TJA is ten! Share your experiences here | |
Alex Dkana - Staff ![]() |
So, May 17th of this year will mark the Tenth Anniversary of The Jedi Academy. You may have already seen or heard of some of the things the Staff have planned to mark this occasion, but it is also a time for looking back.
Whether you are an oldbie who has been here since the dawn of time, or joined years after TJA first opened it's doors (or even only joined recently to play TOR with us ![]() Share your stories, anecdotes, screenshots, videos, memories of anything and everything - the good, the bad, and the PINK! We will be collating some of the choicest recollections into an upcoming series of articles that will be published over Anniversary week. This place has given us all a lot to talk about over the years, so... who'll go first? ![]() _______________ To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield | Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken | Rhaiko D'kana - SWTOR EU Guild Co-Founder | Is it what the teacher, teaches? Or what the student learns? A Dkana This post was edited by Alex Dkana on Apr 17 2012 03:15pm. |
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Comments |
Nimravus - Student ![]() |
Im down! Add Spellborn #2755 on discord =D _______________ ![]() ![]() Avatar created by Majno |
skyler_ - Student ![]() |
We'll be 15 in just 6 days! |
GremReaper - Student ![]() |
I'm game. I started to play my jk2 again. Playing SP. Would like to play MP again for a reunion. _______________ Xfire--kdgremreaper |
MOTREC - Student ![]() |
just to throw my 2 cents in, i have been watching to see if anyone is getting on the server dj put up and so far i have not seen anyone. ![]() This comment was edited by MOTREC on May 07 2017 01:19pm. |
SilkMonkey - Distributor of Cold Ones ![]() |
Let's get something going this weekend! _______________ |-HK-47 -SilkMonkey: You are receiving a warning for being_too_sexy. If you do not stop, action will be taken against you.|| (11:13:43) � Virtue dances for Silk ||Smiling owner of Smilykrazy's 6000th comment =) ||Odan Wei's Proud Big Brother|| Janus is my official TaruTaru Cuddly Animal Type Person. ||(@Virtue) Or you could just be a man and set fire to your won't fall asleep for days after me.||Thomas Skywalker er for sexy for sitt eget beste!!!!| Not changing sig until the JA loosens up. (Started: Aug 31, 2005) |
GremReaper - Student ![]() |
I would love to get on JK2 with you guys for a 15 year reunion.![]() _______________ Xfire--kdgremreaper |
Nimravus - Student ![]() |
Im with JavaGuy, I too would love to see a revival... just went back to the beginning on my comments page, such great memories! Still remember Luke Skywalker laying the smack down, Xantos, SilkMonkey, Alex Dkana, Scott4Prez,Virtue, Nofrikinfun, too many to list! Still regret not going after my Knight trials, I was very close... >.<
1st post was back in 2002. Time flys.... Lots of great memories but for me participating in one of the early thanksgiving tournaments was up there, the sense of community was amazing, I dont remember where I placed but it was just a great time.... _______________ ![]() ![]() Avatar created by Majno |
JavaGuy - Student ![]() |
I miss this community. I'd love to see a revival. Anybody who wants to get in touch, the e-mail in my profile is still good. _______________ My signature is only one line. You're welcome. |
MOTREC - Student ![]() |
skyler of all people wants to see the servers full? lol. first we have to get some servers going. |
Hardwired - Retired ![]() |
Pretty sure I have my game discs around here somewhere. _______________ ::Nothing wrong with a little long as the right people get shot:: |
skyler_ - Student ![]() |
I believe there's a 15 year anniversary coming up. Would love to see the servers full again! |
Laziana - Jedi Instructor ![]() |
Quote: Thank you
![]() I guess I talk for everyone when I say that the feeling is mutual ![]() _______________ Proud owner of Buster Senatu's 200th & 300th, Muro's 370th, Maher's 2100th, Henkes' 1639th, Johauna's 400th, 666th and 900th, Sho Koon's 2000th and Kain Sol's 600th comment Download Laziana's lightsaber here! Glory to Arstozka! |
Jaina D'Kana - Jedi Instructor ![]() |
I've tried posting here a few times, but they either end up as a personal biography or just like an Oscars thank you speech. So instead I'm just going to say thank you to everyone who has made this place what it is.
