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Help shape the future of!
Mar 28 2012 06:30pm

 - Jedi Council
We want to shake things up a little bit here at, and one of the ways we want to achieve this is by broadening our horizons a little bit.

We have two thriving guilds in Star Wars: The Old Republic, but we're fully aware that MMO games aren't for everyone. We're also aware that the Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy community is not what it once was.

So, in order to broaden our horizons, we want to find out what everyone is playing these days, as we want to accommodate you guys as best we can and give you what you need to enjoy our fantastic community. Star Wars gaming is obviously our first priority, but there's absolutely no reason why we can't, for example, run events, tournaments, classes or even servers for games that you guys enjoy.

So, let's hear it! What are you guys playing? What games would you like to see us support? Reply to this thread and let us know, as well as any other suggestions or ideas you might have.

Thanks guys!

< Recent Comments Thread closed. Previous Comments >
Mar 24 2012 12:26am

 - Student


Welcome to the Jedi Academy! Our goal is simple: to help you become a better Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy player.

We provide instruction on dueling technique, team based and capture the flag strategys and everything in between. We hope to do this in a friendly and respectful setting. We have a number of instructors who hold class. These classes are assisted by our Knights. The instructors and Knights have a Padawan system for those that can't attend class or wish for personal instruction. If you're looking for a master stop by our IRC channel or our forums. If our Instructors or knights are busy you can also recieve instruction from your fellow students. We encourage that kind of stuff. :)
Along with teaching we give our students, staff, and whoever crosses our path a friendly atmosphere where we can talk about the game, the Star Wars gaming community, or whatever.
Our rules page goes into more detail, but all that we ask from you in return is that you respect your teachers and fellow students. Respect everyone, even those lower in rank or skill level than you. We enjoy teaching, but if you are vulgar and inappropriate, we will kick you out and stop training you.
Have lots of fun, we enjoy fun, we love fun. We will make everything as fun as possible. Have fun training and teaching! That's our number one priority.
If you have any questions about us check our Holocron and our forums. If they don't help you the Council's contact information is at the bottom of this page. We also keep a n email account for contacting us all at once or as a general suggestions box:

Going by that. I'd say:

No jedi philosophy
Goal is to teach and get people to be better.
You do not want SWTOR swfans.

Unless, of course you change the goals and vision. Like I suggested.


I wouldn't say we're a "jedi philosophy" community. We're more of a "be nice and play fair" community. :P

Yep, therefore you may throw away some seriously loyal gamers when you go SWTOR and get back some temporarily SWfans ... can be dangerous. I still agree with Lazianna though, you can easily play both games. But get your stuff together tja! create a clear vision and orga for the next 15 years, saves you lots of bs (I know people seem to be working on that, just have to keep pushing it into peoples faces :P).

Therefore the discussion below here is btw nonsense :cool:

This comment was edited by Hugo on Mar 24 2012 12:34am.

Mar 24 2012 12:21am

 - Student


Free yourself from your bias Masta and come join us, we are all just gamers and Star Wars fans here. :)

Are we? I'd like to know what the current TJA-population all together is. More sw fans or more gamers? I always had the feeling that there are more sw fans here. And with that I mean people playing games because of the themes or because it's shiny and you can create characters and collect stuff and what not (those people I do not really call gamers). Would be interesting to know how many serious gamers there are and how many casual gamers, as also just sw fans.

Because really. That's the deciding factor in whether you want to present SWTOR to the TJA community. I personally think that - because most people are not really into the hardcore quake gaming or even active personal and skill development in a game - SWTOR would fit the tja, aswell as jka has also always presented a good place for people to hang around.

Btw I'm guessing most people in this topic game seriously and casually, so like I already stated before. Do a large poll .. contact idle members to figure out the nature of the community that you want to be active. If there isn't already an idea of what the tja people are like.

Like I already stated before. You need a vision on what you are, the people you have and what you want. It doesn't seem like there is any that is also known with the members (/me looks at discussion below). Then you can easily make choices.

This comment was edited by Hugo on Mar 24 2012 12:25am.

Mar 24 2012 12:20am

 - Jedi Council

I wouldn't say we're a "jedi philosophy" community. We're more of a "be nice and play fair" community. :P

Mar 24 2012 12:15am

 - Student


Since swtor is not going to go anywhere anytime soon (within the next year before it dies out like it should), there's no rush to focus on getting the guildies to play jka, but I do believe that if there's a key to getting new people into jka, then this is it.

