, saber challenge, etc. I put on the arrows and nav keys so my pinky can reach them.

Forward: Keypad .
Backward: Keypad 0
Strafe Left: Keypad 1
Strafe Right: Keypad 3
Crouch: Keypad 2
Jump: Keypad 5
Push: Keypad 6
Pull: Keypad 4
Speed: Keypad 8
Seeing: Keypad 9
Grip: Keypad 7
Drain: Keypad +
Lightning: Keypad /
Rage: Keypad *
Absorb: Keypad -
Use: Keypad Enter

Saber Challenge: Right Arrow
Inventory Left: Left Arrow
Inventory Right: Down Arrow
Use Held Item: Up Arrow

Saber/Melee: PG Down
Taunts: Insert, Home, PG Up, Delete, End

As for the mouse:

Mouse 1: Attack
Mouse 2: Alt Attack
Mouse 3: Lightsaber style
Wheelie: Switch Weapons
Mouse 4: Run/Walk
Mouse 5: Haven't decided

I like this because all these buttons are square to one another which makes it easy for me to find them without looking. I use my thumb for forward/backward movement and my fingers do the rest. Whats nice is my thumb acts like a pivot point for my hand so my fingers never get lost.
Gone but hopefully not forgotten...

This comment was edited by n00b on Mar 01 2004 04:19am.

Feb 29 2004 05:06pm

 - Ex-Student

i feel like a n00b. im using t3h default once.
kinda hard when i get griped fiddeling with q and e

Feb 23 2004 12:54pm

 - Ex-Student

Btw, I have 16 more cfgs. :D

*sound of jools' jaw dropping to the ground*
[22:43] <[jools]> someday, i'll write on essay about feeling 60 but being 23
[22:44] <Jacen_Aratan> I think it is time to hand over a special thing... only given it out one time before... back in October or so...
[22:44] * Jacen_Aratan hands [jools] the award "Coolest Newbie"
xAnAtOs' best friend.

Feb 23 2004 07:35am

Jacen Aratan
 - Student

w00t, I have a fund!

Btw, I have 16 more cfgs. :D

Feb 22 2004 12:58pm

 - Student


ppl are wierd the whole w,a,s,d keys for movement is nonsense, try shifting ur hand to the left one key.

So now E is forward, D is back pedal, and S/F are strafe keys.

M1 = attack

m2 = crouch

m3 = saber stance

w = force push
r = force pull
q = protect
t = speed
a = heal
g = grip
z = lightening
x = seeing
c = crouch
v = absorb
b = mind trick
shift = walk/run
ctrl = challenge duel
alt = alternate attack
space = jump
windows key = REMOVED

One of the reasons I do this is because I have the natural keyboard, so now my left hand can easily reach almost ever action quickly, while my right controls my attacks looking crouching.

I rearely use force powers in MP, but in SP its freaking insane to plan0e on reaching from the w,a,s,d keys to f7 for a force power

Also I use this specifically for FFA/duel servers and I have a bunch of binds in the 0-9 keys.

Siege is a whole differnt file :)

BTW anyone else with a natural keyboard, have you ever worn out one side of your space bar button. Yeah that was a interesting day, when I was in mid duel and realized I had played JK2 so much the left side of my space bar, has ceased to function!
Silent Bob (Kevin Smith): You know, there's a million fine looking women in the world, dude. But they don't all bring you lasagna at work. Most of 'em just cheat on you.

-Steve (Obi)

Feb 22 2004 03:15am

Acey Spadey
 - Student
 Acey Spadey

wots dat cg_draw2d command?

it turns off your HUD and chatwindow and stuff.. I bind it as /bind <key> cg_draw2d !

the ! makes it a toggle so I can turn it on and off at will. I use it lots cause I alway do lotsa screenshots.
.Lag Bro to Xanatos. Adopted Twin to Bubu. Big-Brother to SmilyKrazy ---- JATSRAD Guru, JASE Member, JA SP Mod Staff ---- The Order of the Stick -- Big thanks to Mango for my avatar -- Quote:
Sometimes you've got to specifically go out of your way to get into trouble. It's called fun.
(Random hella old quote) <Fizz of Belouve> .. in sovjet russia, cereals spit at YOU!
whats the point of growing up, if your not allowed to act childish!
Padawan - Henkes

Feb 22 2004 01:24am

 - Ex-Student

wots dat cg_draw2d command?
[22:43] <[jools]> someday, i'll write on essay about feeling 60 but being 23
[22:44] <Jacen_Aratan> I think it is time to hand over a special thing... only given it out one time before... back in October or so...
[22:44] * Jacen_Aratan hands [jools] the award "Coolest Newbie"
xAnAtOs' best friend.

