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Jade's 2vs2 tourney
Jun 04 2006 11:18pm

 - Student
Allright! I'll try my best and hold this tourney for him so everyone do your best!!

Start: 14th of june
You will have 1 week do to the first round in the bracket and then one week for the next etc.


If the server isn't configured at the time for the duel you may ask any aurochs member to help you if I'm not around. You can find them here:
IRC @ #ja-aurochs

No force
No pickups
Force regen 200
Friendly fire on
Timelimit 15
Best of 3 games

At least one extra person has to watch and demo the game.
Upload your demo here


GG WP!!!

This post was edited by Rosie on Aug 05 2006 11:24pm.

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Jul 23 2006 04:37pm

 - Nugget

wp guys :)

Jul 23 2006 03:59pm

 - Student

lol gg, dark is evil btw.
playing jk3 since 30th of january (2005), member since 1st of february. [Unofficial Master to Vision and Z�diac ] If you can make a fool of yourself infront of 300 people you can do anything - Jaiko D'kana

Jul 23 2006 03:58pm

 - Student

2Jedi 2 - 0 Dwarves

gg, Dark has the demos, and should be posting with the links soon :)
|JAA| since 02/05/06

Green for life

Jul 15 2006 09:19am

 - Student

Love team can't play against us since they got a wedding to plan:P

Jul 13 2006 11:55pm

 - Student

This weekend I'll be trying to organise a match with DarthMike and Eica, 's what would've happened should all teams have stayed on, clear this free-run buisiness up.
Redeye will be filling in for Ataris while he's away if it hasn't already been said.
-Kauyon Draconis
[Official master of Ataris]

Jul 13 2006 05:32pm

 - Nugget

Get your matches done pls =|

Jul 07 2006 12:37pm

 - Jedi Council

Get your matches done pls =|
Find out more about the Jedi Academy Aurochs here and more about Masta here!
Married to Kain.

Jul 02 2006 01:17am

 - Staff

Nice round 2, odd map choice ;)
"Do or do not, there is no try"
Jedi Master Yoda
Dual Saberist

Jul 01 2006 02:02pm

 - Student

Anyways, next match vs Saz and Piccolo hehe. I will get in touch with dark and let you guys know what days we're available.

thanks :)
playing jk3 since 30th of january (2005), member since 1st of february. [Unofficial Master to Vision and Z�diac ] If you can make a fool of yourself infront of 300 people you can do anything - Jaiko D'kana

Jul 01 2006 02:00pm

 - Jedi Council

Find out more about the Jedi Academy Aurochs here and more about Masta here!
Married to Kain.

This comment was edited by Masta on Jul 01 2006 02:00pm.

Jul 01 2006 01:59pm

 - Nugget

Team Hacker 2:0 Team Dunno

Well played guys :)

Jul 01 2006 01:10pm

 - Student

I dont see any mass arguments :P

The only problem with this tourny is the people who sign up then disappear without letting Rose know they cant do it.

Anyways, next match vs Saz and Piccolo hehe. I will get in touch with dark and let you guys know what days we're available.
|JAA| since 02/05/06

Green for life

This comment was edited by Gil-Galad on Jul 01 2006 01:10pm.

Jul 01 2006 11:14am

 - Student

It's no wonder they don't organise that many tournaments in the academy. The last two have both sparked mass arguments about something or other. Can we just not behave like little children about it?
Former padawan of RoseRed

Jul 01 2006 10:25am

 - Student

I wasnt fish duh.
It was swimming pigeon >.>
No worries, i agree that its not Rose's fault but those ho had signed up and havent shown up :*
0u+ 0f 5!6n4+ur35 =)

Jul 01 2006 06:26am

 - Student

eh lets keep it civil fellas, rosie is doing her best here.
I fite for teh usars!1

Jul 01 2006 01:18am

 - Staff

I think I have an idea about spreading out the byes. I'll talk to Rosie later and sort it out. :)
"Do or do not, there is no try"
Jedi Master Yoda
Dual Saberist

Jul 01 2006 01:11am

 - Student

They did bribe her, I saw it with my eyes that I use for seeing things. They gave her ten talking fish, and I'll fight anyone who says otherwise!
|JAA| since 02/05/06

Green for life

Jul 01 2006 12:50am

 - Retired

Even lighthearted posts can have an undesired effect. People can take offence to it, not uncommon as it is text format. Suffice to say that if a great deal of work went into something I have created, and someone made a post like the one Masta made, then I too would take offence to it.

And the issue of bribery is just ludacris in any form.

A policy of "think before you speak/type" wouldn't at all missplaced here.

- HW
::Nothing wrong with a little long as the right people get shot::

Jul 01 2006 12:42am

 - Jedi Knight

When lighthearted posts get taken seriously.
Fervent supporter of duelling - leave a message if you would like to battle! Married to Masta.

Jun 30 2006 11:30pm

 - Retired

Snipped out of the JA rules:
No amount of personal attacks or character assasination (also known as flaming) is tolerated. If you can't be polite then be quiet.

Take that attitue of yours elsewhere, if you insist on being like this.

- HW
::Nothing wrong with a little long as the right people get shot::

Jun 30 2006 10:57pm

 - Jedi Council


1. Something, such as money or a favor, offered or given to a person in a position of trust to influence that person's views or conduct.
2. Something serving to influence or persuade.

Find out more about the Jedi Academy Aurochs here and more about Masta here!
Married to Kain.

Jun 30 2006 08:53pm

 - Student

Its true the new bracket blows, but its not Rose or the Draconis guys' faults, its the fault of the 5/6 teams that signed up and have had to be dropped making the brackets wierd.

Someone would have had to get the bye, and I'm just glad its not me tbh :D
But that's just it, Draconis didn't get their match done either.

But yea, forget about it.
"You can't get Windows on a Mac because the drivers are not compatible." --- Some dude from the Geek Squad
"So if you have quad-core, you have four times the RAM, right?" --- Some guy at Best Buy

Jun 30 2006 10:59am

 - Student

Its true the new bracket blows, but its not Rose or the Draconis guys' faults, its the fault of the 5/6 teams that signed up and have had to be dropped making the brackets wierd.

Someone would have had to get the bye, and I'm just glad its not me tbh :D
|JAA| since 02/05/06

Green for life

Jun 30 2006 10:55am

 - Jedi Council

Sorry for stating my opinions in such a direct manner.
Find out more about the Jedi Academy Aurochs here and more about Masta here!
Married to Kain.

Jun 30 2006 10:37am

 - Student

Well, giving Draconis a free ride to the semis is a bit ... :eek:

I'm certainly not happy about the lack of matches either, R2. :(

er, how about one of the losing teams from game 13 or 14 play us instead of moving to the lower bracket?
-Kauyon Draconis
[Official master of Ataris]

This comment was edited by Esta on Jun 30 2006 10:41am.

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