It's a potentially 'good' (?) source yes.


I for myself see no problem in having both games co-exist within TJA regardless of what anyone might think of either of them.

I agree, as I already stated ages ago.

Mar 24 2012 12:08am

 - Student


Because people might think we all have a 'jedi philosophy' approach on all games that are being played.


And what is wrong with that, per se? :)

Oh nothing, wasn't meant to imply that. But it does create an image. Which attracts certain players, and scares others. You may want to be a bit more open to all then. But ye, no problem with that. Not my choice to make. If I had to choose though. I wouldn't go with a 'jedi philosophy' motivated organization obviously. If I did, I'd be playing SWTOR with you guys now :P

This comment was edited by Hugo on Mar 24 2012 12:09am.

Mar 23 2012 10:47pm

 - Jedi Council

I think Plank and the other TJA staff have made it very clear that JKJA still comes first, as it should

JKA and SWTOR are our primary games. Neither game takes priority over the other.

Also, the "classes" section will become an "events" section, which will act as a calendar listing any classes, events, get-togethers etc etc that we have going on. If any of these overlap on one time slot, so be it - it's about the people who will be attending, not the people organising such events, and offering a choice is not a bad thing.

Also, I don't give a damn how bad you think SWTOR is - some people love it, some people hate it, and that's entirely your choice. But this thread isn't for your QQ. Shut up. :P

Mar 23 2012 05:56pm

 - Jedi Instructor

Sorry to be the killjoy (well acutally not), but it is
Help shape the future of!

not Quote:
JK3 vs TOR

Come on, this is getting ridiculous.

I for myself see no problem in having both games co-exist within TJA regardless of what anyone might think of either of them.

Also I DO believe in fact that TJA will eventually profit from incorporating TOR. That doesn't mean that JK3 has any more or less value than before.

I am unhappy to see so much fighting about an opportunity that can - if handled correctly - put new life into TJA as a whole.

We are here in this topic to discuss ways to make the future better. Everything else has respective forums and threads to it where everyone can blow his/her heart out about anything - YES we are such a place where you can talk about anything.
Proud owner of Buster Senatu's 200th & 300th, Muro's 370th, Maher's 2100th, Henkes' 1639th, Johauna's 400th, 666th and 900th, Sho Koon's 2000th and Kain Sol's 600th comment Download Laziana's lightsaber here! Glory to Arstozka!

This comment was edited by Laziana on Mar 23 2012 06:01pm.

Mar 23 2012 05:36pm

 - Jedi Council


And the Datacron event has every right to be a class, it may be a beginner class sure, but it's still capable of teaching people things they otherwise wouldn't know in a fun and informative way.
It doesn't because it's an event based (in the best possible scenario) around knowledge instead of skill. Reading a guide on datacrons equals the educational content of that event. The fun of doing the hunt comes from doing it in a group, sometimes carrying a bunch of low level characters through high level places that they wouldn't otherwise get through. This is something I support, but it cannot be compared to an actual class which is supposed to make you a better player (skill-wise) instead of organizing a group to reach some lolstats object in the game. Apples and oranges.

And for the record just because I am speaking for TOR here that hardly means TJA is focusing on it. I'm one of the Guild leaders, of course I'm going to respond to commentary on it, particularly when it comes with quite loaded language.
Let's not kid ourselves, the vast majority of the semi-around people in this community are playing swtor. The game is the ja's destiny, regardless of whether or not we get new people into jka. The new website was supposed to accommodate to that fact, but your reluctance about cancelling a for-fun swtor event now and then in favour of a jka one that is supposed to raise activity only confirms this.

I find that an unfortunate development because the game in question is trash and almost completely incompatible with the spirit of the JA. The only thing it has going for it is the SW theme, which is also the sole reason why almost anyone in this community is playing the game to begin with (next to peer pressure). If it weren't for the theme, we wouldn't even see a topic in the general forum about the game.