Honestly I would not be the person I am today without this place. Due to events in RL, I was a pretty broken and unhappy person when I first joined. I didn't particularly like myself and had almost no confidence. Thanks to both the people I met here and the lessons I've learned I have grown so much. I know what I am now, and I'm happy with it. I'm a nerd. A nerd who likes a star wars game. Who likes learning and reading and just understanding how things work. I am a MUCH happier, stronger and confident person now that I've come to accept and love this part of who I am. Thank you ![]() _______________ INTP This comment was edited by Jaina D'Kana on Dec 16 2014 10:57pm. |
Acey Spadey - Student |
the hours it took to take a screenshot of everyone in place when one of Virtue's new maps came out..
then getting killed the moment I took the shot. _______________ .Lag Bro to Xanatos. Adopted Twin to Bubu. Big-Brother to SmilyKrazy ---- JATSRAD Guru, JASE Member, JA SP Mod Staff ---- The Order of the Stick -- Big thanks to Mango for my avatar -- Quote: Sometimes you've got to specifically go out of your way to get into trouble. It's called fun.
Quote: (Random hella old quote) <Fizz of Belouve> .. in sovjet russia, cereals spit at YOU!
Quote: whats the point of growing up, if your not allowed to act childish!
Padawan - Henkes
Zachry D'Kana - Jedi Knight ![]() |
My joining can be considered pretty late, for it was the beginning of 2013 when I first entered the Academy map and my journey started. It was thanks to Dash Starlight, whom one day I met on a public JA+ server where he used to play at the time. We quickly got to know each other and he became my first teacher, later inviting me to the Jedi Academy.
If I were to define a true friend, it would be enough to say ’Dash’. I can probably never thank him enough for all his help and his cheerful and honest personality and the fact that I would probably never have found this place if not for him. Whenever I think of the JA I instantly remember all that tons of hours of fun we spent on training yellow (comebody, ketchup, yeha, oaky, btw-nvm ![]() As the second stage, I met Jaina D’Kana who proved in my life the most difficult person to get to know. I remember that I often misinterpreted her and it took me a LONG time to understand her ways. Just like it goes with introverted people I guess, there’s always something they can surprise you with, never being able to figure them out completely. My first memory of Jaina is when Dash introduced us on the FFA5 map and I got beaten several times, each by 100 100. I remember the immediate interest and respect those defeats generated. I wanted to know how it was possible. I wanted to understand. She quickly became a goal for me to pursue, and she probably inspired me in more ways than I can think of. I was SO happy and grateful for every opportunity when she would train me and I could get some tips, because I always felt like it took me to the next level. It was also along Jaina’s guidance that I understood that although I may accept what others tell me, and I may follow exactly what they say, in the end I must use my own head to progress and walk my own path, because every method and technique eventually become a restriction. I remember it as an exciting period, spending hours and hours to train and figure things out, waiting for the next chance to test myself. For someone who had thought he would never be able to find a master, someone similar in personality, someone who could understand, I must tell that Jaina is the best thing that could happen to me on my way in jk. If anyone, she teaches you how to keep your wits about you. She’s a GENIOUS (lol) and an overall awesome person with great humour (and smilies that can make me laugh every single time <_< ![]() This post is getting way too lenghty, but I feel I must tell about how the JA has the power to change our lives. Basically, when I made my comeback into the game after a long break I was in a quite difficult period in my RL. I often suffered from depression and I sometimes felt that my life was worthless and wasn’t going anywhere. As I joined up with Dash and Jaina however, my perception started to change. JK has become a shelter for me where I could relax, regenerate, find the fun that was lacking from my life. And while my RL friends were abandonning me, I found that having a virtual friend can mean a LOT. I never thought I would say that a game can really shape someone’s fate, but it was in JK where I came to realise that things can be handled simply, that all problems can be solved and it just depends on us to make the effort and pay the necessary attention and energy. I learned about never giving up, to always give the best of yourself, and how you should take the time to observe things before you rush into anything. I learned to question, to understand, to always look for new opportunities to grow in both skill and personality. I learned about not making excuses