Feb 22 2004 01:22am

Acey Spadey
 - Student
 Acey Spadey

wasd = movement

mouse = looking

mouse 1 = primary fire
mouse 2 = secondary fire
Mouse middle = nothing yet
Mouse wheel up/down = change weapon

Q and E = pull and push
F = force use
ZX = change force
c = crouch
space = jump
shift = walk
G = taunt
.,m = respective commands (/cg_draw2d /cg_fpls /cg_drawgun
F4 = screenshot

probably missed some
.Lag Bro to Xanatos. Adopted Twin to Bubu. Big-Brother to SmilyKrazy ---- JATSRAD Guru, JASE Member, JA SP Mod Staff ---- The Order of the Stick -- Big thanks to Mango for my avatar -- Quote:
Sometimes you've got to specifically go out of your way to get into trouble. It's called fun.
(Random hella old quote) <Fizz of Belouve> .. in sovjet russia, cereals spit at YOU!
whats the point of growing up, if your not allowed to act childish!
Padawan - Henkes

Feb 20 2004 07:16pm

 - Student


Feb 19 2004 10:56pm

 - Ex-Student

omg look at all those 'set name' binds, associated to 1337 nicknames!!!
[22:43] <[jools]> someday, i'll write on essay about feeling 60 but being 23
[22:44] <Jacen_Aratan> I think it is time to hand over a special thing... only given it out one time before... back in October or so...
[22:44] * Jacen_Aratan hands [jools] the award "Coolest Newbie"
xAnAtOs' best friend.

Feb 19 2004 10:21pm

 - Eats Babies

i think aratan REALLY needs to get outside.
"We keep odd hours...." ----------------------- They Live, We Sleep

Feb 19 2004 08:02pm

 - Ex-Student

way too ROFL!
[22:43] <[jools]> someday, i'll write on essay about feeling 60 but being 23
[22:44] <Jacen_Aratan> I think it is time to hand over a special thing... only given it out one time before... back in October or so...
[22:44] * Jacen_Aratan hands [jools] the award "Coolest Newbie"
xAnAtOs' best friend.

Feb 19 2004 02:19pm

 - Student


I think Aratan has 2 for standard JKII/JKJA controls and one for his binds :P

Feb 19 2004 02:10am

 - Retired

god im soo tempted to edit aratans post to say

I'm a big freaking loser with 1000 binds and scripts i have every key bounded to something

When a Man lies he murder's some part of the world. These are the pale deaths which men misscall there lives. All this I cannot bear to witness any longer. Cannot the kingdom of salvation take me home? -Cliff Burton Owner of Smily's 1900th comment | <Lady_Catherine> i love your sexy white socks! | (Lady_Catherine) i adore u! | (Lady_Catherine) onion (Lady_Catherine) i lub u

Feb 18 2004 10:33pm

 - Ex-Student

wicket, some mouse have multiple buttons on their sides (ie: logitech mx500).
[22:43] <[jools]> someday, i'll write on essay about feeling 60 but being 23
[22:44] <Jacen_Aratan> I think it is time to hand over a special thing... only given it out one time before... back in October or so...
[22:44] * Jacen_Aratan hands [jools] the award "Coolest Newbie"
xAnAtOs' best friend.

Feb 18 2004 08:33pm

 - Ex-Student


Feb 18 2004 08:31pm

 - Student

LMAO Aratan !

Feb 18 2004 08:28pm

Jacen Aratan
 - Student

Time to post my cfgs! W00t!



// Movement Set 1
bind W "+forward" // Move Forward
bind S "+back" // Move Backward
bind A "+moveleft" // Move Left
bind D "+moveright" // Move Right
bind SPACE "+moveup" // Jump

// Other
bind SHIFT "+speed" // Run and Walk Toggle

// --------------------------------------------------------
// Inventory and Force
// --------------------------------------------------------

// Inventory
bind B "use_bacta" // Use Bacta Tank
bind [ "invprev" // Inventory Previous
bind ] "invnext" // Inventory Next
bind ENTER "+button2" // Use Selected Item

// Force

// Neutral
bind f1 "force_throw" // Force Push
bind f2 "force_pull" // Force Pull
bind F3 "force_speed" // Force Speed
bind F8 "force_seeing" // Force Seeing