Skipping events, or classes, is almost never beneficial. Our focus is JKJA yes, but we are discussing looking towards supporting new games and that means supporting them, not treating them like a user base to be mined for new recruits for our 'main game'. Instead we meet the demands of that user base, give them what they want. If they are enjoying attending a SWTOR event then it will go ahead.
Yes, skipping classes is -almost- never beneficial: in this case it is, for the reasons I mentioned. As for supporting a game: all that means is creating a structure that facilitates easy communication and the organisation of events, classes and whatever funtimes come to mind - this is what we do, regardless of whether or not we skip one of those events every now and then for a spontaneous jka one to raise awareness for our 'main game'. Therefore, if our goal is to raise activity for our 'main game', sacrificing a little bit of swtor screentime in order to increase jka activity and spread the word will hardly invalidate our support for other games nor will it necessarily frustrate our guildies all that much, considering that the events/classes will be recurrent and the skipping will be occasional, not consistent.

Consistency is good. It allows for more random and spontaneous things to happen in-between whilst retaining a structure the user base as a whole can rely on to know what's happening.
Classes were skipped now and then in jka too, nobody broke a leg and consistency prevailed.

I've played more swtor than you think, so thanks but no thanks.

That's a shame, you should have come and played with us. Seen what we're all about. :D

Edited for clarity.
I know what you're about more than you think.

EDIT: Quote:
At the end of the day it isn't a case of game x is better than game y because z, the way I understand it that is partly the whole reason this thread exists. TJA wants to support what it's community likes, be it TOR, SC2 and always JK.
I think the issue is more complex than that. Back when SWG was released, TJA didn't pay much attention to it although it was a much bigger deal than swtor is now - the reason for this is because we used to be very active and successful in jka back then, so there was no need to branch out into games that did not align with the purpose and spirit of the JA. With the decline of jka however swtor has become something superawesome that we all of a sudden need to accommodate to because nobody is playing jka anymore. I call BS.
Find out more about the Jedi Academy Aurochs here and more about Masta here!
Married to Kain.

This comment was edited by Masta on Mar 23 2012 05:43pm.

Mar 23 2012 04:54pm

Alex Dkana
 - Staff
 Alex Dkana

I agree with the first bit Joh, although I enjoy aspects of TOR's combat, on the whole an MMO just can't compare to something less restrictive.

The rest of the points you make are all perfectly valid, but highly subjective. Plenty of people enjoy the other flashpoints etc.

At the end of the day it isn't a case of game x is better than game y because z, the way I understand it that is partly the whole reason this thread exists. TJA wants to support what it's community likes, be it TOR, SC2 and always JK.

The rest is easy and is what what we have always done: Respect each other, be polite and help others (etc.) All the members of the community, be they recruited in TOR or JK2 oldbies are equal and each and every one adds something to the larger community, even if it's just one extra face on the server to Force push into the pit, an amusing comment in the crazy stuff forum, or to laugh with after a wipe on TOR. Everyone should be made welcome and be treated the same way.
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield | Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken | Rhaiko D'kana - SWTOR EU Guild Co-Founder | Is it what the teacher, teaches? Or what the student learns? A Dkana

Mar 23 2012 04:46pm

†Johauna Darkrider†
 - Student
 â€ Johauna Darkrider†

Alex: The SWTOR gameplay seems just too dull for me. Combat system? Compare it to JKA. JKA is dynamic, reactions based and it's even pleasure to watch. In SWTOR, I just felt like I was pushing buttons. I felt NOTHING while playing the game.

JKA made me feel excited, it made me focus hard on my movement, on my opponent, to keep my mind in check, to remain calm, to not make mistakes. It's the same for me in SC2 - the game pushes my limits, to try harder. I FEEL something when I play this game.

As for me not socializing - the game interface was so bad, that being able to listen in to guild chat was close to impossible for me. Similar why I dislike IRC and all these things, it's hard to keep an eye on.

Guild actions? Let's face it, the game, minus the story, was boring, as I explained my reasons for it above. What were guild actions? Raids? Flashpoints? Only story-driven flashpoint I actually enjoyed was the first one, the rest was much more bland, only one close to it was Jedi Prisoner.

