The Jedi Academy. THE Place for Jedi training.
The Academy

Trey Constantine "Trey"
Jedi Academy Aurochs

Location:  Romania
Occupation:  student
Interests:  killing zombies rawr
Yahoo! ID:  je_suis_catalin
Last Comment:  Forums: Electronic Sports League
Comments Made:  339

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May 04 2008 07:19pm

 - Staff

Hi, doing ok, done with classes for the semester. You?
"Do or do not, there is no try"
Jedi Master Yoda
Dual Saberist

May 04 2008 11:20am

Sho Koon
 - Student
 Sho Koon

I'm doing okay. I haven't been around TJA lately but I know I should. I'm playing in MBU and I also play RF Online. But hey, I'm up for spars most of the time. It's just that nobody challenges me. :)
How about yourself?
Proud owner of Malak's 50th and special 300th, Alex D'Kana's 3600th and 4000th, Laziana's 200th and [Jawa][Obi-Wan][SW]'s 1300th comment.

May 03 2008 11:19pm

Dash Starlight
 - Jedi Instructor
 Dash Starlight

I am good, thanks, how are you?
The name is Bond. James Bond.

May 03 2008 08:09pm

 - Student

Hi ;)
"Dum spiro spero"( Latin "While I breathe, I hope" )

May 03 2008 07:58pm

 - Jedi Council

Hey man, doing fairly well, thanks for asking!

How about yourself?
Find out more about the Jedi Academy Aurochs here and more about Masta here!
Married to Kain.

May 03 2008 03:02pm

 - =^.^=

thx man! miley cyrus is hot in that illegal sorta way.

May 03 2008 10:01am

 - Nugget

Hi, pretty much same as every day. :)

May 02 2008 05:41pm

 - Jedi Master

Hello there. I'm very busy at the moment; hopefully, I should have some more time soon, though. How are you? :)

May 01 2008 09:30pm

Mister Clutch
 - Student
 Mister Clutch

:D hi

May 01 2008 08:11pm

 - Jedi Instructor

Hey Tray. Doing alright, thx for asking.

Just caught a flu a week ago and still fighting it. But don't worry, it's alot better already. Just one or two more days will do the trick :)

And how are you doing?

- Laz
Proud owner of Buster Senatu's 200th & 300th, Muro's 370th, Maher's 2100th, Henkes' 1639th, Johauna's 400th, 666th and 900th, Sho Koon's 2000th and Kain Sol's 600th comment Download Laziana's lightsaber here! Glory to Arstozka!

May 01 2008 08:09pm

 - Student

Hoooray dude.
May the Force be with you!Always...

May 01 2008 05:50pm

 - Ex-Student

Hi. It doesnt look like avatar you were talking about ^^ But still n1
"No one dies a virgin, life screws us all."

Apr 30 2008 04:25pm

 - Student

hello padawan

Apr 30 2008 11:38am

 - Student

Yea . Maybe it is . But i like the Avatar . And I'm still a JEDI .:):P
"Never fall to the Dark Side , They Do not have Cookies"

Apr 07 2008 06:16pm

 - Student

hi np mate see yah around soon maybe tonight;)


Apr 04 2008 02:44pm

 - Student

hello if you read this: You up for some duels im on euro home hope to see you:)

Mar 28 2008 06:41pm

 - Student

Your welcome:)
Monday September 4th, 2006 R.I.P. Steve Irwin"The Crocodile Hunter" "Rejoice for those around you that transform into the force, morn them do not, miss them do not, death is a natural part of life"-Yoda "Who's the more foolish? The fool or the fool who follows him?"-Ben Kenobi "Mos Eisley Spaceport. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious"-Ben Kenobi
Guided Specially, by Maher Dakari Sparring partner to Sho Koon, "Spared no expense"-John Hamond Jurasic Park, Padawan of RoseRed, "The oppression of the Sith shall never return, u have lost my lord"-Mace Windu, Owner of Pink Floyd Mintaka's 3700th comment! "Only Two there should be, One To Crave the Power and one to Embrace it" - Darth Bane: Path of Destruction

Mar 28 2008 02:08am

 - Student

hey man u watch deathnote to? Its a pretty good show. Nice homepage you got there:)
Monday September 4th, 2006 R.I.P. Steve Irwin"The Crocodile Hunter" "Rejoice for those around you that transform into the force, morn them do not, miss them do not, death is a natural part of life"-Yoda "Who's the more foolish? The fool or the fool who follows him?"-Ben Kenobi "Mos Eisley Spaceport. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious"-Ben Kenobi
Guided Specially, by Maher Dakari Sparring partner to Sho Koon, "Spared no expense"-John Hamond Jurasic Park, Padawan of RoseRed, "The oppression of the Sith shall never return, u have lost my lord"-Mace Windu, Owner of Pink Floyd Mintaka's 3700th comment! "Only Two there should be, One To Crave the Power and one to Embrace it" - Darth Bane: Path of Destruction

Mar 22 2008 07:56am

 - Student

keep up the good work tray, u really improved at tffa. :)

Mar 01 2008 10:46pm

 - Student

Your welcome, did u make it yourself, or did someone else? It looks like its from naruto or something, anyways how r u doing?
Monday September 4th, 2006 R.I.P. Steve Irwin"The Crocodile Hunter" "Rejoice for those around you that transform into the force, morn them do not, miss them do not, death is a natural part of life"-Yoda "Who's the more foolish? The fool or the fool who follows him?"-Ben Kenobi "Mos Eisley Spaceport. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious"-Ben Kenobi
Guided Specially, by Maher Dakari Sparring partner to Sho Koon, "Spared no expense"-John Hamond Jurasic Park, Padawan of RoseRed, "The oppression of the Sith shall never return, u have lost my lord"-Mace Windu, Owner of Pink Floyd Mintaka's 3700th comment! "Only Two there should be, One To Crave the Power and one to Embrace it" - Darth Bane: Path of Destruction

Feb 20 2008 02:56am

 - Student

Love the avatar dude.:)
Monday September 4th, 2006 R.I.P. Steve Irwin"The Crocodile Hunter" "Rejoice for those around you that transform into the force, morn them do not, miss them do not, death is a natural part of life"-Yoda "Who's the more foolish? The fool or the fool who follows him?"-Ben Kenobi "Mos Eisley Spaceport. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious"-Ben Kenobi
Guided Specially, by Maher Dakari Sparring partner to Sho Koon, "Spared no expense"-John Hamond Jurasic Park, Padawan of RoseRed, "The oppression of the Sith shall never return, u have lost my lord"-Mace Windu, Owner of Pink Floyd Mintaka's 3700th comment! "Only Two there should be, One To Crave the Power and one to Embrace it" - Darth Bane: Path of Destruction

Feb 16 2008 01:37pm

Mister Clutch
 - Student
 Mister Clutch

Oh and merry xmas, happy newyear to u too.

As you noticed i'm very late this year.

Feb 16 2008 01:31pm

Mister Clutch
 - Student
 Mister Clutch

Hey, we should be friends. Add me to JKA friend list.

Feb 15 2008 04:34pm

 - Student

Self proclaimed legend? Gg.

lol thx i gues ^^
blub blub

Feb 12 2008 07:05pm

 - Student

Self proclaimed legend? Gg.

I mostly agree oh Lord of the squeezy mop

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