// Light Side
bind F4 "force_distract" // Force Invisible
bind F5 "force_heal" // Force Heal
//bind F9 "force_protect" // Force Protect
bind F10 "force_absorb" // Force Absorb
bind BACKSPACE "force_healother" // Force Heal Other

// Dark Side
//bind F6 "+force_grip" // Force Grip
//bind F7 "+force_lightning" // Force Lightning
//bind z "force_rage" // Force Dark Rage
//bind q "+force_drain" // Force Drain
//bind \ "force_forcepowerother" // Force Energize

bind X "forcenext" // Scroll Next Force
bind Z "forceprev" // Scroll Previous Force
bind F "saberAttackCycle" // Use Selected Force

// --------------------------------------------------------
// Weapons and Attacking
// --------------------------------------------------------

// Weapons
bind 1 "weapon 1" // Lightsabre
bind 2 "weapon 2" // Byar Pistol
bind 3 "weapon 3" // DE-11 Blaster Rifle
bind 4 "weapon 4" // DisruptorBowcaster
bind 5 "weapon 5" // Bowcaster
bind 6 "weapon 6" // Heavy Repeater
bind 7 "weapon 7" // Golan Arms FC-1
bind 8 "weapon 8" // DEMP 2
bind 9 "weapon 9" // Mar Sonn
bind 0 "weapon 10" // Throwable Items

// Attacking
bind MOUSE1 "+attack" // Primary
bind MOUSE2 "+altattack" // Secondary

// Misc.
//bind L "saberAttackCycle" // Saber Stance Toggle

bind mwheelup "weapnext"
bind mwheeldown "weapprev"

// --------------------------------------------------------
// Misc.
// --------------------------------------------------------

bind MOUSE4 "kill"
bind MOUSE5 "force_speed"
bind DEL "scoresDown" // Scroll Scores Down
bind INS "scoresUp" // Scroll Scores Up
bind TAB "+scores" // Show Score Board
bind E "+useforce" // Use / Activate
bind K "engage_duel" // Engage in a Duel
bind P "cg_thirdperson !" // Toggle Third Person
bind j set name "^7w00t^4/^7Kamikaze" // Voice Taunt
bind h say "lol"
bind HOME set name "^1w00t^7|^1Little Red Riding Hood"
bind . say "hi"
bind - say "cya"
bind m set name "^1J^7acen ^1A^7ratan"
bind END "kill"
bind ins set name "^7w00t^3|^7Super Granny"
bind alt say "^1Hey there Little Red Riding Hood, you sure are lookin' good, you're everything a big bad wolf could want"
bind KP_PGUP say "^1P^7h34r my ^1L^7ag, teammates^1!"
bind KP_rightarrow "screenshot"
bind kp_leftarrow say_team "^1I^7ncoming"
bind MOUSE3 "+movedown"
bind c "+movedown"
bind i say_team "^7G^1et ^7O^1ur ^7F^1lag"
bind t "messagemode2"
bind kp_home exec "lotr.cfg"
bind q say "^3-=^7C^1an't ^7T^1ouch ^7T^1his^3=-"
bind ' say_team "^7F^1lag ^7D^1own"
bind v say "^1Little Red Riding Hood, I don't think little big girls should go walking' in these spooky old woods alone"
bind kp_minus say "^3-=^7Y^1ou^7'^1re ^7*^1my^7*^1 bitch now^3=-"
bind kp_plus say "^3-=^7S^1hot by a little girl ^7-^1 feeling good^7?^3=-"
bind r set name "^3w00t^1^^0Jacen Aratan"
bind n set name "^7w00t^2>>^7Danish Bacon"
bind rightarrow set name "^1/2^7ed ^1/2^7iding ^1H^7ood"
bind downarrow say "^1w^700^1tified"
bind leftarrow say "^3-=^7L^1et^7'^1s rock^3=-"
bind f11 set name "^3w00t^7/^3Schizophrenic N00b"
bind f12 set name "^7Jacen ^3[^7A^3]rat^5a^4n"
bind kp_enter set name "^7Wannabe 13^53^47"
bind capslock set name "^7w00t^1>>^7N00b"
bind backspace set name "^7w00t^3>>^1J^7acen ^1A^7ratan"
bind kp_pgdn set name "^1Little Red Riding Hoo[D]"
bind "Æ" set name "^4L^5a^7gz^30^7red^3."
bind "Ø" set name "^1Satan Claws"
bind "Å" set name "^7w00t^4>>^1L^7a^1gg^7e^1h"
bind l "use_forcefield"
bind kp_del say ""^3-=^7L^1et^7'^1s ^7R^1ock^3=-"
bind < set name "^4pr^70^4n ^7>^4 you"