To bottomline it: SWTOR does not appeal to me, nor gameplay wise, nor it offers any kind of stimuli for me to play. I can talk to my friends on MSN, here on forums or anywhere else, for free. So no, that is not a reason for me to stick with a game, which in my eyes, lack any form of depth.
Johauna's Bio | When I am GRANDMASTER...! | StarCraft II Protoss Learner | Wannabe GrandMaster Leaguer | How to NOT play StarCraft II Specialist

Mar 23 2012 04:17pm

Alex Dkana
 - Staff
 Alex Dkana

At the very least the endgame PVP and PVE content already in the ever expanding game already offers several ideas suited to classes. Not "lolstats", I have never in fact enjoyed number crunching in MMOs although I will support it within my guild for anyone who is interested, because yes there is a degree of skill and effort required to master those elements.

Getting to know the hard modes, and Operations in particular is much more than just stats. Really, all it takes is a little creativity and there is a lot you can do to teach in SWTOR. Even just going by in-game skill levels, which is really only one facet of teaching anyway.

And the Datacron event has every right to be a class, it may be a beginner class sure, but it's still capable of teaching people things they otherwise wouldn't know in a fun and informative way.

@Joh, you levelled to 48 yes, but you barely took part in guild events, barely socialised, and ignored huge amounts of the game. Is it surprising that you found it lacked depth? It's similar (not the same) to playing through the single player JKJA and doing a few rounds on the pubs before calling it quits.

And for the record just because I am speaking for TOR here that hardly means TJA is focusing on it. I'm one of the Guild leaders, of course I'm going to respond to commentary on it, particularly when it comes with quite loaded language.

I think Plank and the other TJA staff have made it very clear that JKJA still comes first, as it should (I was a fan of Dark Forces well before I ever played a BioWare game, let alone an MMO, I find it extremely odd to be in the MMOs corner in this debate).

There is nothing to be sad about here, merely opportunities to help a brilliant community that has grown stagnant and inactive return to period of bustling activity and sexy funtimes.

@Masta again:
Having said that, if promoting jka is our goal and skipping swtor guild events now and then would help with that

Skipping events, or classes, is almost never beneficial. Our focus is JKJA yes, but we are discussing looking towards supporting new games and that means supporting them, not treating them like a user base to be mined for new recruits for our 'main game'. Instead we meet the demands of that user base, give them what they want. If they are enjoying attending a SWTOR event then it will go ahead.

We are all staff here, we have made sure to give TJA staff who join the Enjin site admin access even if they don't play TOR, presuming they sign up with a username we recognise. This is because it all comes down to one community, regardless of what server we're on, what game we're playing, and that combined staff can easily arrange events around each other or ask each other if they wouldn't mind postponing/re-arranging a regular event (note: not announcing it to the community) so that a different one might take it's place.

Consistency is good. It allows for more random and spontaneous things to happen in-between whilst retaining a structure the user base as a whole can rely on to know what's happening.

I've played more swtor than you think, so thanks but no thanks.

That's a shame, you should have come and played with us. Seen what we're all about. :D

Edited for clarity.
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield | Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken | Rhaiko D'kana - SWTOR EU Guild Co-Founder | Is it what the teacher, teaches? Or what the student learns? A Dkana

This comment was edited by Alex Dkana on Mar 23 2012 04:17pm.

Mar 23 2012 03:19pm

 - Jedi Council

What I meant was that an exceptional structure alone won't do a thing if we don't have the numbers to begin with.

"sack a previously scheduled event and tell everyone who wanted to come that jka intervened and that they should check it out with you!" No? Our guild events -are- classes and will be given equal priority. What I do agree with and will do, (and have been working towards anyway) is seperate JKJA events advertised through the guild, both in-game and on the Enjin website, so long as it is in use.
Classes try to help you become a better player (in terms of skill, not lolstats). The reason why we had recurrent events like tag team dueling marked as 'classes' even though they had no real educational value was mostly due to the convenience of having them listed on the classes page. I do support swtor events like the datacron hunt though, because they can be fun for people who play the game, but those kinds of things must be kept separate from actual classes, which are not possible in -50 pve swtor for obvious reasons. I also support 'teaching' pvp in swtor, because that might be the only area of the game below 50 that requires any thought at all, although I still consider pvp in any mmo a complete joke because oh look an abstract number in my character screen is bigger than yours so I win, but it's still much better than the endless grind in pve by a long shot.

Having said that, if promoting jka is our goal and skipping swtor guild events now and then would help with that, then I don't see why we shouldn't do it. It doesn't have to be consistent either, just here and there.