and complaints, never projecting out any blame or anger, but see if you were the culprit. I learned the meaning of standing up for our friends, and not taking life too seriously. And although we may often make mistakes, I learned that we can always accept those mistakes and fix them, and we SHOULD care about fixing them. Undoubtedly, it’s an experience that changed my whole thinking and the way I used to live. It became a flame that keeps me going forward, providing a light that shows the right way, never letting me to sink into regression. I also learned much about people, how they behave and react in certain situations, how they handle situations concerning power, how we all are different with different needs. Moreover, I learned a nice deal about pr0 players, corny and mean jokes, teaching, how to push people into the pit… omg THE PIT IS SO MUCH FUN!! and there are many many other things and many people whom I think fondly of but I simply can’t list here because then I should write a whole book about it. TJA has been a place of constant fun for me from the very first moment. It has given me heartwarming friendships (seriously, I haven’t met someone in TJA whom I think badly of… YOU ARE ALL AWESOME OMGOMGOMG!! ![]() Stay awesome people! ![]() ZDK _______________ Always striving to be better. |
HitMan - Student ![]() |
I remember trying to log in a few years back and getting a message saying that my account has been inactive to long please contact an admin...![]() But wow 10 years... I guess I remember finding this place from the jk2files site? And well I was in and out of this place just enjoying the community atmosphere. Those times when you'd join the server and the bot spawn room be full of sith npcs trying to kill you haha. Or eagerly awaiting the arrival of the new academy map to bask in it's beauty. Yeah so many duels, random ffa battles.. getting told to move the ffa battle out of the courtyard... ha.. I remember killin Sauce when he was afk and he'd do the same to me as well...or wait was it when I was typing, either way just fun times. I remember joinin the Aurochs team and competing in the ESL... feels like forever ago... glad to see the academy still up and running. I've been getting the urge to swing a lightsaber around lately maybe I'll have to find my disks and reinstall jk2/jka. ![]() _______________ The tired grow old...Somehow you always knew...How has it changed so fast...Wandering a new...Games that never end...The fighting see it through... |
Masta - Jedi Council ![]() |
It truly was hopeless. I resorted to taunt spam to try and distract him or make him lose his cool, but to no avail. _______________ Find out more about the Jedi Academy Aurochs here and more about Masta here! Married to Kain. |
Jaina D'Kana - Jedi Instructor ![]() |
Quote: My favourite memory is 99,99% win rate in duels against Jaina D'Kana and Masta.
We could never win ![]() _______________ INTP |
JavaGuy - Student ![]() |
My memory must suck b/c I just looked it up and saw JK2 was released in 2002. Perhaps I'm thinking of my second born (2003). _______________ My signature is only one line. You're welcome. |
JavaGuy - Student ![]() |
It has to be older than that because I remember telling people on our JK2 server that I had to leave because my wife was in labor with our first child. That was in April of 2000. _______________ My signature is only one line. You're welcome. |
Wicek - Nugget |
My favourite memory is 99,99% win rate in duels against Jaina D'Kana and Masta. |
SilkMonkey - Distributor of Cold Ones ![]() |
My only regret is I didn't get on Virty enough to get a fountain made for no reason.
Missed opportunities ![]() _______________ |-HK-47 -SilkMonkey: You are receiving a warning for being_too_sexy. If you do not stop, action will be taken against you.|| (11:13:43) � Virtue dances for Silk ||Smiling owner of Smilykrazy's 6000th comment =) ||Odan Wei's Proud Big Brother|| Janus is my official TaruTaru Cuddly Animal Type Person. ||(@Virtue) Or you could just be a man and set fire to your won't fall asleep for days after me.||Thomas Skywalker er for sexy for sitt eget beste!!!!| Not changing sig until the JA loosens up. (Started: Aug 31, 2005) |
Virtue - Jedi Council ![]() |
Mune: That bar was the only thing that made it through around 5 or 6 different map versions (including the Beta maps), everything else changed in some way or another. ![]() _______________ Academy Architect |
Sared - Retired ![]() |
I remember being a kid. A stupid, stupid kid. ![]() _______________ I'm crazy, not stupid. |
Mune - Student ![]() |
Oh man. I got a lot of social awkwardness out of my system here, haha... I sure do miss this place. I honestly couldn't believe Virtue was going to build me a bar. I mean, who was I? But hey, if someone wants to build you a sweet bar, you just say yes. _______________ Captain Barkeep. This comment was edited by Mune on Feb 14 2014 04:22am. |
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