// --------------------------------------------------------
// Special Binds
// --------------------------------------------------------

//bind f11 "exec jamenu.cfg" // Open Jedi Academy Menu
//bind f12 "exec jakmenu.cfg" // Open Jedi Academy Knight Menu


bind DEL "exec loaded.cfg"
echo ^3**** ^2Jedi ^2Academy ^2Mod ^2Script ^3*****

bind u "messagemode3" // Toggle Chat Style
bind y "messagemode" // Use Chat

//Taunt Toggle
//bind KP_END "vstr prv_emote" //Prev Emote
//bind KP_PGDN "vstr nxt_emote" //Next Emote
//bind KP_DOWNARROW "vstr set_emote" //Use Emote

//Music Selector
//bind LEFTARROW "vstr prv_music" //Prev Track
//bind RIGHTARROW "vstr nxt_music" //Next Track
//bind DOWNARROW "vstr set_music" //Use Track

//bind n "vstr rsab" // Change Saber 1 Color

// EOF

^ my CTF cfg. Now, for my default cfg:


// Movement Set 1
bind W "+forward" // Move Forward
bind S "+back" // Move Backward
bind A "+moveleft" // Move Left
bind D "+moveright" // Move Right
bind SPACE "+moveup" // Jump

// Other
bind SHIFT "+speed" // Run and Walk Toggle

// --------------------------------------------------------
// Inventory and Force
// --------------------------------------------------------

// Inventory
bind B "use_bacta" // Use Bacta Tank
bind [ "invprev" // Inventory Previous
bind ] "invnext" // Inventory Next
bind ENTER "+button2" // Use Selected Item

// Force

// Neutral
bind f1 "force_throw" // Force Push
bind f2 "force_pull" // Force Pull
bind F3 "force_speed" // Force Speed
bind F8 "force_seeing" // Force Seeing

// Light Side
bind F4 "force_distract" // Force Invisible
bind F5 "force_heal" // Force Heal
bind F9 "force_protect" // Force Protect
bind F10 "force_absorb" // Force Absorb
bind BACKSPACE "force_healother" // Force Heal Other

// Dark Side
//bind F6 "+force_grip" // Force Grip
//bind F7 "+force_lightning" // Force Lightning
//bind z "force_rage" // Force Dark Rage
//bind q "+force_drain" // Force Drain
//bind \ "force_forcepowerother" // Force Energize

bind X "forcenext" // Scroll Next Force
bind Z "forceprev" // Scroll Previous Force
bind F "saberAttackCycle" // Use Selected Force
bind mwheelup "weapnext"
bind mwheeldown "weapprev"

// --------------------------------------------------------
// Weapons and Attacking
// --------------------------------------------------------

// Weapons
bind 1 "weapon 1" // Lightsabre
bind 2 "weapon 2" // Byar Pistol
bind 3 "weapon 3" // DE-11 Blaster Rifle
bind 4 "weapon 4" // DisruptorBowcaster
bind 5 "weapon 5" // Bowcaster
bind 6 "weapon 6" // Heavy Repeater
bind 7 "weapon 7" // Golan Arms FC-1
bind 8 "weapon 8" // DEMP 2
bind 9 "weapon 9" // Mar Sonn
bind 0 "weapon 10" // Throwable Items

// Attacking
bind MOUSE1 "+attack" // Primary
bind MOUSE2 "+altattack" // Secondary

// Misc.
bind L "saberAttackCycle" // Saber Stance Toggle

// --------------------------------------------------------
// Misc.
// --------------------------------------------------------