Free yourself from your bias Masta and come join us, we are all just gamers and Star Wars fans here. :)
I've played more swtor than you think, so thanks but no thanks.
Find out more about the Jedi Academy Aurochs here and more about Masta here!
Married to Kain.

Mar 23 2012 02:38pm

†Johauna Darkrider†
 - Student
 â€ Johauna Darkrider†

Compared to JKA, SWTOR is like poor neighbour. I love TJA and all, but if SWTOR becomes focus, I know it will make me really, really sad.

Frankly, SWTOR lacks the depth and it's not bias from my side, I've played the game and minus two lvls, I reached the highest lvl possible, in under a month of playing. It's just, the game offers no stimuli for me to actually WANT to play. Story was decent, but Mass Effect 3 story blows it out of the window at least three times.

For those, argumenting with social side of the game - I can be social in JKA and say, in SC2 equally the same, enjoy it and even have the fun with PLAYING the actual game, without need to pay monthly fee.

I honestly question the new direction of TJA, seeing that as it seems, SWTOR would be its main focus. In JKA, many people were driven to improve in the game, to be good at it, as the game, despite how simple it looked, has far more depth than SWTOR will ever have. I'm going to miss that.
Johauna's Bio | When I am GRANDMASTER...! | StarCraft II Protoss Learner | Wannabe GrandMaster Leaguer | How to NOT play StarCraft II Specialist

Mar 23 2012 01:53pm

Alex Dkana
 - Staff
 Alex Dkana

I honestly believe that no matter how mindblowingly awesome of a structure we create, it will not on its own attract any newcomers (i.e. players who haven't played jka before) and this is because jka in general has barely any newcomers. However, with swtor we have now an excellent opportunity to tap into the player base of a different, vastly popular and populated game and try to spread the word there. And that is something I was hoping would happen right from the start, but I underestimated the difficulty of doing that. Since swtor is not going to go anywhere anytime soon (within the next year before it dies out like it should), there's no rush to focus on getting the guildies to play jka, but I do believe that if there's a key to getting new people into jka, then this is it.

With that in mind, a few good and interesting events that most of the swtor jka players will participate in should provide a good incentive for the swtor guildies to join in - in fact, sack a previously scheduled event and tell everyone who wanted to come that jka intervened and that they should check it out with you! Combine that with two to three regular classes that the guildies can visit and oh snaps you free them from the shackles of grindy brainrot and introduce them into poke-paradise. Do it.

Ok I'll bite.

It helps to have that mindblowingly excellent structure, or at least set aside one day a week, so that once the new members join in TOR there is instantly something to direct them too. If even half the active members who are saying they are interested in getting JKA off the ground again get on the server for half an hour on that one day a week it'll help with that.

I agree that SWTOR is one of the keys to bringing forth a more active JKJA side of the Academy, have said so from the start. Whether you like MMOs or not it was important to see the potential it had for bringing in new members.

As such indeed we have been pushing our community roots and JKA from the start, and yes it has been difficult because this site and a lot of the structure here needs the revamp we are discussing at the moment to attract newcomers. "(within the next year before it dies out like it should)" Couldn't resist? This place isn't always very welcoming to new TOR members right now.

"sack a previously scheduled event and tell everyone who wanted to come that jka intervened and that they should check it out with you!" No? Our guild events -are- classes and will be given equal priority. What I do agree with and will do, (and have been working towards anyway) is seperate JKJA events advertised through the guild, both in-game and on the Enjin website, so long as it is in use.

This would be bolstered significantly by combining it with the previously mentioned pre-established server day where as many active JAK+ as possible attend and organise whatever they want.

"oh snaps you free them from the shackles of grindy brainrot and introduce them into poke-paradise. Do it."

Free yourself from your bias Masta and come join us, we are all just gamers and Star Wars fans here. :)
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield | Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken | Rhaiko D'kana - SWTOR EU Guild Co-Founder | Is it what the teacher, teaches? Or what the student learns? A Dkana

Mar 23 2012 12:02pm

 - Jedi Instructor


EDIT2: Unfortunately I cannot hold jediism in high esteem, but if it makes people be good and nice to each other, then that's good enough.

I agree, it was actually the latter part of your statement I was going at anyway when we talk about jedi philosophy.
Proud owner of Buster Senatu's 200th & 300th, Muro's 370th, Maher's 2100th, Henkes' 1639th, Johauna's 400th, 666th and 900th, Sho Koon's 2000th and Kain Sol's 600th comment Download Laziana's lightsaber here! Glory to Arstozka!

Mar 23 2012 10:03am

 - Jedi Council

I honestly believe that no matter how mindblowingly awesome of a structure we create, it will not on its own attract any newcomers (i.e. players who haven't played jka before) and this is because jka in general has barely any newcomers. However, with swtor we have now an excellent opportunity to tap into the player base of a different, vastly popular and populated game and try to spread the word there. And that is something I was hoping would happen right from the start, but I underestimated the difficulty of doing that. Since swtor is not going to go anywhere anytime soon (within the next year before it dies out like it should), there's no rush to focus on getting the guildies to play jka, but I do believe that if there's a key to getting new people into jka, then this is it.

With that in mind, a few good and interesting events that most of the swtor jka players will participate in should provide a good incentive for the swtor guildies to join in - in fact, sack a previously scheduled event and tell everyone who wanted to come that jka intervened and that they should check it out with you! Combine that with two to three regular classes that the guildies can visit and oh snaps you free them from the shackles of grindy brainrot and introduce them into poke-paradise. Do it.

EDIT: Quote:
Btw, what's wrong with having SWTOR, SC2 and JKA to focus on?
Numbers. Not going to do anything sc2 related until we get people who are interested in the game and do not already idle in the aurochs channel.

EDIT2: Unfortunately I cannot hold jediism in high esteem, but if it makes people be good and nice to each other, then that's good enough.
Find out more about the Jedi Academy Aurochs here and more about Masta here!
Married to Kain.

This comment was edited by Masta on Mar 23 2012 10:07am.

Mar 23 2012 09:52am

 - Jedi Knight


Because people might think we all have a 'jedi philosophy' approach on all games that are being played.


And what is wrong with that, per se? :)

Same question?
To me, Jedi Philosophy means fused entity of western and eastern philosophy :o and It is great.
Still here | My Lightsaber

Mar 23 2012 09:23am

Alex Dkana
 - Staff
 Alex Dkana

Because people might think we all have a 'jedi philosophy' approach on all games that are being played.


Why is that a bad thing? :)

Edit: lol Laz.

I agree that whatever is done JKJA wise, it needs to encourage people to log on at least once a week. If regular scheduled server days don't work (ala this Sunday) and new classes and tourneys is not enough, perhaps some sort of larger community goal to galvanize people would help (like the MBU, which seemed to work).

Regardless it would help to have a core group of even just 3 people logging on fairly regularly to have a chance of taking off. And maybe stuff like this has been attempted before.
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield | Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken | Rhaiko D'kana - SWTOR EU Guild Co-Founder | Is it what the teacher, teaches? Or what the student learns? A Dkana

This comment was edited by Alex Dkana on Mar 23 2012 09:23am.

Mar 23 2012 09:21am

 - Jedi Instructor


Because people might think we all have a 'jedi philosophy' approach on all games that are being played.


And what is wrong with that, per se? :)
Proud owner of Buster Senatu's 200th & 300th, Muro's 370th, Maher's 2100th, Henkes' 1639th, Johauna's 400th, 666th and 900th, Sho Koon's 2000th and Kain Sol's 600th comment Download Laziana's lightsaber here! Glory to Arstozka!

Mar 23 2012 01:34am

 - Student

Btw, what's wrong with having SWTOR, SC2 and JKA to focus on? You can teach in all games, you can also play together in all games. It's just the way in which you do it .. and organize it. The people you put on it and the quality you can offer in teaching but also in a clear and challenging (personal development) and an enjoyable environment to play in.

Get good teachers, create a clear website, work with groups of people, keep it open, create meet-up moments, create common goals, set up voice-chat and other LIVE chats and streams, make sure people can easily fit it into their lives, and make the 'tja' something people will put in their agenda in real life to be playing on weekly or monthly and find methods to motivate people who just want to chill out, create a place for everyone. But be clear in it.

Btw, on another note. If you were to focus on other games too .. how the hell is 'The JediAcademy' going to make any sense? Name change maybe? Because people might think we all have a 'jedi philosophy' approach on all games that are being played.


This comment was edited by Hugo on Mar 23 2012 01:49am.