bind MOUSE4 "kill"
bind MOUSE5 "force_speed"
bind DEL "scoresDown" // Scroll Scores Down
bind INS "scoresUp" // Scroll Scores Up
bind TAB "+scores" // Show Score Board
bind E "+useforce" // Use / Activate
bind K "engage_duel" // Engage in a Duel
bind P "cg_thirdperson !" // Toggle Third Person
bind j "taunt" // Voice Taunt
bind CTRL "+use"
bind h say "lol"
bind i say "^1G^7ood ^1F^7ight^1!"
bind . say "hi"
bind - say "cya"
bind m set name "^1J^7acen ^1A^7ratan^1[^7JAK^1]"
"^7Then at last his gaze was held: ^1Barad-dûr, Fortess ^7of ^1Sauron.^7 All hope left him."
bind END "kill"
"^3O^0ne for the ^3D^0ark ^3L^0ord on his dark throne, in the land of ^3D^0enmark, where the Shadows lie""
bind KP_HOME set name "^3L^0ord of the ^3B^0alrogs"
bind KP_rightarrow "screenshot"
bind MOUSE3 "+movedown"
bind c "+movedown"
bind kp_plus say "^7The Lieutenant of ^1the Tower of Barad-dûr^7 he was, and he said: ^1'I am the Mouth of Sauron.'"
bind kp_minus set name "^1M^0outh ^7of ^1S^0auron"
bind o say "^7A crown of steel he bore, but nothing could be seen, save only a deadly gleam of eyes: ^1the Lord of the Nazgûl."
bind ins say "^7And then he saw, rising blacker and darker than shadows, the iron crown of the topmost tower of ^1Barad-dûr."
bind home say "^1G^7othmog, ^1L^7ord of the ^1B^7alrogs, high-captain of ^1A^7ngband, was come"
bind kp_pgup set name "^3L^0ord of the ^3N^0azgûl"
"^1O^7bserve the ^1P^7ower of the ^1L^7ag^1!"
bind v set name "^1J^7acen ^1A^7ratan"
bind t "messagemode2"
bind q exec "ctf.cfg"
bind r set name "^7|^2JAA^7| ^1J^7acen ^1A^7ratan"

// --------------------------------------------------------
// Special Binds
// --------------------------------------------------------

bind f11 "exec jamenu.cfg" // Open Jedi Academy Menu
bind f12 "exec undercover.cfg" // Open Jedi Academy Knight Menu


bind DEL "exec loaded.cfg"
echo ^3**** ^2Jedi ^2Academy ^2Mod ^2Script ^3*****

bind u "messagemode3" // Toggle Chat Style
bind y "messagemode" // Use Chat

//Taunt Toggle
bind KP_END "vstr prv_emote" //Prev Emote
bind KP_PGDN "vstr nxt_emote" //Next Emote
bind KP_DOWNARROW "vstr set_emote" //Use Emote

//Music Selector
bind LEFTARROW "vstr prv_music" //Prev Track
bind RIGHTARROW "vstr nxt_music" //Next Track
bind DOWNARROW "vstr set_music" //Use Track

bind n "vstr rsab" // Change Saber 1 Color

// EOF


PS: Don't mind the stuff about music selection and all... I copy/pasted my JK3 cfgs from my JK2 JA script-cfgs, because I'm lazy.

Feb 18 2004 08:07pm

 - Retired

ASDF = Movement

E = Use
qwrtzxcv = force stuff, i use light

mouse1 = attack
mouse2 = secondary attack
mouse3 = switch stances
mouse4 = walk
mouse5 = challenge to duel
When a Man lies he murder's some part of the world. These are the pale deaths which men misscall there lives. All this I cannot bear to witness any longer. Cannot the kingdom of salvation take me home? -Cliff Burton Owner of Smily's 1900th comment | <Lady_Catherine> i love your sexy white socks! | (Lady_Catherine) i adore u! | (Lady_Catherine) onion (Lady_Catherine) i lub u

Feb 18 2004 08:04pm

 - Student

Mouse 5 and 4?:confused:

Feb 18 2004 05:27pm

 - Student

Arrow keys for movement.

Mouse1 = Prim. Fire
Mouse2 = Jump
Mouse3 = Alt. fire
Ctrl = Crouch
Space = Use
F5 = Push
F6 = Pull
F7 = Speed
F8 = Seeing
A = Heal
Z = Protect
Enter = Grip
D = Drain
W = Mind Trick
S = Lightning
C = Rage
E = Team Energize
R = Team Heal
F1 = Bacta
Shift = Run

Those are the most important ones :)

Feb 18 2004 08:19am

 - Ex-Student

arror keys for movement

push=mousewheel up/KP1
pull=mouse wheel down/KP2
mind trick=mouse middle button/KP6

I'm leaving, on a jet plane~

Feb 18 2004 07:25am

Eclipse DKana
 - Student
 Eclipse DKana

WASD for movement.
mouse5 = Pull
mouse4 = Push
N = Speed
B = Absorb
SPACE = Jump
CTRL = Crouch
SHIFT = Walk

Feb 18 2004 12:03am

 - Student

WASD for movement.
Q = Pull
E = Push
R = Heal
Z = Seeing
F = Mindtrick
G = Speed
C = Protect
V = Absorb
SPACE = Jump
CTRL = Crouch
SHIFT = Walk
Bro of many in a very deformed family tree || Formerly a Padawan of Motrec, Kenyon & Aphex AKA Quiet Guardian, QG and Coogie

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