Mar 23 2012 01:19am

 - Student

I just hope that people are having fun inside our community with certain amount of learning/teaching aspect.

I actually hate guilds, clans, groups, communities who are forcing people to become l33t players and not give them enough time and space to develop. Then they are telling you, how you should basically play the game, because there are only one way to play that game right way.

For me, gaming is just hobby and It would be pure idiotism if I was majorly stressing out myself how good I'm at the some game. :D

Believe me, I have enough real life problems to deal with, I'm using games just kind of stress alleviator and not to increase my stress.

When I'm reading Hugo's text for example, my breath stops, I start to panic and to think "WE MUST TO DO SOMETHING!, BECAUSE HE SAYS SO!", but then I'm slowly getting back to the zero mind state, where I'm just enjoying my time in :D

Because after all I have been playing different kind of games with same people for 7 years now and I know that typing to my browser, It comes with fun gurantee automatically and everytime. :D

- Maher Senatu

That's why you are a knight and not staff :P

Organizing and changing does not consist out of laying back. But yes, you are right when it comes to this attitude. Most people do game like that. Now it's up to the academy to create an environment where everyone can find something that fits their needs. Or just ignore some others :P

This comment was edited by Hugo on Mar 23 2012 01:49am.

Mar 23 2012 01:09am

 - Student

Back to the topic at hand, I do not think that it is a good idea to seperate the social and the skill aspect on a layer as high as games.

For example I would not want to see TOR being the "hanging around" game and JK3 will become the "no fun, zomgsrsly 1337 pwnz0r" branch in the community.
The fact is, JKA has been the "hanging around" game for almost everyone here at almost every time in the history of the JA. Now that we have TOR, the "hanging around" has just taken on a more extreme form due to the nature of the game.

When it comes to having people around who teach, the point was to focus a tiny little bit more on actual sabering skills than any of the other qualities - this is speaking for JKA obviously, because anyone who has read a guide for TOR and managed to grind his way to 50 meets the required qualifications for 'teaching'. We should not discard the attitude aspect by any means though.

Agreed with Masta.

It's really a matter of what you want. In the past it has been classes combined with a social feeling. If you want to stick to that, fine. But you'll have to find a way to challenge people a bit more and make them feel more important individually. In my experience, in the end people go by results. When you think of teaching, you want to be taught and improve ... and you want the best in that. That's what you need to focus on. The whole social aspects come by nature. What missed in the past were moments where you could actually hang out together. People did so, but if there was nobody on the server or there was no event. Then it did not happen, and people did not join servers (ps: I do not count the glory days, because people just came and went there because of the popularity of the game anyhow). So, have classes done by people who are the best at what they do, and have moments or better yet; a regular meeting moment for players to play the game and socialize. SWTOR suites itself already as I assume it has goals to work to, together (may want to create some reference to that on the website for that .. and the guild) and then JKA will mainly have it's goals in teaching achievements (we tried hard, but regular meetings are hard to achieve unless you give people money to show up).


This comment was edited by Hugo on Mar 23 2012 01:16am.

Mar 23 2012 01:04am

 - Jedi Knight

Even Maher enjoys calling Maher an idiot! lolololol

Otherwise my life wouldn't make sense, lolololol!!
Still here | My Lightsaber

Mar 22 2012 10:30pm

Alex Dkana
 - Staff
 Alex Dkana

This is pretty much what I meant as well, but really it does take some skill (or experience, or whatever) to relax within group play. Which is one thing I think we can help people with. I've just seen a fair few of the 'monkey' comments dotted around and find them quite inaccurate and potentially off-putting to some of our new community members from TOR. Other than that I agree with most everything posted in this thread and think it's providing some good discussion so yeah let's get back on topic. :)
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield | Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken | Rhaiko D'kana - SWTOR EU Guild Co-Founder | Is it what the teacher, teaches? Or what the student learns? A Dkana

Mar 22 2012 07:58pm

 - Nugget

What Masta meant is that it requires close to no skill in ToR pve to just relax. Does not mean that pve game mode of ToR requires almost no skill in general. This applies to every game. You can turn on SC2 campaign on easy mode and relax there. You can play JKA on JA+ server chatting with people. Sorry for the off-topic. Thread should be closed after first post in it, so Masta wouldn't pour his hidden bias and hate towards ToR!

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